Opinion? HL3 on Console?

Dario D.

Nov 30, 2004
Reaction score
To me, nothing is more scary than games degrading to the level of console game.

In my mind, games that "can" be on PC and have the potential to be great, should be on PC, and THEN, afterward, put them onto the console. It only makes sense to start at the top and step down. (please dont say I have to explain myself. I know you are all PC gamers and understand)

Im just curious if anyone else would be absolutely outraged to hear that a Half-Life 3 was being made for PC and console at the same time. To me, there's no scarier venture for the fans of a PC title than to see it being designed with console in mind.
EDIT: Read that completly wrong, my apologies. I thought it was another 'omfg hl2 on console what will we do stupid noob console bois geting to play out games noooe'
i wouldnt be surprised if they did hl3 on pc and console. especially with all the new systems coming out. i dont think it would be that big of a deal because the new consoles pretty much are freakin PCs. by the time they make hl3, there probably wont be a significant difference in graphics or performance between PCs and consoles so i think it would turn out just fine for both.
They can do what they like- ill always be playing FPS on a PC anyhow.
i just hope that while making hl3 they wont go "no we wont add that in cause it will be horrible on the consoles" or stuff like that, aslong as making it on console aswell doesn't change the game on the PC in ANY WAY, then i dont really care.
I agree. Never ever ever EVER develop a game to be on both console and PC. Always port to consoles, never do it the other way around.
lol as long as it aint as bad as the PS2's version of Half--Life, ewwwwww.
Unlike cheaper, less experienced developers; Valve aren't going to make a shoddy PC / Console port anytime soon, like Thief3 or Deus Ex: IW (Those were both great games, but they felt a little console-y even on the PC). Even if Valve DID release a console incarnation alongside the PC release, I'm sure they'd make both of them polished to perfection :)
Sgt.Murray said:
lol as long as it aint as bad as the PS2's version of Half--Life, ewwwwww.

Wasnt the PS2 version of Half-Life better then the original PC Half-Life?
i have both and i would say that they are pretty much the same. but i suppose that the pc version is actually a little better since you can tweak it and do a lot more with it than you can with the ps2 version. but the ps2 version has decay so i recommend getting both.
gabriel said:
i have both and i would say that they are pretty much the same. but i suppose that the pc version is actually a little better since you can tweak it and do a lot more with it than you can with the ps2 version. but the ps2 version has decay so i recommend getting both.
But you can't play FPS on a console, you just can't!
Im a huge fan of the halo series tbh, play halo 2 on live a lot, don't seen how the controls are limited :S
Well Repub commando was very good, but it did feel 'dumbed down' as far as fps's go. And I'd take a fair bet that it was due to being a console/pc join development.
To me, there's no scarier venture for the fans of a PC title than to see it being designed with console in mind.

Deus Ex : Invisible War is the classic example.
I totally agree with you, make it for the PC then dumb it down(control and feature wise etc)

Not the other way round.
Killing2Live said:
Wasnt the PS2 version of Half-Life better then the original PC Half-Life?

Actually, yes it was, in most every respect. :P
The only downside was less precision aiming because of using a joystick instead of a mouse.
And the deathmatch was obviously not as good as PC online.
I don't see how you can see the PS2 version was better, it sucked a** in almost everyway possible really.
AJ Rimmer said:
But you can't play FPS on a console, you just can't!
yeah, that's why i prefer it on PC. i hate joysticks for fps games. but see, at least the half-life's for PC and PS2 are both still amazing anyway. when halo came out for xbox, it sucked. and then when it went to PC, it still sucked. so i'd say half-life is just great no matter what platform it's on because valve is just great.
well seing as how the next generation of consoles will be just as powerful as most pc's, and have full multiplayer features i dont think there would be that big of a difference. And with all the usb ports on the consoles you could spend 8 dollars on a keyboard and mouse and play with them on ur PS3, and i bet you couldnt tell the difference
Athlon64 said:
Yes, Halo is one of the most overrated games ever.

I thought Halo 2's single player was really fun to play. And I think Halo is a great game for gamers that haven't been desensitized by Half-Life 2 and Battlefield 2.
I played the PC version of Halo before I played Half Life 2, and I thought that it was an extremely repetitive game. Endless amounts of predictable combat (over and over and over and over again.....ad nauseam), coupled with extremely boring interior level design (how many times can you use the same set of corridors ?), resulted in me giving up after I had completed Silent Cartographer.

The outdoor levels looked nice (Halo and Silent Cartographer), but as soon as the action went indoors, I was bored silly.
Then your a very weird person, but i suppose everyones taste does differ, i mean, I thought halo was one of the greatest games i had played in a long time on its release, then halo 2 came out and my mind changed :P it now is one of my most favourite games, can't wait for halo 3 on the 360 tbh.
But you can't play FPS on a console, you just can't!

Timesplitters, foo'!

I actually immensely enjoyed Half-Life on the PS2. In fact, I'll let you in on a little secret:

The first time I completed Half-Life was on the PS2! :O
When I got HL for the very first time I was shit and a noob with a crap computer...I never managed to complete it, then my PC exploded. But I rented it on PS2 and it was great, I ended up completing it, and then completing it several more times when I got a new PC. :p
I'm confident that Valve won't persue working on a game for both the PC and the consoles at the same time. Valve has created the largest multiplayer community on the PC and as such will likely want to continue to keep this going strong. The last thing they want is some shoddy PC products because they needed to change (or dumb-down) the game mechanics for a console.

They've invested tons of time and money into the development of both Steam and the Source Engine for the PC. It's just cheaper for them to stay with the PC market and only do ports if the right offer/opportunity arises. They're living off of the Half-Life series and it's mods, the last thing they want is to disappoint their audience.