Opposing Force Source?


Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
A remake/update of the original Half-Life: Opposing Force, running on the Half-Life 2 Source engine, announced by Valve's Gabe Newell at E3 2004.


WTF? Just stumbled across this site... this is BS right?

I know MOD groups are doing this but Gabe never announced that?
Who cares, it'll be the same as HL source but with OP4, Opposing Source is going to be way better, and they're planing on having their first media release shortly.
ríomhaire said:
Who cares, it'll be the same as HL source but with OP4, Opposing Source is going to be way better, and they're planing on having their first media release shortly.
Yeah, I mean if they are not going to put energy into this project, they might as well not do it (Talking like my old tutor now :| )
When they announced CS:Source at E3, they revealed that they would be doing other projects somewhere along the line: HL Source and DOD Source. I'm not sure that TFC: Source or Opposing Force Source were ever said to be in development, but some game sites took it as being so.
How exactly is that a Source? It just says it happened....and at last years E3 as well.

Well, I think my sig explains why I don't want this to happen! :)
And mine for the far superior Black Mesa: Source
Hells Angel said:
Ok lets not get in a spam war. they both pawn hows that?
[SARCASM]No, Doom³ pwns them all! It's the best game 3v4h!1[/SARCASM]

Sorry, I just had to use the new SARCASM tags today :(
Well considering I had this idea a LOOOOOONNNNNGGGGG time ago.....**** gabe newwel!
Opposing Force Source would be great, I just spent the last few hours playing Half life Source and its amazing

I was going along an abandoned corridor and got to the blast doors which were opened by a Alien Grunt, there I litrally shouted "shit" jumped and fired my shotgun alternate fire into his head, the force was so great he was thrown backwards and fell down over a ledge with a thud. Sublime :eek:

Also the time a headcrab jumped at me and I shot it with the .357 and it did a forward roll in mid air and smashed with a sickening thud into the wall and collapsed.

or the time I walked round a corner to be looking straight into the eyes of a vort. I fired the crossbow hit it between the eyes and nailed it to a barrel. or when I was shooting one from in the water coolant and it feel from the level above me into the water.

or the time I shot the marine of the cliff on Surface Tension and he fell down bouncing all the way to the stream 100ft below,

I really dont understand why people hate Half Life Source, its my favourite game, much better than HL2 cant wait for MP and Opposing Force Source;)

Not the mention hunting the Icysaurs in the best looking water in any Half Life game, they are unseen until they get close then you see a shimmer and bang they have you, its just like Jaws at the cineama, tense and frightening, no water is safe anymore (something missing from HL2)


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Dowie said:
I really dont understand why people hate Half Life Source, its my favourite game, much better than HL2 cant wait for MP and Opposing Force Source;)
Because people already have Half-Life 1 and this is three technical improvements in advance of the version they've already played to death? Or just because in contrast to the art overhaul for CS:Source, or how nice HL2 came out look, Half-Life Source could have been so much more?

As a matter of fact, I haven't heard anyone who has particuarly hated the game, just recommendations against getting it: it's really not worth getting the better HL2 packages just on the basis of HL Source.
How do I get Half Life Source? I'd like to try it, but I understand that it's only available on Steam or in a retail package bundle. Steam won't let me buy it because I've already purchased something on Steam, and I'd hate to re-purchase HL2 just to get source. Steam hasn't been very helpful in steering me in the right direction. Where else can I purchase HL Source?
what the hell is going on here? i'm so confused. all i know on the matter is that if valve makes opposing force source, the only thing that will be noticably different is the freakin water and the rest of it will look pretty much like it always has. i say this because ive seen screens and read about halflife1 source and the only thing really different was the water. ooh wow. however, black mesa source looks like it will be amazing. if those guys made op4 source, it would be great as well. ok thats my rant.
gabriel said:
what the hell is going on here? i'm so confused. all i know on the matter is that if valve makes opposing force source, the only thing that will be noticably different is the freakin water and the rest of it will look pretty much like it always has. i say this because ive seen screens and read about halflife1 source and the only thing really different was the water. ooh wow. however, black mesa source looks like it will be amazing. if those guys made op4 source, it would be great as well. ok thats my rant.


Have you even played Half Life Source, no.

Its has many inprovements, to list a few

Skyboxes are 3D, Water looks better than HL2, Ragdoll, Improved Lighting, improved AI, some textures are improved, Metal effect on all metal textures, Weapons like MP5 and pistol have better recoil, sounds are improved, shadows have been added, new effects are added like heat shimmer-glass effects-blood clouds-water sprays- etc, loads faster, 3D main menu, physics props- tables-barrels, there are now some physics puzzles (you need to play the whole game to find them), better hitboxes, explosion effects, blood decals, wound textures for all characters, sounds are effected by distance and water, and THE best of all you nail people and enemies to the wall with the crossbow bolts :D

thats all I can think of off the top of my head, there are probably more

trust me the source conversions have so many improvements like this you will never be able to go back the old version, thats why I would love to see Blue Shift and Opposing Force Source.

You may want to check out Opposing Source as well (they are from Leakfree as well, and may be working in conjunction with BMS!):


forum.leak-free.org (At the bottom)

They are going official within the next days!
(Leak-free is the same guys making BM:S, though Opposing Source has just been "taken under the wing" by them, giving them hosting and etc, they have their own team)
thanks for filling me in dowie. i didnt know hl source had so much going for it. it sure didnt seem like that when i was looking at it. still, black mesa source looks like it will be much better.
I fired the crossbow hit it between the eyes and nailed it to a barrel.
Bad mistake, the crossbows in HL1 fires tiny tranq darts that couldn't nail a beatle to a wall.