Original game (HL) questions!

Sep 27, 2003
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Okay... I have two ideas/questions about the original Half Life for you people to discuss, throw around, and flame me about:

1. Is Gordon's HEV suit an actual powered exoskeleton (power armour, the sort that increases ones strength), or is it just a thin shell with reactive plating tacked on? Whaddaya think?

2. Do the Xen aliens (particularly Vortigaunts and Grunts) actually speak? The little grunting, squawking noises that the Vorts make sound like an alien language, and I'd swear blind that when they see you in-game, they shout "Dhigh! Dhigh!" ("Die! Die!"). Nihilanth can(could) speak(think) English...

Woo hoo! I started a thread without any mention of the H-word, the B-word or the D-word!

all they told us about the hev is that its battery powered... wat the battery actually does is unknown. im guessing its an invisible shield.... w/e its sci fi u dont need an answer to everything
Its a shield to protect you from bio-hazard, so if you fall into a bio-hazard pool or whatever, it wont take away from your health but from your HEV suit.
Well, it's still fun to speculate. I reckon that the HEV uses an electrically activated nanofluid layer.
Yeh because you head seems very unprotected in the HEV suit so a force field type thing would seem very logical.
Originally posted by Coolhead2100
Yeh because you head seems very unprotected in the HEV suit so a force field type thing would seem very logical.

I reckon the head was unprotected because Gordy never wore the bloomin' helmet!:E
first of all, thanks for the topic ;) its nice to have a breather from the norm we been seeing on the boards as of late.

1. I cant really say.. but we know its a "hazard suit" and your comparison of it to an "exoskeleton" is quite fitting. IM thinking it may not increase his strength to an overtly exxaggerated degree.. but considering the stuff he does, and that he is a (pardon the cliche) nerd, one would imagine the suit helped at least in some respect.

2. Im thinking they have some sort of linguistic capabilites at least to a certain degree... I could swear hearing the alien slaves (vortigaunts) talking... you can kinda make out some of their taunts as being english... most notably "weak weak"
as for the other types Im not too sure.. but hell if nihilanth could speak.. why not? :)

(isnt it good to know, even aliens go through learning your language just to lay down some smack talk)
well... maybe he should wear a helmet as well. Since that is the most sensitive part (except for the nuts though, which are protected). Nano fluids. Hmm... interesting.
i got a question.. when gorden went to set off a nuke in hl1, what was he nuking?
Thanks Mr R!:cheers:

I suppose the HEV could be an exoskeleton with only enough powered movement to help shift it's own weight.

Logically, if it boosted his strength any further, it'd need rotary joints in at least the knees and shoulders to stop Gordon's arms being dislocated.

And about the Vortigaunts: You're supposed to work with them in HL2, so has somebody made a translator, or will they speak english? Whaddaya think?

Originally posted by Ruben
Nano fluids. Hmm... interesting.

I'm not sure if that's the real name for them, but I read somewhere (New Scientist, I think) about a plastic-like fluid being developed that gets harder when electrical current is run through it. Apparently, in a few (or more) years, that kind of thing will be able to stop bullets. It is power efficient, as you only need to power your armour when its first layer detects a hit. The plastic stuff becomes hard as steel in less than a millisecond.:)

your exoskeleton description.. is not only plausable .. its possibly a really nifty idea to toy with for a mod...
that just gave me some modeling ideas.

anyway on topic.
your right about rotary joints etc.... so with that in mind it probably wouldnt boost ones strength... since the suit was meant to be a "scientific tool".. so one would assume that it have less "amazing" abilities, and more "efficient" features.

very interesting. I love the vfox (the voice thingy that chats you up when your a broken pile on the floor)

AAAGH *crunk* uuuggggh
---minor fracture detected, seek medical attention----
uuughhh.. thanks for the heads up
Originally posted by Mr. Redundant
I love the vfox (the voice thingy that chats you up when your a broken pile on the floor)

AAAGH *crunk* uuuggggh
---minor fracture detected, seek medical attention----
uuughhh.. thanks for the heads up

Yeah... I reckon Gordon came out of that with a morphine-addiction problem. At least, the way I played, anyway.:E

