Panel hierarchy



Hi there,

I ve got a little prob. I ve created a Panel and draw a texture on it.

1) the panel got a Background (box) --> i can set the type of the boarder but i cannot make it invisible, that only the texture is visible. if i turn the color off the texture disapears also :(

2) if a weaponmodel runs of the panel is it above the texture but under the panelbackground, why????

3) i also want to creat a secound panel, how can i set the one for the other?

--> sorry for my english i'm german ^^

hope u could help me anyway.


1. make sure that your texture has a 100% transparent alpha layer except where you want the texture to show, thats a common problem, secondly, you need to (if memory serves) set the alpha in code.

2. command for that, $ignorezindex or something or other

3. i assume this means you want to swap them? If so, just hide one, and show the other giving them the same position.

--> Sorry for my shitty answers, been up about 27 or so hours <--

hope i helped a bit, or pointed in the right way...

There is a thread on chatbear though that goes over just this issue that i had a few months back, search for a really long thread involving modding the menu, or search for posts by RenEvo, i didn't post there that often.