Pancakes or Waffles?

Pancakes or Waffles?

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Dude Pancakes of course

Large, yellow-ish and tasty
Waffles are designed to better control the syrup distribution/penetration and minimize the mess.

Waffles FTW!
I am British so:

Pancakes = shrove Tuesday flat lovely rolly type things
Waffles = potato waffles. Mmm, mm. Spread cheese on them.

I'd have to go with pancakes.
WTF Potato waffles?
You British have the weirdest of nourishments

Kidneh pie ftw!
Pancakes.. preferably savoury.

This is the British sense.
Pancakes... I don't even need butter or syrup on them and yet they are delicious.
Oh pancakes of course, But i have to admit the waffles with the little fillings inside are pretty DAMNED good!:cheers:
im a big pancake guy but too much effort in making them opposed to throwing an eggo in the toaster, but pancakes still own
Fat pancakes are for overweight Americans. Thin pancakes, eaten on Shrove Tuesday - now there's a winner.

And potato waffles are like incredibly large chips. Pretty awesome.

-Angry Lawyer
Birdseye potato waffles, they're waffley versatile.

Pancakes, dropped scones, potato waffles, potato cakes (effing gorgeous), all of which float my boat upon which I am sailing through life.
Dammit this thread makes me hungry and made me go look at the refrigerator hopelessly only to find two pieces of cheese and moldy bread.
waffles are t3h h4x.

Waffles are nice a fluffly, unless they are my granpas waffles. I had to literally stab at it with a butter knife(using a good deal of force) to chop it up. Eating it was another problem all together.
evil^milk said:
Dammit this thread makes me hungry and made me go look at the refrigerator hopelessly only to find two pieces of cheese and moldy bread.
Sorry, brainworms stole 'em

The waffle has been speficially designed to hold lovely sweet syrup. When done right, it has a slight delicious crunch to it. And one of its commercialized forms developed one of the most recognizable phrases of all time: "Leggo my eggo".
though in large quantities, waffles are better. but blueberry pancakes... mm.

to quote mitch hedberg:
"waffles are like pancakes but with a syrup trap"
"i put fruit on my pancakes 'cause I want something to brush off"
"you can't be like pancakes... all exciting at first, but by the end you're ****ing sick of em."
It's kinda' close.

Hmm, there should be a "both" option.
I don't really like both but I like pancakes a little more than waffles.
Pancakes, with so much maple syrup that the pancake is saturated with the syrup. Eat the pancakes, and then drink any of the syrup that's left.