Orange box in the shadow of Halo 3?


Jun 23, 2004
Reaction score
Halo 3 will be released fall 2007. We all know that Microsoft will do everything to promote this game. Wouldn't this mean that there will barely be any attention for Valve?
Hmmm. So will Metal Gear Solid 4 and GTA4.
Halo 3 won't be released in this fall. They say it, but it'll be delayed.

Please, God, let it be delayed.
EP:2 is on PC whilst Halo 3 is in Xbox 360, right? They are different. :/
Yeah, I'm not really talking about the PC version.

The orange box is a great bundle, with five games, but Halo 3 will draw all attention so the casual gamer won't even notice it (I'm not talking about the box art ;)).
I'm pretty sure the average gamer won't be retarded enough and miss it. It has like over 3 games with it. They will probably pick them both up.
I'm pretty sure the average gamer won't be retarded enough and miss it. It has like over 3 games with it. They will probably pick them both up.

What about GTA 4 though? What if they don't have enough money for all 3? What if they decide to leave HL2? WHAT IF?! *runs of crying*
No matter what gets released that day, Halo will over power it... It's a juggernaut franchise.

All the smart people will of course get the Orange Box for the 360 though :)

*Edit* Actually this could also work out for Valve. You get people going into the store to find Halo3, and then they also see the orange box right there...
No matter what gets released that day, Halo will over power it... It's a juggernaut franchise.

All the smart people will of course get the Orange Box for the 360 though :)

*Edit* Actually this could also work out for Valve. You get people going into the store to find Halo3, and then they also see the orange box right there...
I smell an "XBOX 360 UBER AWESOME SHOOTER PACK". That would own. 6 games in "1 box" is better than 5. If VALVe partnered with Microsoft/Bungie just for a bundle, I bet alot of "hardcore" Xbots would gain interest in HL if maybe the Orange Box + Halo 3 LE was $100 or something.
I smell an "XBOX 360 UBER AWESOME SHOOTER PACK". That would own. 6 games in "1 box" is better than 5. If VALVe partnered with Microsoft/Bungie just for a bundle, I bet alot of "hardcore" Xbots would gain interest in HL if maybe the Orange Box + Halo 3 LE was $100 or something.

But then Halo and HL2 would be touching! :O
Which would in turn create a bastard child that nobody wants and would have to be burned alived until nothing is left except it's charred remains.
Which would in turn create a bastard child that nobody wants and would have to be burned alived until nothing is left except it's charred remains.

But there'd be hundreds of them throughtout the stores! We'ed have to burn down whole towns! (hmmmmmmm...*strokes beard*)
That is nice thing if Xbox and PS3 versions won't get sold, then Valve sees that the console versions were useless. EA ruins everything, right?
It's going to happen to mainstream gamers, and twelve year olds that tell their mothers to bring back a game (or else he will call child services), and she's going to see spartin sally over there, thinking "Hey, my suburban child must love Halo because it's in the magazines and everyone talks about it! It has to be good!" and completly miss the gem in orange exterior right underneath it.
I'll be taking notice, and I hope to be getting both.