Oposing Force messing up. Halp.


Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score
Ok, so Im playing a steam version of Opposing Force, and its been working superly, except when I get to the part where you see Freeman jump into the teleporter. Its right before I get to that part. When ever I "use" the button, to open the door, the game freezes up, and I have to manually close the game.

And I have heard about verifying a catch, or something? Would that help in my situation? If so, how would I do it?

Ok, heres the button:

Thank you for your help.
How the hell did they manage to f**k that? I hope Decay still works fine. :p
That glitch freezes the game at the worst possible time, lol

I just skipped ahead to the next map...
I only have hl1 but i think its something wrong with the game files or the console.Or just a bug in the game that you need to report to Valve.
I just bought this game the other day from steam. I am having the exact same problem. Has anyone figured the problem out?
It's up to Valve to fix. There a few workarounds on the steampowered forums, but the problem can't be properly fixed by the community.