Palestinian civil war


Dec 22, 2004
Reaction score
So... To our luck, Fatah and Hamas are at each other's throats again. Here's what's happened so far:

17 people being killed since Monday morning. Today's tally so far: 3 dead, 14 wounded.

# Demanded that Fatah terrorists abandon their positions, threatening to attack those who remained in their posts
# Launched afternoon attacks against Fatah-allied terrorists
# Captured several positions from Fatah
# Surrounded a compound, in which approximately 500 Fatah terrorists were holed up, and fired mortars and rocket-propelled grenades at the building
# Ransacked the Gaza home of former Palestinian foreign minister Nabil Shaath of Fatah, and shot one of his bodyguards in the leg.
# Deployed fighters in Khan Younis and erected roadblocks in order to inspect cars.
# Seized a hospital in Khan Yunis, the third medical center to come under Hamas control in two days
# Threatened to attack the headquarters of the Preventive Security Service in Gaza City, which is loyal to Fatah
# Attacked the home of a senior Fatah security official with mortars and grenades, killing 3 women and a child
# Accused Fatah of being "Zionist collaborators"
# Called for the execution of the Fatah's military and political leaders
# Described the fighting as a civil war
# Threatened to step things up a notch

# Accused Hamas of staging a coup
# Threatened to withdraw from the National Unity Government
# Believe Hamas is trying to achieve a decisive victory in the Gaza Strip "within hours" (here's hoping this thing is drawn out for a longer time)
# Were up until the last few hours still awaiting orders from Mahmoud Abbas to fight back
# Announced it would kill Hamas officials unless Hamas ceased its attacks
# Abducted the deputy cabinet minister from Hamas in Ramallah
# Attacked the home of palestinian Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh with a rocket-propelled grenade (Haniyeh and his family were unhurt)
# Kidnapped a member of the Hamas military wing (a cousin of Abdel Aziz Rantisi, the arch terrorist we killed 3 years ago) and executed him in the street.
# Stormed the house of a Hamashole and burned it to the ground.
# Called for the execution of the Hamas' military and political leaders
# Started playing Fatah songs on Hamas TV (a possible sign that they have taken control of the broadcast)
# Described the fighting as a civil war
# Declared a State of Alert

Hamas or Fatah:
Launched at least 4 shells at the Technological Science College

Yeah. Wiping out Israel will bring peace. Yeah, that'll happen. For real. Hold on, how will they wipe out Israel if they kill each other before Israel does? I say sit back and enjoy the gruesome show that is Palestinian society.
So... To our luck, Fatah and Hamas are at each other's throats again. Here's what's happened so far:

17 people being killed since Monday morning. Today's tally so far: 3 dead, 14 wounded.

# Demanded that Fatah terrorists abandon their positions, threatening to attack those who remained in their posts
# Launched afternoon attacks against Fatah-allied terrorists
# Captured several positions from Fatah
# Surrounded a compound, in which approximately 500 Fatah terrorists were holed up, and fired mortars and rocket-propelled grenades at the building
# Ransacked the Gaza home of former Palestinian foreign minister Nabil Shaath of Fatah, and shot one of his bodyguards in the leg.
# Deployed fighters in Khan Younis and erected roadblocks in order to inspect cars.
# Seized a hospital in Khan Yunis, the third medical center to come under Hamas control in two days
# Threatened to attack the headquarters of the Preventive Security Service in Gaza City, which is loyal to Fatah
# Attacked the home of a senior Fatah security official with mortars and grenades, killing 3 women and a child
# Accused Fatah of being "Zionist collaborators"
# Called for the execution of the Fatah's military and political leaders
# Described the fighting as a civil war
# Threatened to step things up a notch

# Accused Hamas of staging a coup
# Threatened to withdraw from the National Unity Government
# Believe Hamas is trying to achieve a decisive victory in the Gaza Strip "within hours" (here's hoping this thing is drawn out for a longer time)
# Were up until the last few hours still awaiting orders from Mahmoud Abbas to fight back
# Announced it would kill Hamas officials unless Hamas ceased its attacks
# Abducted the deputy cabinet minister from Hamas in Ramallah
# Attacked the home of palestinian Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh with a rocket-propelled grenade (Haniyeh and his family were unhurt)
# Kidnapped a member of the Hamas military wing (a cousin of Abdel Aziz Rantisi, the arch terrorist we killed 3 years ago) and executed him in the street.
# Stormed the house of a Hamashole and burned it to the ground.
# Called for the execution of the Hamas' military and political leaders
# Started playing Fatah songs on Hamas TV (a possible sign that they have taken control of the broadcast)
# Described the fighting as a civil war
# Declared a State of Alert

