optimizing to the MAx


Aug 11, 2005
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Right ive been doin sum work on ma map cs_slum its gettijn to be quite larg now and i have to run it with leaks so it compiles at a reasonable speed
I am aware that this effects the framerate but I have dun on eversion a while back which was compiled with no leaks. It was laggy as hell.
Here is an overview of the map and sum plans of what im guna do but what i want to know is how do youlike optimize it so it doesnt process the whole map at once.

Plus quite a few of the buildings are accessible.

Plzzzzzz help me.:rolling:
MAn i dont think u understand the leaks ar ethere on purpose so i dont have to wait 5 hours for it to compile but even without leaks it needs optimizing further
A map like that is just going to take a long time to compile and there's really no way around it.

And what is your defintion of "resonable speed"? Just curious because that could be 5 mins or 20 mins.
Fix leaks, compile with cordon tool and all setting set to fast. Use visgroups to hide unneeded brushes/items/stuff/etc. for faster compiling, remember to put them back visible when compiling final version.