Paradise Earth


Companion Cube
Jan 11, 2005
Reaction score
Yes, this is my first fan-fic ever. I found something to do in my spare time. :p

No, I have not played EP1.

Criticisms? :D

Derek Sonnors walked into his Bachelor Officers' Quarters (BOQ), provided by the free goverment of humankind. The guard, a female, middle aged, was again taking a nap in her post. Derek closed the front door slowly so that he would not disturb the woman. But not quietly enough, it seemed, because at that moment she abruptly walk up and upon seeing him, saluted rather vigorously, considering that she was just sleeping moments before. Derek returned the salute and walked down the corrider to the elevators. A poster had been posted at the end of the corridor, and it seemed like it was the focus of the entire wall, if not the entire building's sole purpose of existing. And it was only standard sized, 40cm by 100cm. The poster depicted the image of a 40-something year old man, with the eyes staring into the heavens. The face would have been recognized by every free human being on the planet; the leader Gordon Freeman himself. As Derek studied the poster, he once again saw the shades of orange illustrating a sunrise in the background. The colors, while being so simple in itself, seemed to elaborate the prosperous future of humanity. Yes. Prosperity. The combine had been pushed out of Europe, save for the place once called England, into Siberia and the dessert regions of the middle east.

When he got to his quarters, Derek took off the black helmet and uniform with the gold hawk emblem of the SS (which stood for State Security). The State Security Corps were the elite, the greatest military branch under Free Humanity, and Derek took pride in being not just a enlisted grunt, but an officer of it. His 'boss' was Alyx Freeman, the wife of the 'Liberator' as the media called him. She was the High Directing Officer of the Department of State Security and its underlying branches. Derek didn't like her very much, as she seemed too self-centered, even obssesed (she had statues of herself in the lobby), but he still respected her. After all, she had fought against the Combine, and helped establish the Free Human Federation, pushing the Combine forces out of mainland Europe. Nevertheless, he turned on the TV to forget the uneventful and boring day at work.

"Jack! Jack, where are you?"
Titanic. There seemed to be a flood of twenty and plus-year-old movies being rerun in the channels. He turned the channel.

"-haps are there Combine spies in YOUR neigborhood? To report suspected spies, please call 090 without the area codes and you will be-"

"The Antlion, is a territorial animal, and it de-"

"2100 News. Today, the funeral services were held for State Security Corpsman, Sargeant John Henderson, who died at the age of 35, being killed by procom rebel fire. The procom rebels....."

Henderson. John Henderson. Derek remembered him well, and was certain that everyone who knew him would miss him greatly. He had a family, a wife and three kids, who refused to be consoled after his death and kept crying. Crying and crying. Everyone had enjoyed John's company, but he was dead. gone to the afterlife, if you prefer. Derek could remember his death vividly, as it was only two weeks ago. He thought of the crying widow and the children until he drifted off to sleep......

"Sir!" Henderson shouted. "All the houses are clear, there were no-"
Henderson fell to the ground, a 30cm long metal rod sticking out of his forehead. There was a faint sizzling sound as the blood evaporated by the heated metal. A smell, of burning human flesh and rubber spread out in the air. Derek stood, stunned, as Henderson's eyes glazed over.

Just then, another bolt of red-hot iron whizzed past him and embeded itself in the ground, with a dull thunking sound.

"SNIPER! Take cover!" Derek ordered to the remaining members of his platoon, and jumped behind a car. As he watched his men throw themselves into ditches and behind whatever objects big enough to cover them with great haste, Derek scanned the nearby structures to find the sniper. One of the houses, perhaps? But they had just cleared it out..... The others... a school, a barn, a bell tower, a-. The bell tower! It was the most logical place for the sniper to be, but the innards were to dark for visual confirmation. Hoping that his instincts were right, he set the safety of his K2M2 assualt rifle to full ammo, and shouted out an order:

"Everyone! Open fire on that bell tower, North-North-West!" He lined up his sights and began firing. The air around him filled with the rat-tat-tating of automatic gunfire, as Derek's platoon complied. One SS Corpsman fired an RPG at the opening of the bell tower, and a mutilated corpse popped out. Derek breathed a sigh of relief. His intuitive thinking had been right after all. Private Carl Forjay ran up to him and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Sir, I think we got something here," Forjay whispered, leading Derek to a cellar. "I certainly hear talking and the sensors show movement inside."