Hamas or Fatah:
Launched at least 4 shells at the Technological Science College

Yeah. Wiping out Israel will bring peace. Yeah, that'll happen. For real. Hold on, how will they wipe out Israel if they kill each other before Israel does? I say sit back and enjoy the gruesome show that is Palestinian society.

i didn't read the post but i'd say, better for everyone. the idiots kill themselves and all is good. unless they drag to many people into it, but i doubt it.
"What we've got here is failure to communicate.
Some men you just can't reach...
So, you get what we had here last week
Which is the way he wants it!
Well, he gets it!
N' I don't like it any more than you men."*
Look at your young men fighting
Look at your women crying
Look at your young men dying
The way they've always done before
Look at the hate we're breeding
Look at the fear we're feeding
Look at the lives we're leading
The way we've always done before
My hands are tied
The billions shift from side to side
And the wars go on with brainwashed pride
For the love of God and our human rights
And all these things are swept aside
By bloody hands time can't deny
And are washed away by your genocide
And history hides the lies of our civil wars
D'you wear a black armband
When they shot the man
Who said "Peace could last forever"
And in my first memories
They shot Kennedy
An I went numb when I learned to see
So I never fell for Vietnam
We got the wall of D.C. to remind us all
That you can't trust freedom
when it's not in your hands
When everybody's fightin'
for their promised land
I don't need your civil war
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor
Your power hungry sellin' soldiers
In a human grocery store
Ain't that fresh
I don't need your civil war
Look at the shoes you're filling
Look at the blood we're spilling
Look at the world we're killing
The way we've always done before
Look in the doubt we've wallowed
Look at the leaders we've followed
Look at the lies we've swallowed
And I don't want to hear no more
My hands are tied
For all I've seen has changed my mind
But still the wars go on as the years go by
With no love of God or human rights
'Cause all these dreams are swept aside
By bloody hands of the hypnotized
Who carry the cross of homicide
And history bears the scars of our civil wars
"We practice selective annihilation of mayors
and government officials
for example to create a vacuum
Then we fill that vacuum
as popular war advances.
Peace is closer"**
I don't need your civil war
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor
Your power hungry sellin' soldiers
In a human grocery store
Ain't that fresh
I don't need your civil war
I don't need your civil war
Your power hungry sellin' soldiers
In a human grocery store
Ain't that fresh
I don't need your civil war
I don't need one more war
I don't need one more war
Whaz so civil 'bout war anyway
so in other words you say "lets those bastards rot in hell"?
A quote from the Alien vs. Predator Comic Book series and Movie: "No matter who wins, we loose."
Headline in the Jerusalem post, and they only use headlines when vital stuff happens: Hamas overruns vital Fatah positions in Gaza

What's happened today:

4:40PM: Syria has condemned the assassination of anti-Syrian Lebanese legislator Walid Eido.

4:15PM: Hamas have now taken over the southern Gaza Strip town of Rafah.

2:55PM: Over 10 people have reportedly been killed in the Hamas takeover of Fatah's Gaza City security headquarters.

2:53PM: IDF troops have prevented an attempt by a Palestinian to seize a soldier's weapon at a checkpoint south of Nablus by firing in the air, arresting the terrorist and turning him over for questioning.

1:15PM: Ynetnews has a revealing quote from a Hamas terrorist:

"This is the first step of establishing an Islamic state," a Hamas operative, located in the Preventive Security Service building taken over by Hamas, told Ynet. "This is a victory for Islam, for Allah, and we pray to Allah in gratitude for bringing us this triumph," he said.

1:08PM: Ha'aretz reports that Hamas gunmen are executing Fatah men from the Gaza City HQ in the street.

12:05PM: Fatah leader Mahmoud Abbas has reportedly given the first orders to his presidential guard to strike back against Hamas.

11:20AM: Hamas are now claiming that Fatah's Gaza City security headquarters has fallen, but Fatah denies it.

11:18AM: Hamas are bombarding a Fatah security compound in Gaza City

10:00AM: 2 Qassams were fired at Sderot earlier this morning, leading to a number of people in shock, and a damaged car.

