Orange Map



What ever happened to the orange mapping concept? was that not implemented or if it was, what textures do i use?
just make an orange texture with a white border. That's what I did. It kinda sux tho unless you are actually in game with lighting. In the editor it's kinda dizzing...however I do find that the viewport LightGrid setting is much nicer. game..the orange texture looks nice..allows you to see shadows well.
well thats a good way to do it. thanks. ill try that.

but now im still curious, does anyone know about the "offical" orange map texture or tool?
I'm assuming the original orange textures were made the same way just with custom text on them. I've seen some screen shots where they say wall32S and what not. They might be released in the future..but I doubt it...seems like the easiest way is to make your own
There are a couple such materials available. Use "measure" as your keyword.
Yeah, the orange textures are there. They are just placeholders, so you can do your mapping and work out your level design w/out having to bother with deciding what textures should go where and how. Then (if you have a team) you can just pass the map along to your texture person.

The textures in question are in the dev/ portion of the textures.
It's an improvement over making everything with the brick texture, that's for sure. :)
Put dev/ in the filter and the orangetexture and greytextures will be there :)