

Oct 5, 2003
Reaction score
who in this forum paintaballs? If you do what kind of guns do u have?
I do occasionally. I have a Spyder(forgot the actual name).
thehunter1320 said:
tippmann 98 custom.... it's purtty!

same...some custom parts on mine.

i'm about to interview for a job as a paintball instructor at a summer camp...wewt free paint all summer.
I've paintballed a few times, but don't have my own weapon and have to take my chances with one of the paintball company's Tippmann 98s (one jammed spectacularly once, with four? paintballs wedged in the barrel, paint spewing from the ventilation holes). Also, I've only ever paintballed in Winter or Autumn, almost up to my knees in mud and something that was suspiciously like liquid manure. Is it better in Summer or do you end up sweating half to death in the overalls?

Anyone got any good / funny battle stories? The first time I went I took to charging around like a Rambo and tended to find myself splattered within two minutes. The second time I took a more "professional" approach and managed to sneak up on five enemy hiding in a camouflaged Transit van, shouting abuse at members of the team I was on. Just like Tom Hanks shoots the Thompson through the tank driver hatch in Saving Private Ryan, I stuck my barrel through a window and proceeded to fire about 30 paintballs in. I still remember the screams and curses as they bailed out the van as quickly as they could.

Also, how do you get the Tippmann to fire an empty chamber very quickly so it sounds like an automatic weapon? I know it's something to do with the gas (and a waste of the gas), but it does seem to keep enemy heads down when people are doing it.
I love paintball, or I used to, back when people would actually invite me to play. That doesn't happen to often anymore ;(

I have a Spyder E99, which isn't really a bad gun at all, just not so great on full auto settings.
lol first off u cant just do the auto firing thing on purpose... it happens when the gun is out of gas, second i have a tippmann myself but its the wierdest one you'll ever see. how do i put a pic of it on this thread? please tell me
daemon, stories where you fire blindly into a bunker trying to hit people that are like 2 feet away are not "funny". that's how people get hurt...and that's how i hurt you when i kick your fcking ass and shove your marker up your ass for breaking 2 of the basic rules of paintball safety..and general "don't be an ass" rules. you're not tom hanks in SPR.
Maskirovka said:
daemon, stories where you fire blindly into a bunker trying to hit people that are like 2 feet away are not "funny". that's how people get hurt...and that's how i hurt you when i kick your fcking ass and shove your marker up your ass for breaking 2 of the basic rules of paintball safety..and general "don't be an ass" rules. you're not tom hanks in SPR.

Lol, i guess you dont know paintball very well. Its called bunkering and is part of the game, a legal move. When playing rec if you break on the person more then 3 times your out too, but in a tourny usually about 6 need to break before your out too.
Sgt.Igneri said:
Lol, i guess you dont know paintball very well. Its called bunkering and is part of the game, a legal move. When playing rec if you break on the person more then 3 times your out too, but in a tourny usually about 6 need to break before your out too.

thats not bunkering. People get concusions from that shit. U dont just fire blindly at point blank, Daemon is obviously very ignorant or else he would say stuff like that. Dont stand up for him.
Sgt.Igneri said:
Lol, i guess you dont know paintball very well. Its called bunkering and is part of the game, a legal move. When playing rec if you break on the person more then 3 times your out too, but in a tourny usually about 6 need to break before your out too.

i've played paintball at 6 different parks, and none of them allow what he's talking about...

and bunkering is one thing...i would play with it if it wasn't for the possibility of getting hit in the eye or breaking bones in my face. i would take close-in shots in the body/arms/legs any time cause i'm not a puss, but it's just too easy for people to get really hurt. i've seen it...concussions, etc. not cool.

much worse than that is blindly firing into a hole. worst possible thing you can do.
well since i probably wont be able to post the pic of my gun ill tell u about it.

I have a tiny nitro 48ci 3000psi 98c with lapco bigshot, silver 6 inch drop, black tippmann expansion chamber, Today i just taped a walkie talkie to the top and the talk button to the foregrip. From the foregrip the wire leads to my mask where i have a mouth piece put in with paper clips and an ear piece. I love it, but its kid of dirty. hasnt broken in 2.5 years and ive only broken about 7 or 8 balls out of dozens of thousands. Tippmann Pride :thumbs:
Sgt.Igneri said:
err who cares?