It's very politically incorrect to talk about this, because obviously, this is all a by-product of their frustration of their Arab neighbors unw... wait, I main ISRAEL'S unwillingness to give them a state. Whew, that was a close one. Wouldn't wanna insinuate that Jordan and Egypt stole the West Bank and the Gaza Strip in 1948 and occupied it untill the Six Day War...
somemore of the same

Don't worry someone in this forum will find a way to blame it on Israel.
I wonder if Hamas realizes that taking over all of Palestine will only mean that they get completely cut off from aid. Then they're royally f*cked. Of course, that whole area's been pretty f*cked for a long time now.
Here's the latest update:

4:17PM: More dead, this time at a Hamas victory parade in Gaza.

3:32PM: The new PM appointed by Abbas is Finance Minister Salam Fayyad.

3:30PM: PA Chairman Abbas is reportedly going to choose a new PM in the coming hours.

3:20PM: Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh is calling for an end to looting of abandoned Fatah assets in Gaza and is proposing reconciliation talks with Chairman Mahmoud Abbas.

2:08PM: The Israel Prison Service has placed Hamas and Fatah prisoners in separated wings in order to avoid clashes.

1:48PM: Following last night's announcement that there will be no Islamic rule declared in Gaza, Hamas is now saying that secularism and heresy in Gaza are about to end.

12:50PM: Hamas has announced that it will free all Fatah prisoners. It has also announced that it plans to take control of Gaza's crossing with Egypt.

12:15PM: About 100 Fatah members have reportedly fled to Egypt following Hamas' takeover of the Gaza Strip.

11:45AM: Ma'an news reports:

A Hamas activist was killed by Fatah militias, east of the West Bank city of Nablus, on Thursday night.

Medical sources identified the deceased as 32-year-old, Anis As Sallous. The medical sources added that As Sallous arrived at hospital with bullets in several areas of his body, including his head, chest and legs. He died shortly after arriving at hospital.

11:42AM: Israeli police have increased their presence in east Jerusalem and around the Temple Mount, and have restricted access to the Temple Mount to women, and men over 45 with Israeli identity cards, in an attempt to prevent the Palestinian infighting from spilling over into Jerusalem.

11:40AM: Hamas terrorists have captured a number of senior Fatah terrorists they consider to be "American agents", including the commander of the National Security organization and of the elite Presidential Guard, along with a senior Fatah spokesman, a "lawmaker" and six other officials.

10:30AM: According to Ma'an news, there's now a "precarious calm" in Gaza.

10:15AM: Israel has stated that it will provide humanitarian aid to the Palestinian population in the Gaza Strip if the humanitarian crisis there intensifies.

9:20AM: The Jerusalem Post reports that the BBC apologized this week for referring to Jerusalem as Israel's capital, and promised not to repeat "the mistake."

9:15AM: Since last update:
# Fatahn killed another Hamas supporter/terrorist/whatever
# Hamas has made it known that its interested in maintaining contact with Israel so the country can attend to the needs of the civilian population in Gaza. In other words, please help us survive so we can destroy you. The sad thing is, we probably will.
# Israel is considering transferring frozen Palestinian tax funds to the PA. That would be the same PA to which Fatah is affiliated, the same Fatah that has been firing Qassams into Israel.
# The IDF killed a suspected terrorist in the Shomron, and arrested another one near Hebron.

1:00AM: Fatah has killed a Hamas supporter/terrorist/whatever in the West Bank, riddling him with bullets.

12:50AM: Hamas terrorists have broken into the Gaza homes of Mahmoud Abbas and Mohammed Dahlan, and looted them.

12:15AM: Just another day in Gaza

12:00AM: Today's civil war death toll: 21.

Friday June 15th

11:30PM: A senior Hamas official in Syria says that there will be no Islamic rule declared in the territory.

Homework assignment: Compare and contrast to my 1:15PM update.

10:56PM: According to Ma'an news, there is now a split within Fatah.

A spokesperson for the Palestinian ministry of interior, Khalid Abu Hilal, said on Thursday night that "Hamas will not harm the good people of Fatah; the punishment will be directed against the collaborators."

In a press conference held in Gaza, Abu Hilal stated that he is now the head of the Fatah movement in the Gaza Strip. He described Fatah leader Mohammed Dahlan, and many other Fatah leaders as "collaborators".

He declared "the good and honorable people of the Fatah movement have rejected the collaborator trend in Fatah."

He confirmed that he has reached an agreement with leaders of the Hamas-affiliated Al Qassam Brigades, that the "good" people of Fatah will not be harmed. He stated that an emergency committee has been formed "in order to protect the good Fatah people… this committee will be temporary, in order to rearrange the affairs of the Fatah movement".

