Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door and Halo 2


Jul 3, 2003
Reaction score
OK, two opinions on two games (both positive).

First, yesterday I got to play Halo 2 in all its glory at my friend's apartment. We played with 6 people (3 vs. 3). Here are my thoughts:

Is it so totally revolutionary? No. It's Halo on steroids. BUT, personally I thought it was much more fun to play than Halo. Better weapons, better graphics, more vehicles. All in all, very good but maybe the ratings it got were too high for its own good.

Second, yesterday I bought Paper Mario The Thousand-Year Door for Gamecube... if you think the game is "babyish" or "for little kids" I will tell you no little kid could get very far on it. It's basically a RPG with turn-based battling.

So far, I'm very impressed with it, it's REALLY fun. It also is pretty damn challenging. I mean, the battling is MUCH more interactive than say, Fire Emblem. You choose your move (for Mario, there's two, Jump and Hammer [but each can have higher-level moves made possible by Badges]) and then there's an action you have to perform to get the full effect.

For example, let's say I battle a Goomba. I choose Hammer (normal), the action is "Hold control stick left until "*" appears than let go", it's easier than it sounds. And if I do it right, it will have a full blow instead of a semi-blow.

For a Mario game, the battling is very deep. There's Flower Points (which Badge moves use up) and Star Points (for Special moves). There's an Audience who watches you, and if you do well more people will join the audience (sometimes they'll throw stuff at you, so you have to keep an eye out and press X to stop them). Then you also use Items and PLUS you get Party Members. Only two people can battle at once, but your ally can switch with other members in the party to take advantage of their special moves.

It's a 2D game (but not really, you can move vertically too) and it's an RPG. You can get items, badges, level up, do small quests for people, etc.

I love this game, it's long... perhaps not as long as Wind Waker, but I can't comment on that yet since I haven't beaten Paper Mario yet.

My rating? 9.5/10
SubKamran said:
Second, yesterday I bought Paper Mario The Thousand-Year Door for Gamecube... if you think the game is "babyish" or "for little kids" I will tell you no little kid could get very far on it. It's basically a RPG with turn-based battling.

I bought Paper Mario last... hmm, Friday. I'd say it's pretty fun. The whole idea of the game being made of paper is pretty zany.
I loved the original Paper Mario :)

The second will be mine after Christmas, though. As will Metroid Prime 2 :) I've just got too many games on the go to justify another purchase.

(for ages/years there have been few good games out - now there's enough to keep us up to our necks in AAA titles for the next 12 months \o/)