Opinions of Red Dwarf


Feb 27, 2005
Reaction score
What do you think of it?

Personally i think it is THE best comedy that i've seen.
Does anyone know if the movie is still in the pipeline?
dno, is the guy with the H on his forehead in the movie?

i used to watch red dwarfe alot when i was younger... but ive forgottena lot of it now..
Yeah same, you don't get it often in the states, but I remember watching the marathons nonstop on pbs 4 years ago. Best stuff ever. I'm also a big fan of Rob Grant, one of the writers. Check out his book, 'Colony' - hilarious stuff.
KoreBolteR said:
dno, is the guy with the H on his forehead in the movie?

i used to watch red dwarfe alot when i was younger... but ive forgottena lot of it now..

The 'H' guy is Rimmer, Kryton was always my favourite character, as well as Rimmer, Lister and Cat :cheers:
Awesome series! Love, love, love Red Dwarf. :D
I can play the intro on guitar. Sort of. :o
Wasn't there a guy on here called A_Rimmer or something?
EDIT: That actually sounds really wrong...
I watched an episode of it once, late at night. I wondered what it was about.
I used to love it when I was younger, but I didn't like the newer series where that Kochanski bint turned up.

I read Backwards (one of the novels) once and it was great - really dark, much more so than the series, but still very funny.
I'm watching Series 6 right now. :p

Movie is still on AFAIK, hard to find funding last I heard.
red dwarf film is in pre-production and theyre shooting in ozzy i THINK...its supposed to come out later this year

love the series though....its so good it turns me on. its kinda like star wars for its geeky cult following
I like Kryten the most. He usually comes out with odd sentences to explain how he's feeling like, "Oh spit my nipple-knuts and send me to Alaska!". Its a shame C-3PO doesn't express himself in the same way.
I like Kryten the most. He usually comes out with odd sentences to explain how he's feeling like, "Oh spit my nipple-knuts and send me to Alaska!". Its a shame C-3PO doesn't express himself in the same way.

Heheheheh, the funniest part was where Lister was teaching him to swear and he had problems calling Rimmer a smeg head....smeeeeeeeeeeeg heeeaad.
You, sir, are a smeeeeeeeee heeeeeeeee!

Ace has to be my favorite character... smoke me a kipper, skipper; I'll be back for breakfast :D
"Ace Rimmer: Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast."


Edit - Shippi beat to it! :(
D.L said:
What do you think of it?

Personally i think it is THE best comedy that i've seen.
Does anyone know if the movie is still in the pipeline?

yeah thats what i was gettin at, my favourite is lister.

rimmer- "is that a cigarette your smoking, lister?"
lister- "No... it's a chicken"
Lister: We want no muffins, no toast, no tea cakes, no buns, baps, baggets or bagels. No croissants, no crumpets, no pancakes, no potato cakes, and no hot cross buns. And definitely no smegging flapjacks!
Toaster: Ah! So you're a waffle man!

Ah that Toaster was hilarious. :laugh:
I use to always watch Red Dwarf when it was on a while ago. It comes back on occasionally and is sometimes shown on UKGold.

Kryton was always the one that made me laugh the most. I remember the episode where he made them a Lopster dinner and his head blew off when Lister asked for Ketchup. :laugh: He was always so sensitive about peoples oppions of the meal he made.
SimonomiS said:
Lister: We want no muffins, no toast, no tea cakes, no buns, baps, baggets or bagels. No croissants, no crumpets, no pancakes, no potato cakes, and no hot cross buns. And definitely no smegging flapjacks!
Toaster: Ah! So you're a waffle man!

Ah that Toaster was hilarious. :laugh:

haha, that made me lol!
SHIPPI said:
You, sir, are a smeeeeeeeee heeeeeeeee!

Ace has to be my favorite character... smoke me a kipper, skipper; I'll be back for breakfast :D

Ace Rimmer- "See you later Alligator"
German Infantry-"What a Guy"
Rimmer: White hole spewing time engines dead air supply low advice please.
Holly: Excuse me?
Rimmer: White hole spewing time engines dead....
Holly: I can't understand a word you're saying.
Rimmer: White....
Holly: Yes.
Rimmer: Hole.....
Holly: Right.
Rimmer: Spewing.....
Holly: Yes.
Rimmer: Time.....
Holly: With you.
Rimmer: Engines dead.....
Holly: Oh.
Rimmer: Air supply low.....
Holly: Ah.
Rimmer: Advice please.
Holly: Right!
I've always had a place in my heart for cat.

"There's one thing you should know. Last time we met I was wearing a cute little black number with peach trim and gold spangles, and although it looks like I'm wearing the same outfit today, it is in fact an entirely different cute little black number, with completely different gold spangles! "
- Cat, Rimmerworld
Oh come on... no one has mentioned Mr. Flibble?

KagePrototype said:
*points at av and sig* :p
Well, since you're already pointing at it... you should go ahead and fix the typos in your sig. :p
KagePrototype said:
You shouldn't have run away from him. [unless the version with improper grammar was used on the show]
What are we going to do with them, Mr. Flibble?
The scene in Polymorph after Lister loses his fear, Kryton loses his guilt, Cat loses his vanity, and Rimmer loses his anger is classic.
Used to love it when I was younger.

Haven't watched it since they made the last new series.

I ought to buy that series 1-4 on DVD without all the extras shite. Maybe I'll order it from Amazon now...maybe.
Classic moment when Lister was made into a superhuman midget running around with Robocop style armor.

"Off course, Lager, the only thing that can kill a curry"
Ahhh... Red Dwarf. When I was 13 or so, me and a couple of friends did a 24 hour Red Dwarf watch for charity. TBH, I think that probably killed my interest in the show somewhat, but it's still worth a watch sometimes.

Except Series 8 and most of Series 7. They're really quite dull. The best eps were in Series 3 to 5... The movie will eventually come out and I'm confident that it'll suck :)

As for Best Comedy ever type thing? It's good, but no Cigar. As a whole it's pretty inconsistant in quality terms... And I just personally prefer Blackadder anyway (which is really intelligently written and generally more consistant. Though in all honesty, the first series wasn't all that funny and "Back and Forth" was a little poor).
kupoartist said:
And I just personally prefer Blackadder anyway (which is really intelligently written and generally more consistant. Though in all honesty, the first series wasn't all that funny and "Back and Forth" was a little poor).

Ignore the first series, it almost got the show cancelled :D

Red Dwarf is awesome.
jondyfun said:
Ignore the first series, it almost got the show cancelled :D

same story with red dwarf aswell.....

although i thought the first series was really good
Lister? Is that a cigerate your smoking?

No, its a chicken.
Seen Backwards? one of the best, personally...
na ithink that 'backwards' is the best of the four, but they're all really good.