10:48PM: Earlier tonight, PA Chairman/Fatah leader Mahmoud Abbas declared a state....of emergency. He also dissolved the Hamas-Fatah unity government. Needless to say, Hamas rejected Abbas' decree.

8:35PM: A Hamas spokesman has stated that Fatah fighters who surrender their weapons won't be harmed.

Except being given the occasional wedgie, of course.

8:05PM: The US has a*ccused Hamas of committing "acts of terror" against the Palestinian people.

Hamas fighters search inside the Preventive Security headquarters after they captured it in Gaza June 14, 2007. (Suhaib Salem/Reuters)

7:30PM: Here's a great summary of events until now:

7:12PM: A Hamas spokesman has said that no changes in Gaza's social and cultural life is expected.

7:10PM: The Palestinians are claiming that IDF tank fire killed 4 children east of Rafah. The IDF is denying this, stating that Hamas is trying to blame their deaths on Israel.

6:50PM: The IDF have killed a wanted terrorist south of Jenin.

6:45PM: Other events:
# Hamas burned down the Palestinian radio station in Gaza, accusing the Palestinian media of collaborating with Israel
# Hamas captured the intelligence services building in Gaza
# Fatah arrested in Ramallah and in several other Palestinian cities
# Fatah blew up a security post to keep it from falling to Hamas
# And the terrorists still found time to launch the 3rd Qassam of the day at Israel

6:38PM: According to the Jerusalem Post, Hamas claim they found in the recently captured Fatah's Gaza HQ documents proving close ties between Fatah and the CIA. Ynetnews elaborate that Hamas found intelligence documents, video tapes and other equipment implicating not only Israel and the CIA, but also several Arab nations in attempts to impair Hamas.

4:50PM: Victory is not enough for Hamas; humiliating their adversary is also needed. As Ma'an News reports:

In a humiliating scene, the Hamas-affiliated Al-Aqsa Satellite TV broadcast images of Preventive Security members and officers wearing only their underwear as combatants from the Al-Qassam Brigades, Hamas' armed wing, fired shots over their heads.

4:40PM: From the Department of Extreme Disingenuity: Syria has condemned the assassination of anti-Syrian Lebanese legislator Walid Eido.

4:15PM: Hamas have now taken over the southern Gaza Strip town of Rafah.

2:55PM: Over 10 people have reportedly been killed in the Hamas takeover of Fatah's Gaza City security headquarters.

2:53PM: IDF troops have prevented an attempt by a Palestinian to seize a soldier's weapon at a checkpoint south of Nablus by firing in the air, arresting the terrorist and turning him over for questioning.

1:15PM: Ynetnews has a revealing quote from a Hamas terrorist:

"This is the first step of establishing an Islamic state," a Hamas operative, located in the Preventive Security Service building taken over by Hamas, told Ynet. "This is a victory for Islam, for Allah, and we pray to Allah in gratitude for bringing us this triumph," he said.

1:08PM: Ha'aretz reports that Hamas gunmen are executing Fatah men from the Gaza City HQ in the street.

12:05PM: Fatah leader Mahmoud Abbas has reportedly given the first orders to his presidential guard to strike back against Hamas.

11:20AM: Hamas are now claiming that Fatah's Gaza City security headquarters has fallen, but Fatah denies it.

11:18AM: Hamas are bombarding a Fatah security compound in Gaza City

10:00AM: 2 Qassams were fired at Sderot earlier this morning, leading to a number of people in shock, and a damaged car.

I was waiting for Stern to give me a lecture about genocide not being black & white and how I was wrong about this, but then I saw his reply, and Jesus, he's really lost for words this time.

By the way, I noticed something interesting today, while standing around and shooting in the air with his AK47, I noticed that something strange: For once, I saw a Hungarian-made AK47 in the Gaza strip; You know, it had two holes at the muzzle, but the strange thing is, the Hungarian AKs that do have that usually comes with a wooden handle on it. Here's what I mean:

But it had wooden parts, so I'm a little confused as to why an AK variant in the Gaza strip would have such a fancy modification.
oh god the humanity! did anyone ask whether the xray machines wanted to be violated in that way? think of all the little xray machines that have to witness their larger siblings humiliated by I really need to go on?
Today I waited on two Palestinians who were delighted at Hamas' coup d'etat. Apparently, they said that the Fatah was corrupt and robbed the people of their money.
Fatah party robbing people of their money! That's shocking!

