Original HL development info / screenies?



I wasn't sure where I should ask this. I guess halflife: source would be more suitable, but I may get a quicker response here! I'm sure it'll be moved to the right place anyway.

Basically, I was playing the original HalfLife last night, lots of fun etc... and for some reason I started wondering how the game looked when it was under development, so I could compare. I googled for some old HL development screenies but didn't find any.

Does anyone know a site dedicated to HalfLife where I can find old screenshots / development info? Or any links at all?

Just something to keep the HL2 fever away a little longer :)
Those hit the spot nicely guys, many thanks! I can't believe how much Half Life changed... glad they delayed it, HL2 may not be upon us if they didn't.
Cant believe VALVe had the same sort of shadow problems even back then with a dif engine...
It's amazing how bad/cheesy some of the "original" screenshots look compared to how the game turned out after Valve ditched the early content and started over .. it's almost night/day.
it looked very cartoon-ish..

i wonder what happened to the shadows, though
Shadows used to be enabled by using the command "r_shadows 1" in console. Not sure about now. They were pretty crappy anyways, they were just another "model" that was attached to the feet of the actual model. Strange how they did it.

I remember way back in the day seeing screenshots in PC Accellerator and on the net and going "WHOA!" when seeing the facial animations and such. It's too bad they scrapped some of the monsters/ideas they had. One idea I remember was HL was going to have a dynamic "breeding" system where if you left 2 enemies alive of the same species, you'd come back and a find a bunch of others that were bred from those two. I'm not joking. I read it in an article a LONG time ago. I'd have to dig through giant stacks of magazines to find it though. :(

Another thing was I was surprised they scrapped the panther eye, that enemy looked sooo badass and seemed like it would play a pivotal role. But it didnt. :p