Acknowledging with a nod and readying his weapon, he motioned Forjay to open the cellar door. Forjay kicked the door, and Derek jumped inside with his gun. However, much to his relief and surprise, inside the cellar were children, aged about ten, judging by their looks. Turning around, he saw Henderson being zipped into a body bag.


Derek unlatched a grenade from his belt, pulled the pin, and threw it into the cellar, cloding the door as he promptly went outside.

---End chapter 1---
Not your average Half-Life fan-fiction, I'll give it that. Not to say its bad, though. Yeah, I enjoyed that. A few spelling mistakes to edit in, mind, but a spelling mistake or two are always going to be there. I always seem to find anyway.
Im confused. Did the guy toss a grenade into a cellar with a bunch of children in it? Did I read it wrong? Anyway it is a good story, continue it.
I like it. I think the bit with the T.V with those docmanturies about the antlion was a really cool bit. Dunno why, it just seemed cool.
This fan-fic is...different, but its cool.
Heh, thanks. :D

Well, I was trying to show how inhuman people can be when their friends die. :p
Ok, new chapter!


1st Lieutenant Derek Sonners woke up. Another dream. It seemed that every death under his command had to haunt him again in his dreams. As he sat there, sleepily, a shrill note suddenly blared and continued on for half a minute, indicating that the time was now 0600. Still half asleep, Derek got his uniform on, which was a miracle, considering his current state. In order to shake the sleep off, he got to the bathroom and put some tap water in to a cup. Bracing himself, he drank the entire thing.

The liquid jolted Derek's senses like it was made by pure electricity. He felt as if he was thrown into a spinning washing-machine. The thing was like LSD, only difference was that it lasted for a few seconds. Nobody actually knew what the Department of Civic Services put into the water system; they only knew that they weren't supposed to drink it, and there was a much more pleasant alternative, bottled by the Microsoft Corporation (Microsoft actually had a monopoly going on). But, Derek found it to be a good way to get sober fast. Way more efficient than coffee.

As usual, he took the commuter tram to the main complex of the Department of State Security. Although it wasn't until 0830 that his duty time started, Derek liked to get there early. There was the advantage of getting more toast and not waiting in the cafeteria line. When he reached the cafeteria, he helped himself to several pieces of toast and jam. Searching for a place to sit, he found a familier face in the third row, and subsequently joined the table.

"Hey, Derek. Did you ask Kamikazie out yet?"

Derek grimaced. It was Martin Creedy's way of greeting him ever since he let slip that he had a secret 'crush' on the 2nd Lieutenant Kazimiera Rakuzanka. She was from one of the eastern European countries, but he couldn't remember which. It didn't matter, anyway. There was only one country now. Thankfully, Kazimiera -or Kamikaze, as her collegues and friends called her- wasn't here right now.

"I'll take that look, like you've just ate a cockroach, as a no." Martin said. "Man, you get shot at 5 times a week. Is it so hard to ask a girl out?"

"It's harder than it seems." Derek replied, annoyed.

Martin worked for the Enforcement Division of the SS. The ED had a rather unorthodox and 'special' way of enforcement, unlike the Metropolitian Guard. Their arrests were usually secret, as they were about suspected spies and disturbers of the continued reign of the "Liberator".

Eager to change the subject, Derek asked: "So, any new arrests last night?"

"Oh yeah!" Martin replied enthusiastically. "15 arrests! What a night. One was that guy who ranted on about Gordon Freeman being a despot and so on. Remember him?"

"Who were the others?"

"Oh just some people the guy screamed the names of." Martin replied, in good humor. "These electric batons come in handy. Nobody ever resisted an interrogation when I stuck it in their-"

"Are they charged with anything?" Derek quickly said, with a false grin. It wasn't that Martin was a bad guy, but his enthusiasm in the interrogation techniques disturbed him. Derek knew that the interrogated were not human, as they were animals trying to destroy the freedoms that the Free Man had provided for them. But still,he felt a little awkward talking about such matters.

