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Am I missing something? Barney, Freeman, the g man? Everyone seems to be coming back, with the exception of one star. Otis! The "Other" Gaurd. He was the essence of good comic releaf, and all though he may or may not be in the game, I would think it would be a major loss if he was the one they decided to leave out. Is anyone else with me?
was he the one to greet you off the train at the begining of hl1?
i have no idea who that was, all the guards looked the same in the first game.
oh yeah he was the on in op. force right? the fat one? the moron who schoked himself on the electric fence. haha, i remember him.
Otis was awesome, but I don't think he made it out of black mesa alive.
Otis is the G-man, he told me last night after my daily 9:43 scheduled drywall-licking session.
Shephard is probably not coming back either, wouldn't it be a bigger loss to leave him out? :|

... or is he?
Otis was funny. I shot his donut in Ble Shift. He wasnt too happy about getting strawberry icing all over his nice uniform, so he shot me in the face........
Yeah...what the hell was he doing with that donut?! I seem to recall him making out with it in the shooting range.
I think I gotta agree with Hojo. Otis may have been an impossibly good shot, (like Barney) but I doubt he made it out of BMRF alive. XD

As for Shepherd, the G-man stuck him in Xen for his own "safety" at the end of Opposing Force. But that doesn't mean he won't be a potential character in Half-Life 2... or even Half-Life 3, for that matter. XD
After all, Gabe Newell said that a Half-Life 3 was in Valve's future agenda. As PHL said, expect another cliffhanger ending in Half-Life 2.
In the 40 minute interview with gabe and this other guy he said that there will be Barney, Dr. Kliener (scientist?) and Calhoon (Calhoon is who you play as in blueshift if i remember right). He never mentioned Otis tho. But we can be suprised.
It would be great to see Shepard and Otis in HL2/3, but they weren't Valve's creation, so Valve might not want them in for that reason. :eek:
Calhoon was from Blueshift and blueshift was made by Gearbox. He said in the interview that Calhoon will be in Half-Life2. You never know :cheese:
Well, Barney himself was created by Valve. Gearbox gave him a second name, and done his story.

If you think about it, if Valve wanted him in HL2 (which they do), they can't really change his second name, it'd be silly.

Shepard and Otis were completely non-Valve though :\

But oh well, Valve and Gearbox are mates anyhow, I do hope they include at least Shepard! :)

Or maybe Otis lost some weight and joined the Combine? Eh? :cheese:
Originally posted by Dave
Well, Barney himself was created by Valve. Gearbox gave him a second name, and done his story.

If you think about it, if Valve wanted him in HL2 (which they do), they can't really change his second name, it'd be silly.

Shepard and Otis were completely non-Valve though :\

But oh well, Valve and Gearbox are mates anyhow, I do hope they include at least Shepard! :)

Or maybe Otis lost some weight and joined the Combine? Eh? :cheese:

I dont think Barney is Calhoon. There two different characters. If barney was Calhoon then why did Gabe in his interview say that Barney & Calhoon will be in Half-Life2?
Barney is the generic name given to all the security gaurds in the first half-life. The name is taken from worldcraft/hammer , the program used to create levels (ie if you want to place a security gaurd in a level you place a "monster_barney"). All the security gaurds were exactly the same in HL (i.e. there was only one model). The scientists only come in 4 'flavours' in the editor (Walter, Einstein, Luther, and Slick). The returning scientist with the glasses is modeled after Walter from the original HL, the African American scientist is modeled after Luthur (they have changed his name).

The security gaurds were such a bit hit that they added Otis for OP4. Otis was killed in OP4 (he gets electricuted by the fence). However, he also appears in Blueshift (before he goes near the fence?). Otis I believe was a one shot deal (i.e. you never ran into one of his 'clones'). The name Calhoun was made up for Blueshift and was the name of the security gaurd you played.

By the way, if you haven't done it I really recommend playing around with the level editor for HL (it was originally called Worldcraft but the updated version is known as Hammer). I find it nearly as fun as the game itself. It's like an architect program...but you get to run around in your creations and kill things. You'll learn alot about the mechanics of the game...it's really quite facinating.
Nah Otis was definatly Cloned.

You see him at the beginning, when he opens the security door for you only when you have your PCV on. The next time you see him he is dead by electrocution.

You then see him again, on your way to the 'surface' (where your gonna be evacuated from Black Mesa) where he is at the half-destroyed transit station, trying to get Candy from the broken machine.
OK, thanks Dave. It's been a long time since I played it. Perhaps we will see Otis again.
Actually though, I thought it was in Blue shift that you see him getting candy from the machine.
hmmmm It would be cool if the assasins apperd in the game ^_^
Originally posted by Calm_Blue_Ocean
Actually though, I thought it was in Blue shift that you see him getting candy from the machine.

Nah it was definatly in Op4, I played it this morning. :cheese:

Also, in answer to Laguna, a quote from Gamespys preview -

The second area we went through showed off a few other new enemies, starting with a "turret class" camera bot, a flying headcrab and an assassin reminiscent of the female ninjas from Half-Life.
Just to clear up a few things about Otis. Dave did a good Job explaining about how much Otis was in OP4 a whole lot more then just the fence. Yes you meet him in at the start, but just like the barneys threw out the game you see him dead in many places. Also you meet him alive all the times Dave said, and you see him as he's hiding, while he is, he warns you about the bomb. Otis was definetly cloned, and it would be great if he returned with all the other clones. (it appears the scientest clones are also coming back, well the black err colored one, and the one with glasses at least.) Just imagine the great lines that could be shared between Otis and Barney.

"I'm gonna hang this over my fireplace, ya know, If I had one"
-Otis (The Other Gaurd)
I think Valve has stopped the cloning, and gone with one Barney, one Dr. Eli, and one Dr. Kleiner, who if I recall correctly, is the Dr. Kleiner, who played a pretty big role in HL1?
Originally posted by dagz
In the 40 minute interview with gabe and this other guy he said that there will be Barney, Dr. Kliener (scientist?) and Calhoon (Calhoon is who you play as in blueshift if i remember right). He never mentioned Otis tho. But we can be suprised.
Kliener is Walter's last name. I've also seen the official Luther in the Barney clip, along with Slick. The only scientist I have yet to see is Einstein.
Originally posted by 2ltben
Kliener is Walter's last name. I've also seen the official Luther in the Barney clip, along with Slick. The only scientist I have yet to see is Einstein.

Oh so there all scientists? i just call the scientists since there all the same.
first of all...Kleiners first name isnt Walter...
Walter was cut out of HL2...you can see him in CSS, hes one of the hostages
heres all the names...
Dr.Izzy Kleiner
Dr.Eli Vance
Dr.Azian Vance (Eli's Wife, she died in Black Mesa)
Alyx Vance (Eli's Daughter, I've read shes not related to Eli...but it also states shes his daughter...who know:p)
Barney Calhoun (yes...this is how you spell his last name)
Dr.Wallace Breen
Dr.Walter (I've yet to find his first name)
Dr.Judith Mossman
Otis...im also searching for his full name.
Nooo, the fact is, Otis was too fat to escape from the nuke of Black Mesa.
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