Opposite Of Big Bang

Idonotbelonghere said:
Sometimes I think this:

"Nothingness" can't exist, because it isn't a thing (it's nothing). So there never was and never will be a state of "nothingness". Kinda hard to explain...nothing is nothing, therefore there is no such thing as nothing. Get it? I think there is/was/will be always something and somethingness, it's just that the somethingness changes form once in a while...

And sometimes I think this:

Being a genius would be so kick ass...

I understand about the nothingness thing. What you mean is..there will never be absolute nothingness or absolute anything. And being a Genius would suck...because you would know everything..then there is no more mystery.
The Stark Fist of Removal will ultimately determine which of the hundreds of creation myths are "right".
The World is a C++ program with a "for (;;*)" loop it executes the instructions in the loop once it's done, it starts again, there is no "break;" command in there plus there is no AI.

Basically the World is spawned it then executes specified instructions for each individual molecule and after all the instructions have been carried out it starts all over again. This is done with no AI.

That is the only my theory because it's the only thing my head can understand.

BTW If the world was an executable file, yes it would mean the universe doesn’t go on forever.

* That charecter is there to avoid my text becoming a smiley.
I left the Computer room and thought maybe humans invented the number inifinity because it comforts us to belive there isn't an end to anything, you'd hate it if the universe stopped somewhere and there was nothing else to explore, would'nt you?
Mathematians don't belive in integer numbers, because they don't like the idea of the same thing forever.
To summarise that the number infinity was invented to stop ourselves from knowing everything and basically at the end of the universe there is something that goes on forever and that's probably nothing, our brains can only handle thin gs we've experienced, we've never experienced infininity and never wi'll just accept the fact that at the end of the universe the same thing goes on forever and our brains can't comprehend that so don't bother trying too.

FTW The opposite of big bang will not happen, if the push force of the big bang stops, what will make it implode?
We're all gonna ****ing die god damnit my body itches like a ****ing inferno of god damn fire ants god damnit
This plauges me. I stay up for most of the night thinking about it.......
Either the universe goes on forever, it's a tiny box with nothing around it or it's my C++ program theory either way is possible, I'm going to stop thinking about this because I know I wont ever know for sure.

And thanks people, I've been thinking about really complex stuff all day, this was icing on the cake, THANKS ALOT FOR MAKING MY HEAD NEARLY SHORT CIRCUT AND EXPLODE!
theSteven said:
I'm going to stop thinking about this because I know I wont ever know for sure.
Sounds good.
I think everyone should follow your advice.:)
I know I will.:D
You should live by the day and not by the thousand years ahead of you..:p
Its kinda hard to live by the day when there is an angry gorilla with a stick chasing you.
theSteven said:
FTW The opposite of big bang will not happen, if the push force of the big bang stops, what will make it implode?

Well, some people believe that is all of the galaxies and what not are close enough together, then their gravitation pulls will pull each other and the "edges" of space together, causing it to "implode"...

I love this subject :D
I tried to find some simple explainations for the universe expanding (and contracting)

As the balloon expands, the elastic material moves the houses apart from each other. A person sitting on their front porch see everybody else moving away from her and she appears to be the center of the expansion.

Now add another dimension and you have our situation. Just like there is not new balloon material being created in the 2D analogy, new three-dimensional space is not being created in the expansion. Like any analogy, though, the balloon analogy has its limits. In the analogy, the balloon expands into the region around it---there is space beyond the balloon. However, with the expanding universe, space itself is expanding in three dimensions---the whole coordinate system is expanding. Our universe is NOT expanding ``into'' anything ``beyond''.

A contraction at the end of the universe would be observing the reverse of this effect (although not entirely in reverse - for example, the entropy will still be increasing).
Sorry for causing so many peoples brains to explode lol :P

I like that Multiverse theory. Never actually heard of such a thing. But would it actually be possible to travel from one universe to another?
I think that we will never comprehend the real nature of the universe.
Juuust to top it off :

The Big Bang --> Universe --> 3 possibilities :
1) (Insta-)Implosion (Universe recollapses, instantly or not)
2) Eternal expansion (Universe is going just fast enough to escape the gravitational forces, see it as an asymptote)
3) Faster expansion (Universe keeps on expanding faster)

Now, if we follow the first one, the universe will recollapse and go back to the primal state of 'Big Bang'-orbness. Something will trigger another Big Bang, and the cycle will restart. How many times has it already restarted? Nobody knows. It may be the fourth time, it may be the fifth time, it may have been going on for millions of eons.