"Nothing yet. We'll have to make some up, heheheh..." Creedy replied, his voice still trembling with humor.

Just then, the PA blared with an sweet sounding female voice: "Attention. All members of Echo Company, 5th Battalion, 12th Infantry, Combat Divison Alpha, report to the CPSC immediately."

"Well, thats me. See you later." Derek said as he stood up.

"Well, give 'em hell, whoever you're killing this time!" Martin called to Derek.

Derek waved goodbye and walked to the elevators and pressed the button. He waited a few moments for the elevator to arrive. When it did, he went inside, pressed the button for the 21st floor.

Inside the elevator, was another poster of Gordon Freeman. This poster depicted the Free Man taking a soldier by the hand, as explosions raged all aroung them. The face was of total unrelenting determination. Lieutenant Connors once again felt the warm fuzzy feeling of respect towards the leader of Free Humanity.

No comments on they yet unfinished chapter 2? :(
Pretty cool stuff, thats for sure. Its nice to have some fan fiction taking place post-Combine rule.
I am writing a fan-fic, myself. I have wrote in previous times, and I have noticed that people like the long chapters, and such. Maybe you should extend your chapters, and extend the enviroments around them and such?

Just a suggestion. Other than that, great job.

김건희 (金建熙 - Kim, Keon Hee) is my name.
There are 5000 ~ 50000 people with my given name in Korea (although the chinese charectors may differ). What dire ramifications?

30% of Koreans have the last name of Kim, but not the exact 'family line', As an example, I am a 'Kimhae Kim' in which I am the 40 somethingth decendant of King Kim Yu Sin.

btw, When I was in America, people called me 'Kenny' instead of Keonhee, because it was easier to pronounce, And South Park jokes.

btw, I'll post the remains of chapter 2 soon.
---Chapter 2 continued---

btw, thank you people for your comments. :D

The elevator dinged as it arrived, and Derek got out. The entire 21st floor was made up of a huge room, and a smaller one beside it. The Command Post and Strategical Conference room - or CPSC for short - was where the troops got briefed before the missions. The smaller room was the CP, and that was where the captains and officers of higher rank discussed tactics ans issued orders to the troops on the field. Derek, of course, being a 'lowly' lieutenant, did not have authorization to enter the CP. So, he went to the officer-designated chairs on the front row, where 2nd Lieutenant Rakuzanka was already sitting. She must have had arrived early, like him. There were only 15 out of the 200-man company in the entire room; the others probably woke up at the PA announcement.

"Hey, Kazi." Derek said to Rakuzanka, and sat down next to her.

"Well, hello, 1st Lieutenant Sonnors, sir." Replied Kazimiera with a laugh. "I haven't seen you around much lately."

"Heh. I've been, you know, busy." He had to ask her now. It was worth a try. "So um... uh... do you uh....."


"Well, would you like to-" As Derek began his relationship-beginning sentence, the four elevators at the back of the room dinged simultaneously, and out poured a rabble of troops, all chattering like squirrels. He decided that he would ask her when they had some more privacy.

"Never mind."

The chairs soon filled up as more and more troops began to arrive. Finally, when the last chair had been filled, General Barney Calhoun, another of the Free Man's comrades during the time of the resistance, stepped on the stage. Everybody stood to attention, and saluted.

"Lights." said the General, after he had returned the salute. An assistant turned off the lights. "At ease, people. Sit down."

"Ok, gentleman. And ladies." Calhoun said as he turned the projector on. "This mission will not be just another raid on a rebel outpost. It's going to be big."

He pushed a button, and the projection screen turned into a map.

"As you know, the Combine have been pushed as far as the Volga and the Caspian Sea." Continued the General as he pointed to the map. "That's enough. For now. However, after the recent capture of the areas fomerly known as Syria and Iraq, we have decided that the capture of C-57, or Tehran, is of vital importance, as it will give us a stronger foothold in the region."