DARN FULL AUTO NUBS! really though, they think its so awesome and 1337.

no, I'm just asking hims seeing as mine always jams when on full auto. I'm just curious as to whether or not it's my gun or the series of guns in general. What kind of response was that anyway? If you aren't going to help don't respond at all. I don't think I'm awesome or l33t or anything, and I'm not a newbie to paintball. I'm just asking a simple question.
u know whats really fun

put gumballs in ur paintball gun and shoot it at kids

my friend shot me in the head while i was riding on my motorcycle

luckily i was wearing my huge ass helmet

but i like flew off

and their was a huge dent in it
hero said:
u know whats really fun

put gumballs in ur paintball gun and shoot it at kids

my friend shot me in the head while i was riding on my motorcycle

luckily i was wearing my huge ass helmet

but i like flew off

and their was a huge dent in it

you are joking right?
yea i hate full auto nubs as well...i laugh when they're supressed by my non-paint-wasting semi-auto. i can see having full auto for a tourney...having the full auto option would be nice i guess...but it's just like ricing up your car...totally unnecessary but some people think it's cool to have.
Full auto in a tourney is illegal. Anyway, Ebladed cockers, tricked out imps, intimidators, vikings, shockers, etc shoot well over 20bps on semi auto (the trigger pull is like 1mm or less, so when you "walk" the trigger you can get insanely high BPS, and it is not wasting paint, BTW) but are capped at your hoppers speed.
it's wasting paint imo. it doesn't take 20bps to pin somebody. and i'm not rich so i can't fire that fast if i want to play more than once a month.
Well if you consider it wasting paint because of money... you usually can get a paint sponsor pretty easily, if you can work out a good business deal with the company. But at first it will just be just a discount, but once you become well-known and a good team you will get all the paint you need.

In speedball shooting at 25bps isnt a waste of paint, its part of it, especially for back players. They carry believe it or not about 800 balls with them for one round in a tourney and often use all of it. Front & mid carry somewhere around 400-500, frontmen barely shoot at all. If it were woodball it would be a whole diff story.
that's all well and good if you're on a team...or even plan on being on a team....and you play speedball. i mean...i realize there are times where you need 25bps...but for the average's a waste....especially since most parks only have 1 speedball course and several larger ones. that's all i'm saying.
Sgt.Igneri said:
Lol, i guess you dont know paintball very well. Its called bunkering and is part of the game, a legal move. When playing rec if you break on the person more then 3 times your out too, but in a tourny usually about 6 need to break before your out too.

I've played dozens of fields and played in national tornies From Texas to Florida, and refed for one of the oldest fields in Texas for several years and reffed local tornies. none of this mult hit stuff is true

any hit larger than an american quarter and your out, If it hit a bush and fall on you and its larger than a qaurter and your out

There is a Gentelmen's safety rule in play to ask for a surrender if your within 5 feet. Dangerous play is looked down upon as your indangering your fellow players, it does happen

bunkering is basiclly pinning somebody in a bunker, and you results in mutiple hits on a player, in rec play its discouraged since people are out to have fun. tourny play if your bunkered it means your team is dead or sucks
Yeah, I suppose it is a waste when you're just going to the site on a normal day, but it's critical in tournaments. Front players need that constant stream of paint to keep the other team from moving up and bunkering them, and so they can move, and so on.

If you go down to your site on a normal day, paint prices are insane! It's £100+ for a case of 2000 here at my local site, but if I go to a walkon it's £35... and with our sponsers we get top quality paint for £20. Once our team gets more experience and more well known we'll be getting a few cases free every tourney we go to, and eventually, we'll be getting it all free. Not tool shabby

And I own a crappy non-vision impulse on C02 at the moment. But I'm selling it and getting an e-bladed cocker... I was using one in the last 2 tournies I played in, and they are sweeet.

I've been bunkered quite a few times, and to be honest, I don't see what the big deal is. Ok, it stings a little, maybe it'll bleed, and you'll get a nice welt for your evil friends to poke. But you only feel it for a few seconds. It's part of the game. I think it's stupid when you play speedball and you're not allowed to bunker... you just end up snapshooting at eachother. Yawn. I can understand why they don't want newbies getting bunkered, but on walkons? Last time I went to a walkon people weren't allowed to bunker me because I'm a girl. What the hell?