*watches news of Hamas soldiers suicide bombing*

The whole area of Palestine is one gigantic cesspool. Do they contribute anything at all to humanity except violence, war, ignorance and idiocy? Maybe self-annihilation is what they need. They clearly aren't evolving culturally. Dead water. Stagnant society. They will meet their end. Thank Allah!

I find it extremely difficult to dredge up some sympathy.
Fatah party robbing people of their money! That's shocking!

*watches news of Hamas soldiers suicide bombing*

My thoughts exactly. But I wanted a good tip, so naturally I didn't say so. :p
Fatah party robbing people of their money! That's shocking!

*watches news of Hamas soldiers suicide bombing*

The whole area of Palestine is one gigantic cesspool. Do they contribute anything at all to humanity except violence, war, ignorance and idiocy? Maybe self-annihilation is what they need. They clearly aren't evolving culturally. Dead water. Stagnant society. They will meet their end. Thank Allah!

I find it extremely difficult to dredge up some sympathy.

what do you expect? 50 years of seige mentallity breeds a lot of hate

they went from this to this in a little over 50 years map.jpg
Fatah party robbing people of their money! That's shocking!

*watches news of Hamas soldiers suicide bombing*

The whole area of Palestine is one gigantic cesspool. Do they contribute anything at all to humanity except violence, war, ignorance and idiocy? Maybe self-annihilation is what they need. They clearly aren't evolving culturally. Dead water. Stagnant society. They will meet their end. Thank Allah!

I find it extremely difficult to dredge up some sympathy.

the palestinians do bring nothing but violence, war, ignorance, and idiocy. That's what is sad. They are killing each other and wasting their existence on a worthless cause. It's a waste of human life.
Of course it is, and there is really no end in sight. Humans in general will ALWAYS find something to kill each other over. To quote the Terminator:

"It's in your nature to destroy yourselves."
I just feel bad for the people that do realize that all that fighting is completely useless, but can't get out and hance get bombed to shit.

For Hamas / Fatah / Secret Jewish Stasi Nazi Agents, let them all blow each other up with pinpoint-accurate-zero-civilian-casualty tactical nukes.
what do you expect? 50 years of seige mentallity breeds a lot of hate

they went from this to this in a little over 50 years map.jpg

Using that Pakistani map again? Nevermind, it's wrong. I'll rebuke you: That so-called siege-mentality is something they can thank only themselves and their neighbors who stole their land after the War of Independance in 1948. This cartoon sums up the mentality that lead to them to this perfectly:

I guess it's redundant to point out the fact that they wouldn't be in this situation if they weren't a sick and depraved society, solely bent on killing their neighbors, their past attempts to do so being the cause of any land "lost".

Well, Fatah has been beaten and Hamas is in control now. This is good, because a lot of idiots think that Fatah was moderate, and for some reason, Hamas is seen as worse than them. So this gives Israel free play at playing splattered-all-over-the-pavement with the terrorists that will be attacking Israel soon.
Using that Pakistani map again? Nevermind, it's wrong. I'll rebuke you: That so-called siege-mentality is something they can thank only themselves and their neighbors who stole their land after the War of Independance in 1948. This cartoon sums up the mentality that lead to them to this perfectly:

I guess it's redundant to point out the fact that they wouldn't be in this situation if they weren't a sick and depraved society, solely bent on killing their neighbors, their past attempts to do so being the cause of any land "lost".

Well, Fatah has been beaten and Hamas is in control now. This is good, because a lot of idiots think that Fatah was moderate, and for some reason, Hamas is seen as worse than them. So this gives Israel free play at playing splattered-all-over-the-pavement with the terrorists that will be attacking Israel soon.

:rolleyes: They are angry for good reasons. I would be too. It's not a "culture of death", its the real socioeconomic consequences of an unjust allotment of land.
That makes no sense. If it weren't for Israel, Jordan would have the West Bank today, and Egypt would have the Gaza Strip. They were kicked out from these places by the Israelis. By all standards, they should be grateful to the Israelis and hate King Hussein of Jordan and whomever was in charge of Egypt back then.
Latest news: In the West Bank, Fatah terrorists stormed Hamas-controlled institutions and told Hamas-affiliated staffers not to return. For their part, Hamas threatened to retaliate against Mahmoud Abbas' forces in the West Bank if they did not end Fatah "terrorism" against Hamas members.

Meanwhile, with hundreds of Palestinians fleeing Gaza(for Israel), Israel allowed senior Fatah officials and their families to move to the West Bank, via the Erez crossing, with some 200 Palestinians being allowed through in the past few days. Israel closed the crossing Saturday afternoon for security purposes. It should also be noted that hundreds of Palestinians later broke into the Palestinian side of the crossing and began looting it.