"Now, C-57," General Calhoun pushed another button. "is a very heavily populated area, as the entire country's populace was squeezed into one city by the Combine." He continued and pushed yet another button, and the screen turned into graphs and statistics. "You will go with Alpha, Bravo, and Delta companies to sector MMA-3721. You will then join the 15th Mechanized Infantry division of the Free Human Volunteer Army, which will be waiting for you."

There were several loud protests at this sentence. The FHVA's combat capabilities were not even comparable to the State Security Corps.

"Now, the next person to speak without my permission gets a week in the brig." Calhoun said loudly. "The name of this mission is Operation Iron Storm. There will be ATT-8 support, and you will ride in them, one 12-man squad per armed troop transporter. You will ship out in 2 hours. Start packing."

Amid the widespread grumbling and enthusiasm, Derek said to Kazimiera: "Finally, some real action, huh?"

"I hope so." Replied Kazimiera with a grin.

----End chapter 2---
Well, personally, I cant see Barney so serious. He has always been a jokefull person in HL2, and he seems too serious here. Hell, I can practically see a deep scar crossing one of his eyes vertically.

And I can already tell Kami is gonna die ;)
Well, isn't that what power does to people? I was thinking that way, anyway.


no:p actually, I haven't decided.

Very very good so far. I can see the society turning into that which it over-threw, keep pumping out more. :)
Thanks. I tried to make them longer, but it's kinda hard.

The flight took about seven hours, from C-13 to C-55, or Baghdad. Derek had selpt through most of the flight. The C-55 airbase was dull, with little activity. Everything in the city seemed to be dull as well. People seemed to scamper by, burried in their clothes, eyeing the troops stationed there with something that closely resembled loathing. The citizens there had not felt the entire blast of the Combine occupation. No, the so-called Universal Union had been preoccupied with squasing more developed nations. When the Free Human forces liberated them, there wasn't much celebration. Human Federation or Combine, in these people's eyes, they were the same gun wielding troops. And even when the liberation forces killed the collaborators, 1,273 in them all, there was no usual cheering. Only some kind of.... Contempt. The lack of oppression mixed with propaganda as well as the long occupation must have 'brainwashed' them somehow. Perhaps it was some kind of weird, mass-inflicted Stockholm Syndrome.

As he watched the city from his room, there was a dull flash in the distance. A booming sound followed soon after. It was an attempt by the FHVA to grow hatred against the Combine by the populace. Disguised Combine shells were fired at populated areas by launchers outside of the city. It seemed to work, albeit somewhat slowly. Another ingenious idea by Alyx Freeman. Of course, Derek wasn't actually supposed to know this, but he had some friends over at Central Command. Sure, there were casulties, but sacrifices could be made for the good of humanity.

Derek had recieved his orders for the day; in consisted of "Don't go out" and "Shut up and sleep." Such great orders they were. Boredom was overcoming him, and he had had enough sleep during the flight. Thank god for television.


"...he was convicted of social disturbance, level 2, and is now awaiting sentencing. In other news, popular singer and artist Ker-" At this moment, the news anchor was pushed rather violently aside by a long-haired man whose priorities didn't seem to contain washing. Derek couldn't believe his luck. The moment he finds something to do, somebody had to ruin it. The man cleared his throat and:

"That Gordon Freeman is a lunatic! He's got everyone in his...... autocratic vice thing!" The man cried out. "And uh... what was next..." He looked down at a piece of paper he was holding, and continued. "We, the Union of Liberty, want democracy! We want-"

However, Derek could not find out what rediculous thing they wanted as well, because at that moment the screen turned entirely blue.

'Investigations and Enforcement are going to have their hands full....' Derek thought. He could just imagine Martin Creedy, heading over to Central in gleeful delight, to request that he be the one to investigate this new threat. Most likely, the request would be accepted. The people over at Central Comman knew 1st Lieutenant Martin Creedy to be a very able and enthusiastic investigations and enforcement officer, capable of serving humanity well. If he didn't get himself killed, which was somewhat unlikely, Martin would probably reach Colonel in 15 years time. However, getting killed would be a quick way to rank up; the troops over at Central went two steps up the military hierarchy when they got killed in duty. No such luck for Combat, though.

