Our Team Fortress 2 Servers

Good to know - was annoyed by the lack of people in there, till I knew about the crashes. Its so much better to play with 'netters than complete randoms.
I check the server a few times every day, and I almost never see anyone online. Is there something wrong or do you all just happen to log in when I'm not playing?
Yes. We wait for you to go offline, then all jump on the server simultaneously.
All I know, is most people in the UK don't get to play with me due to the time I get off work :(
We've played a couple of times. When are you next on?
Would someone mind checking if server #2 is running.

I'm at work so can't...
Server is all up to date and working fine.

My provider has a problem every time an update is released at the moment. Something to do with the files not being imported from the Steam servers.

/shoves Munro into the server room telling him to update it!
So.. is there ever going to be a single freakin person on the servers? They are useless considering noone is on them ever, and Ive checked at all times of day over the last couple of days.:\
And it seems like they were down when I last checked a few hours ago...
All I know is I've found a couple good US servers that me and the US team play on....it's just such a hassle to get us US'ns on over there with 150 ping, when some people have issues with it. Kind of sad :(
I check the server everytime i play TF2...only ever seen players in it once...:(
wo, how, when + why did that happen? *starts trying to connect*
They've never been full for me either. And I go on at prime-time-ish time like 9pm UK time.

Shame really, because playing against shrieking German 12 year olds is what I wanted to escape from when I stopped playing CS.
They've never been full for me either. And I go on at prime-time-ish time like 9pm UK time.

Shame really, because playing against shrieking German 12 year olds is what I wanted to escape from when I stopped playing CS.

When you're online, jump into community chat and rally up some troops.

Just 2 or 3 people in the server will get it filled in no time. :afro:
Anyone be up for some TF2 action later?

Say in around an hour or 2?

Count me in.

Oh, Munro has reshuffled the forums. The clan/community bit has changed to include a 'scheduled games' section and is near the top now. Maybe you want to post a little note there too?
Ill be in as well. cyall in.
edit:nvm I cant reinstall right now, lets set up for tomorrow shall we?