Overheating prob -suggestions?


Jul 16, 2004
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Heywo everyone :)

I'm one of those people who blamed hl2 for upgrading, however i feel i needed it anyway so if that ^ offends you, ignore it;

My pc is ;

3ghz intel pentium
1gig 3200ram
ATI 9800pro

its in those uberPopular cases with the lockable side/front and interchangable covers etc.. with easy access and removal stuffs (if that helps lol).

My prob is that when playing games my mobo does the system beep, which im guessing is the overheating alarm.

I have 1GOOD cpu fan, 2 8cm bay fans, 1fan+snorkle on 9800pro.

cpu temp is 43-47 'c average.

What's the best way of cooling it?

Water cooling seems very dangerous lol electricity+water+me=nooooooo

i have 2front fan bays free, 1 on each side, and 2 at the back (all 8cm fans).

What do you suggest?

Muchos Muchos
if its been awhile you may need to dust off some of your components including fans, heatsink. as dust can get in the way of airflow.

but a quick & dirty fix for a lot of people is just taking off the main case cover exposing the motherboard.
Ah yes i forgot to say, the reason i think its over heating is because its fine when i take the case off.

And no its not been long.

I'm guessing its overheating because its under a worktop that's bent 45' around my wall so its more enclosed than normally.
get that beast out of there. get an arctic silencer on your 9800pro, as that will lower the temp to a MUCH more safe level.

if you're feeling adventurous and have alot of patience, cut a blow hole on the top of your pc, and then stick a lazer cut fan grill over it or something. the hot air will rise out of the case.

what fan have you got on the cpu? is it just the one that came with the cpu?

fan controller could be useful aswell (recommend the coolermaster silent alloy cool drive 4). this will allow you to increase or decrease the speed of ALL the fans in your case, including your hard drive for some reason lol...and also just looks sexy.

tie all the cables together if theyre spread out. tidy up everything. this will help with the vital airflow. also try turning the fans around so that air blows IN and not OUT.
Chriso20 i have the same spec as that (except amd ahtlon 3200+ xp) and i used to have 4 fans inside my case, even with a fan controller on minimum it was really noisy, so i just unplugged the fan controller = no fans except cpu one, as i disconnected the side case one also.
my cpu is running at a similar temp to what it was before, in games it goes up to 58 degree's but thats no problem imo.
I dont know why it isn't over heating, although i do have a full size desktop case, not a midi one.

If it's the cpu overheating, you can buy arms to fit another fan above the heatsink taking air off or on, whichever, doesn't make much difference.
open your case, put a big ass tablefan, aim it straight in to the case. thats what I did this summer. 40 degrees when playing games and such :P thou it will get alot of dust and shit inside so you have to clean it more often.
I use a Zalman CPU it keeps my 3.2 amd 64bit at 27/30 idle and 35/37 full load for a couple of hours (Games). Its also very quite on full blast. Ow I also have another 5 80mm x 80mm fans on the back side and front. I have dual fanned 450w power suply and heat sinked corsair 512mb 2-2-2-5-1 3700 ram. I also have a dual power addon for my motherboard which also has a 60mm x 60mm fan on. This is all good and all, but my computer died and blow up when it wasn;t even turned on. But when it was alive it ran very very cool. My whole point is that its down to your whol system and how it uses the air, even the metal of your case can effect how badly your heating is.
My cpu fan is pretty good, but i can feel the heat in the case so i might invest in a few case fans.

as for my 9800pro, its got a air direction thing so i dont see that being a big prob.

and my 550w psu has 2 big fans on too.

thnx everyone
i ahve like a 80 mm fan on back (might be 120, w/e) but its blowing air out of the system (i installed this myself) should i leave it like this or is better to have it blowing air in?
at the back of the case blowing out... at the front, blowing in. Im not sure if you swopped that round how much difference it was make, but taking the hot air off the cpu asap is good, you dont want it going in the back, getting really hot then getting to your hd's etc, increased the system temp as a whole before it's forced out.