

Jun 23, 2005
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I have a hard, painful lump in my mouth. It's on the top, right hand side, way in the back right over the spot behind my last molar. It's been hurting bad for the last couple of days, but I thought it was just a sore throat. But then I found this lump! I've not had my wisdom teeth (hehe, I'm dumb) do ya think this is one of them? I'm gonna see the dentist soon, I hear, so I'll know for sure, but I wanted to ask, mostly because I'm bored.
Que-Ever said:
I have a hard, painful lump in my mouth. It's on the top, right hand side, way in the back right over the spot behind my last molar. It's been hurting bad for the last couple of days, but I thought it was just a sore throat. But then I found this lump! I've not had my wisdom teeth (hehe, I'm dumb) do ya think this is one of them? I'm gonna see the dentist soon, I hear, so I'll know for sure, but I wanted to ask, mostly because I'm bored.

Maybe see if the pain goes away the next day?

By the way, you should draw a Cowlephant!
Raziaar said:
Maybe see if the pain goes away the next day?

By the way, you should draw a Cowlephant!
naww, I've had it for a few days now, three or four. I think I just have a tooth coming in wierd... as in, sideways. Not cancer.
Maybe it's breast cancer - in your mouth
Dog-- said:
Maybe it's breast cancer - in your mouth
wait, yes! that would explain everything! ALso, it has a logical explenation :naughty:
Que-Ever said:
I have a hard, painful lump in my mouth. It's on the top, right hand side, way in the back right over the spot behind my last molar. It's been hurting bad for the last couple of days, but I thought it was just a sore throat. But then I found this lump! I've not had my wisdom teeth (hehe, I'm dumb) do ya think this is one of them? I'm gonna see the dentist soon, I hear, so I'll know for sure, but I wanted to ask, mostly because I'm bored.
Yeah i had the same thing for awhile as well. Do you have a headache as well? I had that same thing for most of last week, really annoying. Just gave it time and mine went away though.
Get a scan. Any nosebleeds in the past 36 hours?
Sparta said:
Yeah i had the same thing for awhile as well. Do you have a headache as well? I had that same thing for most of last week, really annoying. Just gave it time and mine went away though.
haven't really noticed...

15357 said:
Get a scan. Any nosebleeds in the past 36 hours?
nope, but I seem to be getting a lot fo scabs in my nose, for wounds I don't remember getting. and they're pullign on my hairs :(

and they're not boogers either, because boogers come out.
It's just punishment from the Spaghetti Monster for changing your avatar.
Have you swallowed a spider recently?

My dog once ate a spider, but before he swallowed, the spider had layed her eggs inside the dog's cheek. About one week later, the cheek started to swell. It got bigger every day and it hurt my dog more and more. We did what we had to do and brought him to the vet. There he got a little shot in the mouth and the vet made an incision right into the swelling. Thousands of little spiders came out, it was horrible. I still get that feeling whenever I see a swelling on people. I always imagine it popping and releasing all those spiders.

It'd be very unpleasant for you, especially in your mouth. If so I'd like pics.

Now that I think of it, try to put an image of it on the internets!
Sorry guys, there's not really anything to see. If anything, it's a bit redder than the rest of my mouth, maybe a bump, but that's it. I also doubt it's spider eggs, because it's hard :(
Que-Ever said:
Sorry guys, there's not really anything to see. If anything, it's a bit redder than the rest of my mouth, maybe a bump, but that's it. I also doubt it's spider eggs, because it's hard :(

Uh oh! It's the infamous Hard Spider of Guatemala, which lays concrete-like eggs wrapped in a diamond-encased steel casket! You're amongst the walking dead!
Element Alpha said:
My dog once ate a spider, but before he swallowed, the spider had layed her eggs inside the dog's cheek. About one week later, the cheek started to swell. It got bigger every day and it hurt my dog more and more. We did what we had to do and brought him to the vet. There he got a little shot in the mouth and the vet made an incision right into the swelling. Thousands of little spiders came out, it was horrible. I still get that feeling whenever I see a swelling on people. I always imagine it popping and releasing all those spiders.
That happened to my friend's sister. She was putting her shirt on and felt a slight scratch on the back of her neck but just thought it was the tag on the shirt so kind of brushed it. Later that day the spot started to swell and cause her pain. It got so bad that they went to the hospital. When they cut into it after giving her pain killers thousands of baby spiders came out. EWWW...[/off topic]
xombine said:
That happened to my friend's sister. She was putting her shirt on and felt a slight scratch on the back of her neck but just thought it was the tag on the shirt so kind of brushed it. Later that day the spot started to swell and cause her pain. It got so bad that they went to the hospital. When they cut into it after giving her pain killers thousands of baby spiders came out. EWWW...[/off topic]

:cheese: ...I'd hit it. :smoking:
xombine said:
That happened to my friend's sister. She was putting her shirt on and felt a slight scratch on the back of her neck but just thought it was the tag on the shirt so kind of brushed it. Later that day the spot started to swell and cause her pain. It got so bad that they went to the hospital. When they cut into it after giving her pain killers thousands of baby spiders came out. EWWW...[/off topic]

show me a spider that plants thousands of eggs under your skin.
idk what kind it was...but I'm not making this shit up.
Alien hatching in your mouth. It'll stop bothering you once it eats your sinus' away.
xombine said:
That happened to my friend's sister. She was putting her shirt on and felt a slight scratch on the back of her neck but just thought it was the tag on the shirt so kind of brushed it. Later that day the spot started to swell and cause her pain. It got so bad that they went to the hospital. When they cut into it after giving her pain killers thousands of baby spiders came out. EWWW...[/off topic]
Heard that same thing on this urban myth cartoon show. Always started with "a friend of a friend of mine..."
Thanks for the spider posts, I'll have some nice nightmares tonight.