Ahh yes, what nihilath says is one of the biggest mysterious of HL2. Here is my research into it (from an old post):

Originally posted by LoneDeranger
He says a number of things actually:

nil_alone.wav "alone, not you alone"
nil_comes.wav "comes another"
nil_decieve.wav "decieve you, he will dicieve you"
nil_die.wav "die, you all die, you all die"
nil_done.wav "done, what have you done?"
nil_freeman.wav "FREEEEEMAN!!"
nil_last.wav "the last, you are the last, you are"
nil_man_notman.wav "you are man, he is not man, for you he waits, for you"
nil_now_die.wav "now die, now die, now"
nil_slaves.wav "slaves, we are their slaves, we are"
nil_thelast.wav "the last, i am the last"
nil_thetruth.wav "the truth, you can never know the truth"
nil_theives.wav "theives, you all are theives, you all are"
nil_win.wav "win, you cannot win"

Interesting, eh?

And here is something I discovered myself:

Internally in the script if you accept the G-Man's offer, it plays the "TRAITOR" sequence. If you reject the offer it plays the "LOSER" sequence. Hmmmmmmm.
What I want to know is who has the other two HEV suits? If you remember in the first HL game there was only one left out of three!! Who has the other two?!
Yeah, LD I've seen those from you before. They're what I've based my opinions of the Xen aliens on, i.e: They are slaves of another race, and they were actually defending themselves when they "attacked" Black Mesa (Nihilanth saw an opportunity, when the resonance cascade occurred, to stop the thefts of materials, poaching of Xenian lifeforms and kidnapping of Vortigaunts and Grunts).

About the lines referring to another person, I think this is about the G-Man. I think that he may either be a renegade Xenian of some sort, A member of Race-X, or one of/aligned with the controllers of the Xenians. In the latter case, he could have engineered the whole Black mesa catastrophe to regain control over Xen, if the Xenians had revolted shortly beforehand. That would explain what the G-Man says to Shepherd at the end of OP4 (something about now being in control of Xen).

Perhaps Nihilanth was trying to get a warning across to Gordon.

Okay, random theorising here: The G-Man set up the whole thing so that Gordon would kill the Nihilanth, who was created by the Xen masters (those floating dudes with the big heads) as a leader for the Xenians who would free them from their rulers, whoever they are/were. The G-Man is aligned with the rulers.

Whew. I sure hope you can make sense of that.
Originally posted by Skullhair
What I want to know is who has the other two HEV suits? If you remember in the first HL game there was only one left out of three!! Who has the other two?!

I'm sure I remember seeing two dead guys in HEVs somewhere on Xen.

Originally posted by LoneDeranger
At least one of them was a girl. ;)

Yeah, and THEY were wearing the helmets. Weren't they?

I wonder if Gordon lost his.

"Gordon, not only are you the tardiest person I've ever met, you consistently misplace things!":E

They had helmets. Look on Valve Hammer Editor, you can place them. They were your only source of ammo on xen, and there were loads of them, all over the last levels. They were the origional team sent into xen to collect samples..."and then something started collecting them".
Originally posted by Brian Damage
Yeah, and THEY were wearing the helmets. Weren't they?

I wonder if Gordon lost his.

"Gordon, not only are you the tardiest person I've ever met, you consistently misplace things!":E


Gordon IS wearing the helmet in HL1. If he wasn't we couldn't see the heads up display (ie health, ammo, etc) and hear the suit's voice.

I think in pictures and stuff they leave the helmet off so you can see Gordon's face.

If he wasn't you'd die right away when falling into radioactive slug pools and you don't.
i agree, Gordon is wearing a helmet but i can see where brain damage is coming from...
Originally posted by RhapSidious
Gordon IS wearing the helmet in HL1. If he wasn't we couldn't see the heads up display (ie health, ammo, etc) and hear the suit's voice.

I think in pictures and stuff they leave the helmet off so you can see Gordon's face.

If he wasn't you'd die right away when falling into radioactive slug pools and you don't.

Nah. The HUD's projected on his glasses:E.

