OvA appreciation thread

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Dec 3, 2005
Reaction score
everyone around here knows our resident psychopath, stalker, demented member OvA. he's the member who makes funny and/or unnecessary posts. if anybody remembers something he did that made you laugh or feel all warm inside (emotionally), tell us about it here! for me, OvA's an okay guy. he's an........ interesting individual to say the least.
I know, lets make another thread on SR and Samon, and Munro and any other guy on the forum that has made several amusing posts :P
Sweet jumping Jesus on a pogo stick. OvA, you've got a stalker.
don't worry, he already knows

EDIT: hey, OvA! didn't you make out with 141040160151145143145040157146040143150151143153145156, or am i the one who did it? i think it was me.
xana, no offense, but i think you're weirder than ova.
I bet he's more tickled by your hand down his pants.

i laughed :D
I <3 Him. If he were a car, I would drive him.
Uriel said:
I <3 Him. If he were a car, I would drive him.

:laugh: do I sense a bit of a homersexual undertone in that phrase? ..there's just soooo many possible smartass comments to be made so little time ;)
OvA tries too hard, I think, but I like him :P
Ha, true foolishness. This thread reminds me of primitive gravy.
I <3 OvA. His pointlessly offensive (and often disturbing) comments simply make a good day even better. Here's to you, OvA! *raises glass*
Why can't we have a Raziaar appreciation thread?

I'd even support a CptStern appreciation thread, since he's ****ing AWESOME!

By the way, don't create a raziaar appreciation thread, I don't wanna see a thread with my name in it locked. Plus I don't want anyone banned.
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