Owned much?

I bet I could pull that off. I mean get someone to do that. :) hehe
HA! Yes, it's old, but still worth reading if you've never read it (or think you got h4><0r s|<iLLz but have never learned networking).
He hacked my computer and all I got was this shitty T-shirt.
What an idiot. I had some guy in a DoD server the otherday tell me he was going to hack my computer. I'm still patiently awaiting. I even gave him my cell number if he ran into any troubles, haven't gotten a ring.
Ahh, never gets old. Deleting his own computer, man, haha. However, I'm pretty sure it's fake. Whatever, still funny.
Hey that's not funny, it was my first time using hacks.
Pressure said:
Hey that's not funny, it was my first time using hacks.
I love you Pressure :D

What an amusing read.
Yeah, I've gotten more leet skills over time though. I'm sure if I ever come across him again that I'll totally pwn his shit.
Pressure I'll let you test your skills on me. My IP is
vegeta897 said:
However, I'm pretty sure it's fake. Whatever, still funny.
its copied from some comic strip that was on a humour site years ago.
That guy deleted his HD's


very funny btw
seen that before - seemed longer when i originally saw it.

very good, love to pull that one...It goes on where the guy saw what happens and comes back to try to get him all over again (with hilarious consequences)