Overclocking 6800nu


Apr 19, 2004
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I supposably overclocked my bfg to 400mhz using rivatuner. the Nvidia display clock frequency setting showed 400 and in rivatuner at startup shows 400 but when I looked at the hardware monitor in rivatuner it shows my stock clock speed 350mhz wtf? is my card overclocked or not? if not how can I overclock it using rivatuner?

and my idle temp right now is 47c

edit: I dont get the same problem when I overclock my memory
It should be overclocked. Check to see if it runs hotter than at 350 MHz.

I have a question, are you happy with that card? I'm going to get one later this month or early next to replace my 9600 pro until graduation, then i'll have money for PCI express shit.
yea I am happy with this card, I had a 9600xt before and I couldnt turn on 2AA or 8AF because it would really kill my fps. but with this card it runs with 40+ fps most of the time with 2aa 8af high everything+ reflect all in the water settings at 1280 by 1024 resolution.

now I just check my monitor and it showed 399 but then it went back to 350?
edit: hmm.... its 48c
ok its fixed, I had to set it to standard 2d to 400 and performance 3d to 400 and now it show 400 in the monitor.

now it idles at 44c :D with 12 pipes and 6 vertex shaders (unlocked) running at 400/750

Edit: I guess my card was beggin to get overclocked :cheese:
I can't wait till I have enough money for one of those. I've been trying to save but every time i start somethign comes up I have to pay for, like new brakes on my car or something like that.
and vigilante if you get one, pray that it doesnt have damaged pixel pipes :p , you'll get a nice boost if you unlock the four pipes.

I was unlucky, I get artifacts when I unlock them ;(
but I was able to unlock a vertex shader pipe.... yay....