Overclocking problem

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Sep 12, 2003
Reaction score
I have a problem with my 3d mark scores.
3DMark2001SE- 10,638
3DMark2003- 3,300

To get that 2001 score i had my card running at 415/310, stock it gets about 10,200 in '01SE, should there be more than a 400 mark jump from overclocking that much? I just want to break 11,000. Any help would be great. Thanks (see sig for specs)
Try overclocking your CPU. I'm not sure but I think your CPU might be bottlenecking your video card or something of that nature.
I clocked my cpu from barton 2500+(1.83ghz[11x166]) to 2.1ghz[10.5x200], and my Radeon9800 got flashed to a 9800pro(and clocked to 405/378) and my score went from about 14000 to 15890 or something. A little bigger step than you, but also i clocked my cpu. It helps alot in 3dmark01se.
Although i know nothing of radeon9600 cards. Just thought i would see if it could help you.
The 2600+ is in no way bottlenecking the 9600 pro.

Sorry to do this- but this thread is closed. And before anybody makes a comment, there is a specific thread that is stickied for all OCing related questions, that is where this should have been in the first place.

So... Closed.
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