Try getting bunkered and getting shot in the neck. I can see what the deal is there, but just wear a polo neck under your jersey. Problem solved. I'll shut up now.
Maskirovka said:
daemon, stories where you fire blindly into a bunker trying to hit people that are like 2 feet away are not "funny". that's how people get hurt...and that's how i hurt you when i kick your fcking ass and shove your marker up your ass for breaking 2 of the basic rules of paintball safety..and general "don't be an ass" rules. you're not tom hanks in SPR.

I didn't mean that one to be funny. Anyway, they were more like 6 feet away. Next time I'll jump into the back and watch them follow the rules. I've been shot at point blank before, and I'd have thought that in a game where people are shooting each other you might get hurt on occasion. It's not as if I walked right up behind them and shot them in the back of the head.
hey you know that gentlemens rule u were talking about? I dont follow that one anymore :O I got behind a guy while my friends were pounding his bunker and asked for his surrender. The bastard turned around and shot me in the nuts, well i had my pack in the front so it hit that but still its not nice :frown:

Shippi are u good? most of the girls that i've played were either equal or better than me, and i think at least im pretty damn good.
slider3005 said:
Shippi are u good? most of the girls that i've played were either equal or better than me, and i think at least im pretty damn good.

I'm not great, and I've got a lot to learn, but I've been told by a few people that I've got a lot of potential. So I suppose I'm doing something right! I'm not afraid to be shot, I'm not afraid to move, I'm not afraid to try crazy runthroughs... I'll try anything once. We had a few totally new people come down to the site I go to, and they dubbed me "Superwoman" :LOL: That was a fun day.
well i guess none of you have seen someone run up to someone's hiding spot, put their barrel in a slit and fire 10-20 balls into it. i have...and the person in the bunker didn't get up because they were knocked out.

and i guess none of you have been hit in the top of your head or in the neck from 3-4 feet away. it's not a good thing and none of the parks in my area allow anything even close to it.

bunkering, as you guys are labeling it, is fine...pinning someone by firing tons of paint at them is totally fine...and i've also never heard of the multi-break-and-you're-out-too rule. around here, bunkering is when you run up on someone's hiding spot and fire at them from less than 8-10 feet. around here, you get thrown out of the park for that stuff.

i've been shot in most places from that close, and like shippi said, it's usually nothing more than a bruise...maybe a bleeder. but it's not cool when that bruise is on your skull.

the problem is that people are assholes. they'll do anything to win...including *not* surrendering when you ask for it, shooting you from 2 feet away, etc. it's lame...and people think the only way to deal with that stuff is to do the same thing back to them...but the real way to deal with it is to play at a place where the refs won't allow that stuff. it makes for a much safer game, and it's usually less full of assholes as well.
Bunkering, or "mugging" is when you run past someones barricade, and shoot them at virtually point-blank range. Or you can shoot over the top, or creep round the side. It doesn't matter, it's the same thing. In tournaments and walkons, it's accepted, as long as they don't go crazy and shoot them loads of times. It's just part of the game you've got to accept. I've never held anything against people who've bunkered me, even when it bloody-well hurt!
On 'punter days' bunkering isn't allowed. In fact, on most sites you can get banned for shooting at someone closer than 20 feet. Imo, that's crazy, but it stops the day being ruined by a few idiots.
yea...i have no problem with bunkering personally, because it's never happened to me. i've never been that unaware that someone has run towards my bunker without me knowing. maybe i'm lucky or something, but i've always got my head up paying attention to what's going on.

i've never played in a tournament, so i've never been pinned by 23948732 balls, and anyway i'd much rather peek out and light someone up who's running at my spot and get hit myself in the process than get shot sitting on my ass.

i just have a problem with bunkering other people...i casual play you can almost always angle a few extra feet away when you're running past someone's spot so that you're not shooting them from point blank range.

and as far as speedball goes...if you design a good speeball area, people won't have to bunker each other. the one at the place i go to most often is tight, but the angles are such that bunkering just isn't needed even if it was allowed...except when there's 1 person on each side...then it gets a bit boring if they just snipe at each other. but even with that, i've never seen a speedball round last more than 2-3 minutes. one side always gets the angle advantage really quickly.
Yeah, in casual play I don't tend to bunker people. It's pointless. But if they're in a key bunker and the ONLY way to get them out is to bunker them, I will, but I shoot them in the foot or pack if possible. The regulars at our field are pretty experienced, so it doesn't bother them really. But if a new person was there I'd just surrender them.

