Overlapping brushs



Is there a simple way to see the brushs in my map that overlap. I have made a nice big map and there is alot of areas confined by nodraw. I know when i texture them i can see some of the brushs that over lap but is there a simpler way then textureing all my brush.

Is there a brush colour in wireframe that repersents overlaps?
Why do you have so many brushes that overlap? It's something that really should be avoided since it's a completely unneccessary strain on the engine.

As far as I'm aware there's nothing like that though, there's no reason for it.
no, but when im suspecting nodraw brushes overlapping, i just select a brush, and then its a darker color and you can see the overlap with brushes around it. thats all i know of
I probally only have about 1 brush that overlaps but because my p.c is so shit it will take all night to compile it. When there is no overlapping brushs it takes about 1/2 an hour