A crowd also looted the home of deceased Fatah terror leader Yasser Arafat.

Newly appointed Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad completed the formation of an emergency government today, and was to present it to PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas for approval this evening, with the US, Israel and European states willing to bolster it by preparing to ease sanctions in the West Bank.

Hamas leader and deposed Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh ruled out setting up a separate Palestinian state in the Gaza Strip. He also appointed a new security command, replacing commanders loyal to Abbas.

In other news, Hamas gunmen exchanged fire with members of a powerful clan in Khan Yunis, And following this, and get this: Iran, called on the Palestinians to "unite against the Zionist enemy." :E :thumbs:

11:35PM: Abbas' emergency government is to be sworn in on Sunday at 1:00PM.

11:22PM: 4 Fatah terrorists have been killed, and the bullet-ridden corpse of a Fatah field commander has been found in southern Gaza.

In another gory discovery, the bodies of 7 Hamas terrorists/supporters/whatever have been found in the basement of the Preventive Security Service headquarters.

11:20PM: Hamas are banning terrorists from wearing masks, unless they are shooting at Israel.
So Hamas got the Gaza Strip and al-Fatah got the West Bank?

I hate to say this, but the only way for the people of the Gaza Strip to surviver is for Israel to re-occupy it.
Why does this thread amount to a jubilant scorecard?
Why is this "to our luck", Nemesis?

Does it amuse you to see complete bastards driving a spiral of hate, despair, brutality and poverty that will cause untold grief, sucking in innocents and galvanising ideological violence?

I ask why but it's fairly clear: to you, this is palestinian society. Nobody is innocent. Nobody is normal. Nobody is peaceful. Nobody is quiet. Nobody just wants to get on with their lives. Nobody just wants to keep their friends and family safe. Do you even believe they're capable of love?

I can only conclude that you don't see these people as human. You certainly will never admit that anybody outside of Palestine is responsible for its state.

PS: I do not bring up 'outside intervention' lightly. I would rather leave it out, because I do not believe talking about a civil war between extremist groups leads naturally to a discussion of outside intervention (sorry: ISRAEL). I do not, as Yhoadsoawhatsit says, seek to lay the blame on Israel in this particular situation. I bring up Israel and its policy because you make it so very clear: to you, this civil war engendered by bullshit ideals is entertainment, precisely because you think Palestine is a cesspit of its own making - and not an inch is it anyone else's.
They are angry for good reasons. I would be too. It's not a "culture of death", its the real socioeconomic consequences of an unjust allotment of land.

They're only "good reason", is that the Mufti of Jerusalem did not succeed in his final solution of the Judiacs in Palestine. And it is a culture of death for the record as they practically force they're children to embrace matyrdom, all for the sake of creating a warrior class that they envision will one day be responsible for overthrowing Israel not through peace or diplomacy, but war and religious genocide.

And "they" whatever few or many, aspire to this daily.

I bring up Israel and its policy because you make it so very clear: to you, this civil war engendered by bullshit ideals is entertainment, precisely because you think Palestine is a cesspit of its own making - and not an inch is it anyone else's.

It is however the personal responsibility of Hamas that this is happening. It's been the aging rhetoric now that the Fatah was'nt as extreme as Hamas on the existence of an Israeli state on Palestinian soil. The Hamas Vote was above all, a larger part of this military coupe'de'etat, which aimed to gain a large enough backing of financial support for the launching of not just this operation but the many planned after it.

Here's something interesting; Lebanese ground forces were fighting Fatah Militant Cells throughout Lebanon, correct? Could this all have something to do with the fact Hamas is attacking these resistance cells also -- the Lebanese government is practically controlled by Hizbollah which is being strung run from Iran and Syria; this is all apart of something big and it even goes down into the Qassams being fired into Israel alongside the Kidnappings months ago.