Derek turned the channel a few times. As expected, there were only a bright blue square filling the screen. It was unusual for Enforcement to issue a full blackout, but this was a special case. The 'Union of Liberty', as the rebels called themselves, was a dangerous organization, intent on the destruction of stability, of order, and of the paradise that the One Free Man had constructed for them. This however, meant that Derek would now be extremely bored again. But, then again, he was probably better off than Investigations and perhaps Enforcement as well. Most likely, the two branches over at Central would be in THREATCON 3 mode; working overtime, doing piles of paperwork, and making up false facts for the press to broadcast. No, boredom was better than having to deal with dissidents and subverters without the action part.

It struck Derek then, that the SS were in control of nearly everything. Indeed, State Security was the main component of Central Command -or just Central- which was the administrative body of the Federation. The Free Human Volunteer Army was controlled by the SS. The Metropolitian Guard was an underlying branch of Enforcement. Only Gordon Freeman and his wife controlled the Department of State Security. Even if he was pretty low on the military ladder, Derek was an officer, an officer of not just the best trained military body on the planet, but an officer of the ruling body that controlled the entire free world.

Feeling very complacent, Derek swallowed some sleeping pills, and lay down to rest. The action would begin tommorow. He could wait.

---End Chapter 3---

This chapter was kinda hard to do. It seems a bit short, but it has more words though. :/

be more specific...... :p

Guys, help me out here, I want to improve my writing skills, and your comments are needed. :(
Btw, I apologize for the double post, but should I continue this? I'm only halfway on the 4th chapter.

"Damn... Look at the bodies...." The radio buzzed.

The sandy field was littered with chunks of twisted metal that used to be Armed Troop Transports. Bodies were strewn about everywhere; some of them heavily mutilated. Blood was splattered on the sands and rocks of the dessert terrain. With his LCD screen, 1st Lieutenant Derek Sonnors saw a largely intact ATT. Using the joystick, he pointed the camera towards the wreck, and saw a charred-black skeleton that was halfway out of the top hatch.

"I... guess this is what happened to Alpha..." The radio buzzed again.

"Ugh." A different voice this time. "Sensors don't pick up any life signals."

Derek didn't say anything. The ATTs were still cruising, and he had to watch out for enemy forces, since he was ATT number twelve's commander. An ambush might mean the end of them too. He turned the spotter cam around. The visibility was highly reduced, due to a sandstorm. Not a very good thing for combat.

They had started only an hour later than 'A' company. Alpha had reported contact 40 minutes ago, and the CP had lost all contact with them 15 minutes later. Amazing. The Combine had had overrun Alpha Company in only a quarter of an hour.

"We got contact! Contact!" Number Six's commander, a 2nd Lieutenant with a somewhat hostile personality shouted over the radio. "South-East-East, 2-9-9-5-4-7!"

"Seven, opening fire."

"Roger, Seven."

"Tim, turn the turret, 270 degrees!" Derek called down to his gunner. "Load, HE."

HE was short for High Explosive, and the round worked fairly well on most synths. Of course, Armor Piercing, or AP, was higly effective on some kinds of synths, but hybrids were being made every day by the Combine to counter the effects of AP.

"Fire and repeat!" He shouted.

The entire vehicle rocked as the mounted 80mm cannon blared. The shell hit the giant insectlike synth on its legs, rolling it over. Private Beckfield, the gunner, fired right after the loader mechanism loaded the cannon with another HE round. The shell blasted the synth again, this time on its unarmored belly, and the thing exploded into fragments with a huge fireball. However, there was no time to cheer; more and more of the battle synths were coming.

One of the insect synths pointed its cannon at Number Three, and fired. There was a blindingly bright ray of blue light, and the beam hit Three's top plating. The ATT was pushed backwards for about 4 meters. Its hatch flew open, and black smoke poured out.

Unlike the HT-34 tanks, ATT-8s had only light armor plating. While a four-man tank crew, when rendered immobile and disabled, could mostly survive with minor and medium injuries, the 12 guys in the ATTs weren't so lucky. Most likely, everyone onboard number three was dead.

"Three's dead." Radio transmission.


