Paranormal activity or lack of sleep..maybe I'm going nuts..


Apr 28, 2004
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Hi, I couldn't find the previous topic discussing the weirdest things happened to you, so I started a new thread and this is about some paranormal things that have happened to you.

I start.

Last night I woke up without any reason. I was feeling little dizzy because I had just woke up I guess . Above my bed was flying somekind of an alien form. It was green (duh) and really bright, it looked like a big moskito, it was 20 cm wide mot**r*uck*er. It did emit green light, it was silent, just flying towards me. I jumped out of the bed and saw the thing from distance for a few seconds. It was there..flying in my room. I thought I was fully awake..
I wasn't scared, the "thing" was somehow relaxing and friendly, it even looked friendly. I think I'm going nuts or I was half in sleep and half awake. But I could swear I was awake :dozey:

Any similar experiences? Please don't flame or post things that never happened really.
I think that you and ComradeBadger should sit down and talk about your problems..
Could just be a very realistic dream. Sometimes I have dreams where I am falling from something extremely high up and when I wake up, I actually fall into my bed. I have a feeling that is like falling as I wake up. It's wierd. Some kind of jolt I guess...I forget the exact name of it.
I occasionally have a simliar experience. I wake up in the middle of the night, a little drowsy but well aware I am awake, and I see a huge dark blob floating right in front of me which fades away as I reach out to touch it. I tend to get it when I'm not getting enough sleep (along with a twitching eyelid) and I believe it is due to the optic nerve not picking everything up immediately, as you are brought out of sleep so quickly. Creating a blind spot of sorts. Ok, so I'm not a doctor but I am a cynic and I'm willing to bet you probably had a similar sort of thing going on.
I get flashes of dream while I'm wide awake but really really tired. Like, I'll just be sitting looking at the computer, and I will go to an entirely different world and become deaf and blind to this one, and have a 5 second adventure even though I'm out for only about .1 seconds in real life.
weerat said:
I occasionally have a simliar experience. I wake up in the middle of the night, a little drowsy but well aware I am awake, and I see a huge dark blob floating right in front of me which fades away as I reach out to touch it. I tend to get it when I'm not getting enough sleep (along with a twitching eyelid) and I believe it is due to the optic nerve not picking everything up immediately, as you are brought out of sleep so quickly. Creating a blind spot of sorts. Ok, so I'm not a doctor but I am a cynic and I'm willing to bet you probably had a similar sort of thing going on.

Interesting but I think mine was a bit different experience since the "thing" (I'm going to give it a name ;) ) was clearly visible, it had 8 to 10 legs and was alive-like. (I'm not sure if that's the right word for it.)
Moto-x_Pat said:
Could just be a very realistic dream. Sometimes I have dreams where I am falling from something extremely high up and when I wake up, I actually fall into my bed. I have a feeling that is like falling as I wake up. It's wierd. Some kind of jolt I guess...I forget the exact name of it.

yeah man I`ve dreamed that too, lots of times ;)
Feels nice when you wake up :smoking:
ScopeD said:
Hi, I couldn't find the previous topic discussing the weirdest things happened to you, so I started a new thread and this is about some paranormal things that have happened to you.

I start.

Last night I woke up without any reason. I was feeling little dizzy because I had just woke up I guess . Above my bed was flying somekind of an alien form. It was green (duh) and really bright, it looked like a big moskito, it was 20 cm wide mot**r*uck*er. It did emit green light, it was silent, just flying towards me. I jumped out of the bed and saw the thing from distance for a few seconds. It was there..flying in my room. I thought I was fully awake..
I wasn't scared, the "thing" was somehow relaxing and friendly, it even looked friendly. I think I'm going nuts or I was half in sleep and half awake. But I could swear I was awake :dozey:

Any similar experiences? Please don't flame or post things that never happened really.

I've had a similiar experience. The reason was that I had suddenly woken up and was confused. It only a hallucination (of spiders) that quickly went away.
Yeah, I may have or may not have a thing for the moskitos. Because everytime this has happened to me I have woke up seeing these huge moskito kind "things" (Still looking for a name). One time there were couple of these..umm.things flying and they "escaped" from the door. It could have something to do with other dimensions..hmm.
Or not :) It could all be just my imagination going nuts at the REM stage.