I think the invasion from Israel was sort of planned to, 'naturally' overthrow or weak Abbas's Fatah. Or, put it into a position of weakness enough that Hamas could attempt at overthrowing it.
Using that Pakistani map again?

what are you disputing the map? post your own map proving israel hasnt swallowd whole swaths of what was formerly palestinian/arab territory

Nevermind, it's wrong. I'll rebuke you: That so-called siege-mentality is something they can thank only themselves and their neighbors who stole their land after the War of Independance in 1948. This cartoon sums up the mentality that lead to them to this perfectly:

posting cartoon from idiot right wing looneys again? you dont understand what seige mentality is do you? that's pretty obvious when you blame the people supposedly suffering for something that is self imposed truely are ignorant ..I'm surprised you dont suffer from uncontrollable falling down or some other affliction which comes from being less than smart ..scratch that, less than below average intelligence regurgitate: absolutely nothing you say is an original thought that you've formulated after weighing the available evidence. You copy and paste you dont analyse or contemplate an issue, it's already decided for you based on whatever political group/ideology they subscribe to ..but I'm wasting my time explaining this to you as you're far too gone to understand it much less take it to heart

I guess it's redundant to point out the fact that they wouldn't be in this situation if they weren't a sick and depraved society, solely bent on killing their neighbors, their past attempts to do so being the cause of any land "lost".

another reason why you should be permenantly banned for trolling, pushing bigoted ideology ..people like you GUARENTEE there will NEVER be peace in israel ..and I for one hope you and all those like you eliminate each other with extreme prejudice ..that way the rest of us can continue living. It would be your greatest sacrifice yet
Why does this thread amount to a jubilant scorecard?
Why is this "to our luck", Nemesis?

Does it amuse you to see complete bastards driving a spiral of hate, despair, brutality and poverty that will cause untold grief, sucking in innocents and galvanising ideological violence?

I ask why but it's fairly clear: to you, this is palestinian society. Nobody is innocent. Nobody is normal. Nobody is peaceful. Nobody is quiet. Nobody just wants to get on with their lives. Nobody just wants to keep their friends and family safe. Do you even believe they're capable of love?

I can only conclude that you don't see these people as human. You certainly will never admit that anybody outside of Palestine is responsible for its state.

PS: I do not bring up 'outside intervention' lightly. I would rather leave it out, because I do not believe talking about a civil war between extremist groups leads naturally to a discussion of outside intervention (sorry: ISRAEL). I do not, as Yhoadsoawhatsit says, seek to lay the blame on Israel in this particular situation. I bring up Israel and its policy because you make it so very clear: to you, this civil war engendered by bullshit ideals is entertainment, precisely because you think Palestine is a cesspit of its own making - and not an inch is it anyone else's.

It's not entertainment, and as I said, it's a brutal spectacle, but it's a win-win situation for both the Israelis and the Palestinians, but more the Israelis. Let me explain: By murdering and killing each other as savagely as they do the Israelis, they realize that they hate each other just as much as they hate yahud. And this is an important step in their development, if there is to be any left after this. A win for Israel in the sense that, well, they've proven themselves more capable than the Israelis at killing each other brutally as witnessed in the recent Gaza lynch.

You really can't blame anyone else for this. They themselves are responsible for this. "Democratically", of course according to Jimmy Carter, they elected Hamas into government, and now they suffer from their own stupidity. This is why I say democracy is weak, because people can abuse it, and this is one of those cases.

Don't be silly about me not seeing them as humans. They're humans alright, but a lot of them are damn stupid. But it's two terrorist organizations murdering each other. How is that bad?
posting cartoon from idiot right wing looneys again? you dont understand what seige mentality is do you? that's pretty obvious when you blame the people supposedly suffering for something that is self imposed truely are ignorant ..I'm surprised you dont suffer from uncontrollable falling down or some other affliction which comes from being less than smart ..scratch that, less than below average intelligence regurgitate: absolutely nothing you say is an original thought that you've formulated after weighing the available evidence. You copy and paste you dont analyse or contemplate an issue, it's already decided for you based on whatever political group/ideology they subscribe to ..but I'm wasting my time explaining this to you as you're far too gone to understand it much less take it to heart

Doesn't need rebuking. Just ass-talk. By the awy, It's just a cartoon. Get over yourself.

another reason why you should be permenantly banned for trolling, pushing bigoted ideology ..people like you GUARENTEE there will NEVER be peace in israel ..and I for one hope you and all those like you eliminate each other with extreme prejudice ..that way the rest of us can continue living. It would be your greatest sacrifice yet

Oh, yes, I'm a racist and a troll. Heh. No points here, either.

Listen, if you're really interested in the transfer of land, etc, starting at 1918, read this website:
Latest news:

• 9:05PM: The Lebanese army is claiming that it discovered a rocket that was set to be launched on Israel and prevented it from being fired.

• 8:23PM: According to the Jerusalem Post, up to 4 Katushas landed in Israel.

