Our Dear Morgs, Happy Birthday

I want to take the credit for both the thread and the picture, because Veg would defintely would not have done it if I hadn't forced him too.

Happy birthday morgs, you're probably the wittiest person I know and always make me laugh. Enjoy the leathery steak at the stone grill.
I want to take the credit for morgs being our friend because it all started when I brought him into our arma group and I've been trying to get rid of sliver ever since.
That is the best thing ever, thanks guys!
What's the deal with birthdays? You can only have one date of birth!

Happy anniversary.
I was going to make you something special featuring Kelly Clarkson, but I'll just yell into the microphone later.

Kill yourself, eat shit, happy birthday : ), etc.
happy birthday morgs
Congratulations, you are still alive.

This is the first time I've posted in a Birthday thread on ValveLife2.Net. Ever.
Happy Birthday morgs. I love your voice.
What a smorgasmorgs of delightful birthday wishes!

Herpiesberthdeis mergs!
Happy Birthday! Hope nobody pukes on your birthday cake. That would suck.
I had to find out what the hell movie that fellow's facial contortionist routine was from. Gotta hand it to whoever was actually responsible for authoring such an awesome form of birthday announcement.