
Nov 23, 2004
Reaction score
Well it's coming on in 2 minutes. Here's to hoping Spielberg and Clooney win some!
:laugh:ed through Jon Stewart's monologue.

Also, boo for Gyllenhaal not getting best actor. He's pretty.
I'm sure Brokeback Mountain will be getting quite a few Oscars tonight ;).
Bah, Brokeback = Most overrated movie of the ****ing year.

I hope Joaquin Phoenix and Reese Witherspoon get some oscars for their performances in Walk the Line.
i love to watch these, but i couldnt this year because i was doing what i love to do......act
I wish I knew what the criteria for voting was.

Of course, I had given up on the Oscars since Shakespeare in Love beat Saving Private Ryan for best picture a few years back. Complete and utter nonsense and rubbish and idiocy, etc etc!

Then when Return of the King won all of its awards, I felt better, but still felt FotR and TTT should've won more than they got.

I have yet to see Crash, but I think its the message that it conveys is the reason it won. Honestly, Brokeback could have easily won too because I think it is high time the world, but esp. the US, recognizies homosexuality as something that is a natural part of life and that love doesn't know a penis from a vagina.

As long as Phillip Seymour-Hoffman won for Capote (which was stellar!) I am happy. :)
*yawn* I stayed up all night just to watch these. They weren't really worth it, but it does ean I got the day of school today.

I did like the fact that the 3 big films of the year won 3 Oscars each (King Kong (albeit on the more technical stuff), Brokeback Mountain and Crash)
Watched a bit of it last night too, I was pleased Nick park got the Oscar, and I loved Ben Stiller's presentation. :D
I don't think Crash deserved best movie. It was good but I didn't find it brilliant or anything.
Felt Crash was a little too much of an all round happy ending for the majority of the characters. I didn't really get why the black director was so upset about whatever the heck happened to him on set either.
Brokeback and Crash shouldn't have won shit.
Crash was good and all, but not picture of the year imo...

Brokeback, ugh... over. rated. trash. (Omfg it haz gays in it, it's ZO DARING!!!!11 IT R WIN!)

Walk the Line should've won picture of the year imo.
You haven't even seen Brokeback have you?

If anything, Munich or Capote should've won.
DeusExMachina said:
Oh bullshit. ****ing Academy.

I still can't believe It's Hard Out Here for a Pimp won best song. LOL.

And yeah Crash was good but it shouldn't have won.
I seriously don't understand how Munich didn't win anything.

It should have won everything besides the one that went to Hoffman.