• 8:20PM: Here are two consecutive items from the Ha'aretz news ticker:

20:12 Report: Army of Islam says deal reached on release of BBC`s Johnston (Reuters)
20:14 Report: Army of Islam threatens to kill Alan Johnston (Reuters)

• Israel was attacked by what was likely a palestinian terrorist group in Lebanon. When I say attacked, I mean they fired two Katusha rockets into Israel. The rockets landed in Kiryat Shmona, and caused damage to a vehicle and roads. Thankfully, there were no injuries. Hizbullah has denied involvement, and the Israeli government has stated that we will not retaliate.

• The new PA Prime Minister Salam Fayad was sworn in, while Hamas still does not recognize him nor the new government.

• PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas issued a decree outlawing the armed groups of Hamas, and threatened to punish members.

• 10:20PM: A Qassam has landed near a Sderot factory, hitting a container possibly holding chemicals.

• 9:30PM: According to the IDF, palestinians threw a grenade and fired at civilians at the Erez crossing, and soldiers shot at the gunmen. Meanwhile, the Jerusalem Post is reporting at least 2 palestinians dead.

• Hamas gunmen shot and wounded 5 palestinians by the Erez Gaza-Israel crossing. And it looks like they got really trigger-happy, since they also shot at IDF troops, resulting in one dead terrorist, and at least 10 others wounded.

• Russia urged Hamas and Abbas' emergency government to seek "wide-ranging dialogue." (As opposed to long-range missiles?)
• Hamas issued an ultimatum to the palestinian terrorists holding BBC correspondent Alan Johnston in the Gaza Strip, threatening to free him by force if they do not release him by the end of the day. At last report, Hamas terrorists have already started to amass in the area of the kidnappers.

• A number of figures in the Gaza Strip called for the trial of Fatah strongman, Muhammad Dahlan, as well as other leading figures which they considered responsible for the fall of Fatah in Gaza.

• Terrorists desecrated a Roman Catholic school and convent in Gaza city. And in related news, a church group has urged for an end to Israeli 'occupation.'

• Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni said that Israel will resume payments of palestinian tax revenues if the new Fatah-led West Bank government commits to peace and supports Israel's right to exist.
• The Justice Minister issued a statement calling on Israel to allow palestinians wishing to flee Gaza entry to the West Bank. "As long as the people in question are not Hamas gunmen and do not pose a security threat, Israel must facilitate their transition."

• Meanwhile, remember those 100 or so Fatah members who fled to Egypt after Gaza? Looks like they will be returning to Gaza, since they have been stuck for days on the Egyptian side after Egyptian authorities would not let them leave the Rafah crossing. Still waiting for the pressure on Egypt to allow them to enter Egypt.

• PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas told US President George W. Bush that "this is the time to resume the political negotiations and to revive the hope of the Palestinian people."
• A terrorist group affiliated to Abbas' Fatah claimed to have fired 3 projectiles at Israel. Given that the Israeli media did not report it, they are either lying, or the projectiles did not quite make it into Israel.

• A previously unknown Islamic terror group - The Jihadi Badr Brigades - Lebanon branch - claimed responsibility for yesterday's Katusha rocket attack on northern Israel. But the Kuwaiti Al Siyasah newspaper reported that Syrian President Bashar Assad was linked to the attack.

• UN chief Ban Ki-moon said that UNIFIL and the Lebanese army will act against Katusha fire at Israel. For the sake of context, I'll include this picture of U.N peacekeepers making a "report" after Hizballah put up a billboard praising themselves for kidnapping the Israeli soldiers:
Along with that picture, I include this article:

Hizbullah terrorists are free to roam at night without fear of being identified by the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL), according to a report by the German paper Der Spiegel.

Spanish UNIFIL official Richard Ortax admitted to the paper that no patrols are carried out at night “because of the danger involved.” UNIFIL commanders said their function is to “observe changes in the behavior of the local population.”

One junior officer told Der Spiegel he was glad that his battalion had only left its camp once. “It’s absurd,” he said. “We landed here and set up our tent city, but since then we’ve only left the camp to drive around and to make sure that we’re seen.”

The report cites a long tradition of UNIFIL inaction, which it says allowed time for a Finnish contingent to construct a giant sauna and an Indian contingent to decorate its base with traditional Indian artwork.
"you regurgitate: absolutely nothing you say is an original thought that you've formulated after weighing the available evidence. You copy and paste you dont analyse or contemplate an issue, it's already decided for you based on whatever political group/ideology they subscribe to" - CptStern
another reason why you should be permenantly banned for trolling, pushing bigoted ideology

So, you see something that you disagree with and you want it banned. Your better then this CptStern. I know you are.