Odd, isn't it? Imagine the vast amounts of information lost during those cycles (If life even existed), imagine what would have happened during those cycles... No one knows. How long has it all been going on?

When did time start?

That's some pretty heavy stuff right there, but now let's take it even a bit further :

Where does the matter, the electrons, the atoms themselves, come from? They can't just have appeared out of 'nothingness'. What triggered it? What triggered everything?

At the beginning of time, what happened?

Does the beginning of time actually have something to do with the creation of the fabrics of space?

What is space?

Where did space come from?

What started all? (Space, time, matter, all.)

When you figure that out, lemme know :p
Ren.182 said:
Well, it needs energy to travel/expand.

Nope. The Universe is expending due to the Big Bang, therefore is running on the Steam, so to speak, of said huge explosion. It is more likely that due to the enormous size of the Universe and rate of growth that it will become so large the gravity of all matter will not be able to pull it back it.

The problem is, heat energy allways moves towards the coldest area, which is ultimately outer space. Therefore, all energy in the Universe will be lsot forever as heat energy, and the UNiverse will become (pretty much) nothing.

Either way, why do I care, i've only got another 70-odd years at most :(
Bah, who gives a damn? Just live your lives folks...by the time this universe(s) do implode/explode/turn into a ham sandwich...we'll be long dead.

So stop thinking about what will happen a billion/trillion years from now and start thinking about today and tomorrow.
But I bet if you figured out the answer you'd become Buddha.

Stfu before I stab you in the face. BITCH.
The Universe won't collapse on itself because Short Recoil is standing there, holding the edges of space apart so they don't fall on one another. He's like a modern day Atlas.


-Angry Lawyer
Tr0n said:
Bah, who gives a damn? Just live your lives folks...by the time this universe(s) do implode/explode/turn into a ham sandwich...we'll be long dead.

Send a load of fatties into space. Problem solved
PsychoFreak said:
Send a load of fatties into space. Problem solved
Those big yellow thingies, you know what they are? Superclusters.

No way are we going to find enough fatties to eat all of it.

America will only be able to eat roughly half of it D:
Jesus, it must be massive then :(
PsychoFreak said:
It's more or less impossible to think logically how "nothingness" would look like.
Contradiction in terms. Nothingness is just that - no colour no shape no dimensions no age nothing whatsoever. It's more an abstract concept than a conceivable reality.
Sorry if I sound condescending, I recently did a philosophy essay that concerned the idea of before the Big Bang (apparently a nonsense question, seeing as time and space and matter came into being simultaneously) and so these ideas are still floating around in my head, causing me mild headaches and the occasional brain embolism.
Llama said:
Nope. The Universe is expending due to the Big Bang, therefore is running on the Steam, so to speak, of said huge explosion.

Well the explosion gave it the energy to expand. Before the explosion it was just some mass with huge potential energy... that turned into kinetic energy when the big bang happened. I think.
I dunno about anyone else here, but it just pisses me off when people say shit like "oh the big bang says the universe came from nothing, how is that possible?"

Just to clear, it never states there was nothing. Something was always there, the singularity that contained the forces that make up the universe today. But yea just had someone try and pull that off today and just wanted to clear it up lol.
Argh i wish i had sound! They look really interesting :(
AzzMan said:
I dunno about anyone else here, but it just pisses me off when people say shit like "oh the big bang says the universe came from nothing, how is that possible?"

Just to clear, it never states there was nothing. Something was always there, the singularity that contained the forces that make up the universe today. But yea just had someone try and pull that off today and just wanted to clear it up lol.

There was no time before the big bang. It's like saying "What's North of the North Pole?" The answer is, there isn't anything north of the north pole. At the singularity at the beginning/end of the universe, space, time and even light come to a stop.

And also, as el Chi points out, nothingness is meaningless abstract.

Space-time itself came into existance at the start of the Big Bang process. See again my North Pole analogy.
I imagine in that state, there must have been some overwhelmingly repulsive forces to force everything apart. The laws of Physics as we know them wouldn't be valid in this state.

For more on this, I suggest Stephen Hawking's "A Brief History of Time", or "The Origin of the Universe" by John D. Barrow.
Theres no big bang! No big implosion! I'm a Christian. The universe will last forever and if you declare Christ your Savior you will be in heaven and even if it doesn't; who cares.