Paid Programming work - Surrogate Interactive



My name is Peter Ryan aka TorQue[MoD] Project Lead for Brutal, an independently developed game built with the Source Engine.

We are currently looking to hire an experienced programmer for approximately one month of contract work at $1,500 CAD ($1,333 USD)

We are looking for a programmer with HL2 programming experience, preferably someone who has worked on a released HL2 mod. Examples of your work will be required for this position.

If you are interested, please e-mail
[email protected]

-Peter Ryan
huh? What's the time commitment? I hope it's less than 40 hours per week because otherwise that would be less than $8/hour.
1 Month = 30 days
30 Days = 720 Hours
1,500 / 720 = 2.08


Use your head zleppelin!
1 Month = 30 days
30 Days = 720 Hours
1,500 / 720 = 2.08


Use your head zleppelin!
Eh? He did use his head. Your estimation assumes the programmer will be working non-stop 24/7!

Usually you'll work approx. 5 days a week, for anything equal to or in excess of 8 hours per day in a normal working scenario. But this could well be more since it's game development, but at the same time it's very unlikely to be more than 12 hours per day (although some companies have been known to expect more during 'crunch' periods).

So, minimum = 30 * (5 / 7) * 8 = 171 hours >>> $8.75/h

Maximum = 30 * (5 / 7) * 12 = 257 hours >>> $5.83/h
I doubt there would be any more than 80 hours work maximum for any experienced programmer which would equate to about $18.75 an hour.
There are even tutorials for all but 3 of the features we need programmed for us. If you're really experienced you could probably finish the job in about 25 hours which would be $60 per hour. However it is a fixed rate, so the faster you work the more you make.

Keep in mind this is contract work, so you work as many hours as you like but 80 hours would be 10 days of 8 hours a day, $1,500 in 10 days is $150 per day... not bad at all.
Is this open for all countries? Is there an existing codebase? Any contracts to sign? How do you handle the payment, through Paypal?
Open to any country, no existing code base, payment through direct bank deposit, moneyorder or possibly paypal (I need to work this out with our investor as he doesn't feel comfortable with paypal)
Here's a list of the 7 tasks we're looking to have completed:

Custom Menu Graphics – As per tutorial posted on Valve Developer Community

3rd Person Camera – As per tutorial posted on Valve Developer Community

Object Manipulation – Ability to pick up objects and rag dolls with character’s hands (to be synched with pickup and grab animations).

Adjusted physics Code – As per tutorial posted on Valve Developer Community

Climbing Code– Ability to climb up to higher ledges (to be synched with climbing animation)

Animation Code – All code necessary to ensure the proper functionality of character animations

Weapons Code – Code for two characters weapons (both melee style)
hey torque

did you have some postings at BCIT on the bustops a while back (like 2003ish?)

based in vancouver?
No, but I did go to a programming conference of some sorts around then and talked to a few people there. I met Nemesis there after walking into one of his classes and he was showing me an engine he was developing that was almost identical to the Torque engine... really nice guy.
I do rememebr a flyer..

so you arent based in vancouver then?
We are in Vancouver... in fact I live about 15 min walk away from BCIT.
I posted a flyer about a Counter-Strike tournament that I made a level for in NewWest around that time, but I don't remember posting a flyer for a programmer. Maybe I did, it was a long time ago.
We are in Vancouver... in fact I live about 15 min walk away from BCIT.
I posted a flyer about a Counter-Strike tournament that I made a level for in NewWest around that time, but I don't remember posting a flyer for a programmer. Maybe I did, it was a long time ago.

no it wasnt for a programmer it was related to something else.. I'll ask around for you regardless though (I'm downtown)