Outer beauty.

Well, I guess I'm lucky that I find girls from all kinds of ethnic backgrounds attractive.
I actually quite like mocha coloured skin, I like a little tan. :D

Well, here's one category-

Category: Complection


You HAD to post a Jessica Alba pic...

(Btw, Jessica Alba wins this thread.)
Asian as in Japanese/Chinese then yes plz

Middle Eastern Asians are just disgusting though...

Lies. Women of all races and ethnicities can be beautiful.

There was a girl in a lot of my classes who I was friends with who had parents from Lebanon. Absolutely gorgeous.
I'd like to throw in my two cents and say that there are two things that dictate attractiveness: biology and culture. Biologically, you'll be attracted to women with wide hips, large thighs/breasts, symmetric face, and so on, or to men with wide shoulders, symmetric faces, some muscle mass, etc. But culturally, you'll be attracted to people with certain hair/skin colors over others, certain body types, eye color, hairstyle, and so on.
If there was on perfect beauty like you describe (wide hips, big boobs) then we would have all evolved to it long ago. There's a reason that ugly people haven't been bred out over millions of years (and it's not because god created ugly people too)
Bunch of horny forum dwellers. The lot of you.

Stop drooling over each other's cocks.
Well, its not only healthy genes we are attracted to, but genes that are similar to our own.

Our brains are prewired to pick up on certain skin/hair tones, voices, body size, pheremones, behaviors, facial features and other phenotypes that typify our own genes.

The reason for this is that any gene that caused someone to be attracted to a certain feature would have a better chance that a copy of itself was in someone who exhibited phenotypic traits similar to the body of is owner. In other words, genes do better if they cause their host body to desire a mate with similar features.

This is generally why people are attracted to members of their own race. One would think this would create rampant incest if it were not for a second selection force that creates harmful mutations in incestual mating, resulting in lower reproductive success.

Therefore, we are attracted most to people who are similar enough to us that they likely contain a good deal of similar genes, but different enough that harmful mutations would not occur.

Thus, the divergent selection forces of "healthy" gene selection and similar gene selection cause everyone to be attracted to a different type of person, and see different people as "beautiful".
I'd like to throw in my two cents and say that there are two things that dictate attractiveness: biology and culture. Biologically, you'll be attracted to women with wide hips, large thighs/breasts, symmetric face, and so on, or to men with wide shoulders, symmetric faces, some muscle mass, etc. But culturally, you'll be attracted to people with certain hair/skin colors over others, certain body types, eye color, hairstyle, and so on.

Although cultural effects can create certain things that we are required to find "attractive" (for instance, certain cultures view having pointy teeth as being attractive, or having long snot trails hanging from the nose), the preference for skin tones and eye/hair color is likely biological.
I prefer Aryan or Latino girls.

Asians just doesn't do the trick for me.
I like girls of all races *made "humping" movement of hips* HUZZA!
Although cultural effects can create certain things that we are required to find "attractive" (for instance, certain cultures view having pointy teeth as being attractive, or having long snot trails hanging from the nose), the preference for skin tones and eye/hair color is likely biological.