Bunkering is part of the game. You just have to live with it. I can't stand watching games when people are just snapshooting at each other. So boring. Anyone see the finals between Dynasty and Russian Legion at Campaign Cup '03? Opie Loughran of Dynasty just ran down the field, and bunkered the final 3(??) legion players, winning the game. He got shot by his own team, but that one move won the game for them, which they would have lost otherwise. It's an important skill

Quick question: Does it bother you to get shot out by a girl? There was this one guy at the field yesterday that either me or my mate, Sarah shot. We were the only ones using pink paint, so he knew a girl had shot him out. Apparently, he couldn't stand the idea of being beaten by a lass, so he took one of his paintballs out his hopper, and crushed it over the hit so you couldn't see the pink! (We're friends with the marshal who told us this, neither of us saw him do that) What's up with that guy? Just wondering, cause that really pissed me off..
I want the M4 model so bad! That's my favorite gun. I also want an XM8 model, if they ever make it.
I've only been shot by girls a few times but it doesnt bother me. btw how old was the kid, thats really kind of immature. Actually now that i think of it i was kind of pissed when a girl got me one time because everyone kept bothering me about it. It was a two on two and my buddy was out in the first few shots. And her partner had his angel on full auto and bunkered me. So she got an angle on me and shot me. I didn't cover up the shot though.

o yea have u guys seen that nasty typhoon? its a double barrel pball gun ill try and find a link.
SHIPPI said:
Quick question: Does it bother you to get shot out by a girl? There was this one guy at the field yesterday that either me or my mate, Sarah shot. We were the only ones using pink paint, so he knew a girl had shot him out. Apparently, he couldn't stand the idea of being beaten by a lass, so he took one of his paintballs out his hopper, and crushed it over the hit so you couldn't see the pink! (We're friends with the marshal who told us this, neither of us saw him do that) What's up with that guy? Just wondering, cause that really pissed me off..

I wouldn't be bothered about being shot out by a girl, because during the grand four times I have played, I was more concerned about not being hit by anyone than selecting who I wanted to shoot me. Also, I read an article in The Times two weeks ago that was talking about how girls are naturally good shooters anyway, so if I would have minded before, I wouldn't any more.
slider3005 said:
I've only been shot by girls a few times but it doesnt bother me. btw how old was the kid, thats really kind of immature. Actually now that i think of it i was kind of pissed when a girl got me one time because everyone kept bothering me about it. It was a two on two and my buddy was out in the first few shots. And her partner had his angel on full auto and bunkered me. So she got an angle on me and shot me. I didn't cover up the shot though.

o yea have u guys seen that nasty typhoon? its a double barrel pball gun ill try and find a link.

Kid? He must have been in his late 20's! The fact that we're only 14 and 15 probably pissed him of a little, but still..
lol, me and my friend are well known on the site, and we're some of the best players there (unless the regular tourney 'ballers show up.They're ace to play against). No one who knows us minds losing against us. We get annoyed by everyone if we lose tho, lol.

dæmon, do you just go to normal days at your site or walkons? If you can get your hands on some decent kit you can play for a lot cheaper at walkons. Normal day at my local site would be £100+, but on the walkon it costs around £40... you're up against more experienced people too, so the games are a lot more interesting.
I think the girl players are pretty damn good... everyone says they suck but you need to realize that they are playing against the guy teams most of the time, so give em a break :E

valkyrie pwnage!

Oh and as for bunkering in rec, i think its fair enough. Nearly all of the fields near me have 2 indoor fields, 1 hi-tek and one low-tek. If your a beginner and really just want to get a taste for it lo tek is good, and its also good for intermediate players. On the lo tek fields you cant bunker, if you do your kicked out. If your looking to get your team good and practice for tourneys then you can play at hi tek and play an actual game of paintball.