Outer beauty.


Apr 24, 2004
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For a project I am working on, I need to know how to break down physical attraction into separate categories.

I've been able to break it down into the following categories:

1. Charm


2. Cute


3. Sexy


4. Class


5. Pretty


6. Beautiful


Since you guys are smarter than me I thought you could help me out and break down physical attraction into the most categories possible.
If this project is to go anywhere, pictures of Keira Knightley are required.
You need my picture for "charm" and "cute". At least.
LOL @ French Ninja

Man, Audrey Hepburn is (was) SOOOO hot.
I bet people are going to use this topic as an excuse to post pictures of half-naked babes.

Bring it.
Surely one of the biggest reasons a man is physically attracted to a woman is his own penis.
That seems very silly, the adjectives mean different things to different people.

The only attractiveness men see in women is reproductive value and signs of femininity:

small hip waist ratio
Blonde hair
Blue eyes
Big Breasts
What about crazy but hot like Angelina? Or that bob hair dike look? And there is definitely a difference between cute and sexy. Big boobs and open legs isn't everything, although its something. I met a French girl that was ridiculously cute, huge blue eyes, long eyelashes, tiny button nose, freckles, about 5'1", a French accent, and she always wore a frilly scarf.

Here I found her pic for cute:
Physical attraction is merely our biological response to signs of good health and healthy genes.

Signs of good health and healthy genes include:
- Clear and smooth skin (pale/sickly skin means the person is sick, hence not good for mating with)
- Symmetrical face (a sign of good genes to mate with)
- Fit and healthy body
- Straight teeth
- Various attractive facial features (good size nose, chin, etc)
- Silky and smooth hair (brittle and wild hair is genetic)

Anything we find beautiful in the opposite sex is simply due to millions of years of biological instincts telling us that the attractive person is healthy and a good person to mate with.
Physical attraction is merely our biological response to signs of good health and healthy genes.

Signs of good health and healthy genes include:
- Clear and smooth skin (pale/sickly skin means the person is sick, hence not good for mating with)
- Symmetrical face (a sign of good genes to mate with)
- Fit and healthy body
- Straight teeth
- Various attractive facial features (good size nose, chin, etc)
- Silky and smooth hair (brittle and wild hair is genetic)

Anything we find beautiful in the opposite sex is simply due to millions of years of biological instincts telling us that the attractive person is healthy and a good person to mate with.

You should talk try talking dirty like that with a girl. "**** bitch, your teeth are all straight, and you have various attractive facial features. Oooh yeah, shake that symetric ass"
wide hips are a sign that the woman can do birht well
wide hips are a sign that the woman can do birht well

yes thank you that was another major one i was forgetting.

"hey girl youve got a nice fine ass"


"hey girl you have real nice curves and wide hips which would make great for giving birth to half a dozen babies"
all you need to do is to show the chest of your hair and go "hey baby want some of this sugar?" never fails
That seems very silly, the adjectives mean different things to different people.

The only attractiveness men see in women is reproductive value and signs of femininity:

small hip waist ratio
Blonde hair
Blue eyes
Big Breasts

So what attractiveness do you find in women? Not saying that the above is all I think about in a girl but I do think outer beauty is important.
I dont think he meant messy hair as in 'styled messy' but more as in nasty greasy unkempt hair. And pale skin is gross.
You should talk try talking dirty like that with a girl. "**** bitch, your teeth are all straight, and you have various attractive facial features. Oooh yeah, shake that symetric ass"

Website about outer beauty = porn. Just make sure we all get guest passes. I'm with most of the posts about beauty being defined by markers for reproductive health. Isabella Rossellini, in my opinion for example, is very hot when her hair is healthy looking and relatively long.

Also - a genuine smile will move any woman up at least two points on the ten scale (more if their grill is in good shape).
Asian girlz kthxbai.

Asian as in Japanese/Chinese then yes plz

Middle Eastern Asians are just disgusting though...

I remember going to this fairground at one time and this Arab girl was getting facepainted and she had the worst monobrow and moustache ever and the face paint just made it stand out more. Needless to say I died with laughter. X,X
I find it funny that most non-white cultures value lighter skin while white people are flocking to the beach and tanning salons.
I'm not a huge fan of tanned skin to be fair. I much prefer pale skin. Not pasty pale but very light coloured skin.
Asian as in Japanese/Chinese then yes plz

Middle Eastern Asians are just disgusting though...

I remember going to this fairground at one time and this Arab girl was getting facepainted and she had the worst monobrow and moustache ever and the face paint just made it stand out more. Needless to say I died with laughter. X,X

Japanese and Chinese yay, if you like girls that look 12 years old :rolleyes:

Indian chicks are super hot though.
Japanese and Chinese yay, if you like girls that look 12 years old :rolleyes:

Indian chicks are super hot though.

I'm half Japanese and I find most asians (except for model types) to be pretty ugly. They have have big sticking out teeth, like a muzzle, and chubby faces, and they constantly giggle. I totally don't understand Asian fever.

Also, Indian chicks are very hairy.
Ive lol'd several times already.

What is it with blondes? They dont really cut it for me to be honest, well most of the time.