Seriously, though, I did see a piece of art somewhere with Gordy holding a helmet.:)


PS: It's "Brian", Not "Brain", Rift. And it's pronounced "Dam-ahge".:E

Radioactive slugs? Where were they? Are you talking about those leech things?
Originally posted by Brian Damage
Perhaps Nihilanth was trying to get a warning across to Gordon.

Wait a moment now...*sound of [CoHn]FuSeD trying to think*

Is the Nihilanth the Xen with a big ball between his legs? :hmph:
The one that you kill?
Nihilanth is the huge baby-looking dude with the aerial-like things coming out of his waist. He's basically just a bigger version of the Xen Masters (those little, floaty, annoying-as-hell dudes that throw energy balls at you). There was a theory going around that the X Ms made the Nihilanth as a sort of artificial god.
Originally posted by Brian Damage {b}
PS: It's "Brian", Not "Brain", Rift. And it's pronounced "Dam-ahge".:E


actually no its brain

he was right :)
Originally posted by Azzy
actually no its brain

he was right :)

You're joking, right? Brian. Bry-aan. I think I'd know how to spell my own name, right?:E
Originally posted by Brian Damage
Nihilanth is the huge baby-looking dude with the aerial-like things coming out of his waist. He's basically just a bigger version of the Xen Masters (those little, floaty, annoying-as-hell dudes that throw energy balls at you). There was a theory going around that the X Ms made the Nihilanth as a sort of artificial god.

Ah, that clears that up then :)
Well Gordons suit is deffinetly not combat armor in the first one. Being a scientits they dont think about battle all the time. Its a suit designed to keep one warm and safe from hazerdous enviorments. Now, reactive plating. thats a bit far fetched. Today we have SOMEwhat reactive armor. Their is a Self-repairing cockpit canopy for fighter jets currently in development. But it is a type of Fierouse plastic. Reactive armor would be somthing to see though. Adabting to the damage taken to it. Like bloudgening or peircing.
actually Hexx, when you donn the hazard suit fvox reads off what it is
"welcome to the blah blah blah mark blah hazard suit, for harsh blah blah

then it lists off "booting up"
blah blah activated
blah blah 100 percent
--reactive armor-- engaged.

pretty neat stuff actually... man that just put me in the mood to play some HL1 ;) catcha later.
Originally posted by Hexx
Well Gordons suit is deffinetly not combat armor in the first one. Being a scientits they dont think about battle all the time. Its a suit designed to keep one warm and safe from hazerdous enviorments.

The Mk 4 HEV suit does have a defensive weapon selection system...
I saw this posted on the first page of this thread, i completed HL bout a week ago and what were u nuking like half way through the game.
P.S This is a cool topic :cheese:
Originally posted by Benza
I saw this posted on the first page of this thread, i completed HL bout a week ago and what were u nuking like half way through the game.
P.S This is a cool topic :cheese:

Err... I know that Black Mesa gets nuked at the end of the story. Half way? Don't recall, sorry. Ages since I've played it.

And thanks. Especially to all the people who joined in.:cheers:

im not sure that it is a nuke, if i remember correctly u are trying to launch a satellite, so that u can communicate with the outside world. after the black mesa disaster there is no communication outside of black mesa so the satellite is launched.

i think i remember that right, point me out if im wrong :)
Originally posted by fez
im not sure that it is a nuke, if i remember correctly u are trying to launch a satellite, so that u can communicate with the outside world. after the black mesa disaster there is no communication outside of black mesa so the satellite is launched.

i think i remember that right, point me out if im wrong :)

Yeah, I think you hit it on the noggin. First you launch the satellite, then at the end the bomb is detonated underground, blowing BMRF sky-high.

wow interesting thread
someone said that freeman is not very strong cuz he's a nerd, BUT in black mesa they got a training room and the voice in the train mention that all black mesa personnel use that room (i havent played for ages too lol )

for the armor, i never heard about a reactive plastic, do you have more informations about that? (i mean not in halflife but in real life)

freeman is definitely wearing his helmet, if not.. he would have trouble to stay THAT long underwater ^^
we can guess that the armor can recycle oxygen too

edit: i forgot

the aliens from xen really sound like they are talking, like when we are with 2 barneys and the aliens are behind a cokemachine you can hear like they are talking :p
and when they see you.. "DIE!!!"