As Derek looked through the camera, he could see that there was a lot of fighting going on. Yellow ATT shells were flying through the air, and the synths were responding with sheets of high-caliber pulse gun fire, with the occasional beam of blue light. There was a large explosion some hundred-or-so meters away, as two synths simultaneously burst into flames.

"Tim, fire at will!" Derek ordered.

The cannon blared again, this time targetting a battle synth about to crush the remains of Three. However, a laser beam erupted from its nose and intercepted the shell. The synth pointed its dual pulse guns at Derek's ATT and began firing. Large banging sounds could be heard as the energized bullets hit the casing.

"Repeat fire."

Private Tim Beckfield fired again, knocking the nose off the insect synth. It suddenly gave off a giant humming sound, and crumpled down into the ground.

"Mwhahaha.... hehe." Tim laughed.

"This is number five, enemy forces seem to be in full retreat." Said Kazimiera on the radio.

"Yeah, this is number six, we confirm Kamikazie's observation."

"Shut up, six. Get my name right." Kazimiera said glaringly.

"Copy that, Kamikazie."



"Six, shut up." Derek called.

"Go to hell." Six replied.

"I outrank you by a notch, shut up." Derek ordered.

"Oh, I'm sorry, sir. Just go-"

At that moment, there was a flash of green light on the LCD screen for a split second, and everything went dead. The ATT made a stuttering sound and stalled. It took a few seconds for them to realize what had caused the stalls.


A pulse bomb worked by some kind of fusion propagating the core material. It first gave off an EMP wave, and after 7 to 10 seconds later, it would burn everything within 200 meters, while also creating a barrier of air that would reach a mile. Derek had seen the training videos, and it was not a pretty sight.

Derek opened the hatch and began running; he had no intention of being charred down to his bones. Around him, everybody was was running in a mixture of confusion and terror. Suddenly, there was white everywhere for a second, and a sound like shattering glass. He tackled Kazimiera, who was running near him, down to the ground. She started to squirm under him, he held on, as they had to get down or die.

The wave of solid air came. ATTs rolled on the ground, and the ones who were still running (a majority) were thrown into the air by the wind.

"God calls you to his realm, He pushes you with his hand to the heavens above!" Shouted Private Forjay, lauging maniacally down on the ground. "The divine annunciation and physical uplift shall be the power of the divine He has given unto you!"

"Shut the hell up!" Derek shouted. It had no effect whatsoever.

The bodies that had been thrown into the air were now falling. They weren't complete though, as they had been ripped apart by the storm of the pulse bomb. An arm landed right next to Forjay's head.

"Oh? It seem that you are not believers! He has rejected the unworthy! Righteousness prevails!" Forjay got up and started firing his rifle everywhere.

Derek drew his pistol, lined the sights to Forjay's head, and pulled the trigger. Private Forjay fell down to the ground without a sound, his neck pierced by the bullet.

Derek Sonnors then threw up, and drifted into unconsciousness.

---End chapter 4---
it was f**king cool specially when Derek shoots that guy in the neck.
It's an interesting read. :thumbs: I hope you finish this one.
Yeah, thanks :D

I'm having trouble finding the time to type my already finished chapters 5 and 6.....
Heya, remember me? Back in the day, when I was writing Gordon's Dead?

Well, now I'm in your position. I just got back to the forum, after a very long break. Checked out the Fanfiction forum, and surprise! You had a thread. I didn't know you wrote!

The story, so far, is very good, I think. Yeah, there's some spelling errors, but that's nothing a spellcheck can't fix. Your concept's a unique deviation from the other HL2 fanfiction stories out there, and it's refreshing. I definitely want you to keep working on this; you kept me going, I'm gonna keep you going.

Oh by the way, you wanna start that revolution any time soon? :p
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

YOU'RE BACK! :D :D :D :D :D :p

anyway, the revolution has been postponed....indefinately.... :p

Yeah, writing cures boredom. :p
:D Yup I'm back!
<3 <3 <3

Damn, too bad it got postponed D: Oh well

Writing does cure boredom! :p It's what I do during school!

...Listen to teachers? What?