Our Colony

This must be the most confusing thing I've ever encountered...I cant even get myself to register :p
CREMATOR666 said:
This must be the most confusing thing I've ever encountered...I cant even get myself to register :p

write "play" in the first box

it gets clearer after that
Sprafa said:
write "play" in the first box

it gets clearer after that

I did but it asked for the "password" (not the number in the first post, it just asked for my name, etc. and the "password" :|)
Here sweet margie sits. At this distance it sees the rich, the poor and everything in between.

The "password" is the number in the first post.
If you click "Join Existing Colony", it'll bring up a black page with a textbox in the middle. Put the number from the first page in there. Then enter your details on the next page, and enter the security number type thing from the image (red numbers on a black background) into the final textbox. Make sure you get everything right first time, otherwise you'll have to start again due to a bug in the website that wont accept any numbers you put in on the second attempt.
Here sweet margie sits. At this distance it sees the rich, the poor and everything in between.

What the hell kind of riddle is that? :|
Joined, name is "Kremator" and is now puzzled by that very same puzzle
Whaaa, I get this weird picture and the text:
Pass along to those you want to join you in your journey. think about who can help you take it all the way and bring them in

ready for more secrets?

if you aim to find the truth, you will uncover tom canty instead of edward

(to err is human, without the colony, you would have been misled by the error)


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how do you solve a riddle anyway, do you just punch in words ?