Still: the thruth is still out there..
This is more common than you think. It usually occurs when you're sleep deprived and to cut a long story short the part of the brain that is responsible for your dreams forgets to shut down when you wake up which can give you the most vivid halicinations.
Probably a night terror, as discussed in the other thread.
Weirdest thing that has happened to me was my first astral projection expirience, but I'm actually glad I had it :)
on holiday, in Mark, near Glastonbury in Somerset. we all went to bed on one of the nights at around the same time, and some times in the night we would hear somone walking across the landing.. no doors openend or closed, though. we all heard it, but thought it was one of us going to the toilet or something.

anyway I remember talking about it the next day, asking who was awake,, and my dad said.. 'I thought it was you or your brother'. etc, eventually finding out it was no one. lol

, me and my brother heard the same thing on one evening when the parents went shopping... like someone walking across the upstairs landing..

we where pretty much confused when we checked, and no one was there .. then we just sat looking bemused, s***ing ourselves until the parents got back. lol
Funny last sentence.

My paranormal event:
I was preparing to leave the house one day, when suddenly there was massive sharp pain in the back of my head, and then an intense sense of heat. I stood for a short while but finally gave in and had to fall to the floor in the agony, even letting out some small sounds of pain and distress ("arr, shit!"). I didn't know what was causing me the pain. I put my hand to my head to see if i was physically injured, but i was not. It was only me in the house at the time, so i wasnt attacked by anybody. Well, no physical beings anyway.
Quite abruptly, the pain subsided. I rose from the floor, worried and slightly panicked for a few secs.
I then sent a close friend a txtmsg saying something along the lines of, "if i should die..." because that is how worried i was at the time.

The next day i found out i could fly

(last sentence was a joke).
Sounds like either a poltergeist or Fraggles, clarky...

ScopeD, just how detailed are these little flying fellows? I'd probably put it down to pure hallucination, but you never know...

Maybe you've got some new friends?
Funny you should mention big green shapes above your bed, because just lastnight I was in bed tryin to get to sleep when I unintentionally entered the beginning stages of astral projection. When I opened my eyes I saw a large green/yellow flashing mist directly above my bed, that had smaller 'mists' floating in through the wall and joining it... don't know what all that was about but I wasn't asleep.
green is supposed to be the colour of energy that represents healing
"Have you ever had a dream, that you were so sure was real? What if you were unable to wake from that dream? How would you know the difference between the dream world and the real world?"
when i wake up in the middle of night, i try my best to go back 2 bed, thats only if i m dreaming of something very relaxing :eek: :eek:
If you push on the side of your eye and wait a while this green floaty thingy will appear.

/me pushes on my eye


Someone posted that on here awhile back for a thread I cant remember now but it has some very cool,weird and downright scary stuff on it.I'd check there and if you are really curious maybe E-mail the owner to see if they have any Info on it.

Now for the paranormal expieriences of my family:
My Aunt year ago(Probly about 20) heard here baby daughter crying and went to comfort her but heard a mans voice so assumed it was her husband so she went to bed.
On arriveing at the bedroom her husband was asleep in the bed and couldnt have been the voice she heard.She went back and there was no one but the baby in the room.She found out later that her father had died earlier that day.
Esquire said:
I was preparing to leave the house one day, when suddenly there was massive sharp pain in the back of my head, and then an intense sense of heat. I stood for a short while but finally gave in and had to fall to the floor in the agony, even letting out some small sounds of pain and distress ("arr, shit!"). I didn't know what was causing me the pain. I put my hand to my head to see if i was physically injured, but i was not. It was only me in the house at the time, so i wasnt attacked by anybody. Well, no physical beings anyway.
Quite abruptly, the pain subsided. I rose from the floor, worried and slightly panicked for a few secs.
I then sent a close friend a txtmsg saying something along the lines of, "if i should die..." because that is how worried i was at the time.

I've got that every now and then -- I just dismissed it as a really bad headache, something to do with my nerves. It usually happens when I jerk my neck quickly -- it's really painful, and the back of your head and neck heat up, but it just goes away after a few seconds.
KagePrototype said:
I've got that every now and then -- I just dismissed it as a really bad headache, something to do with my nerves. It usually happens when I jerk my neck quickly -- it's really painful, and the back of your head and neck heat up, but it just goes away after a few seconds.

Very interesting, i wasn't doing anything strenuos at all mind you, i was just walking across the floor. But i do sometimes get a pain in my neck when i take a top off. And that pain does subside after a few seconds.

Even more interesting, you're located in Manchester, just like me. Conspiracy, not likely, but i think so.
wow that things are scary
ScopeD why you not try to take a photo of that things?
or make a picture about it?

also: that page about anomalies and stuff is cool
Brian Damage said:
ScopeD, just how detailed are these little flying fellows?

They are very detailed, seem almost alive like.

Pobz said:
Funny you should mention big green shapes above your bed, because just lastnight I was in bed tryin to get to sleep when I unintentionally entered the beginning stages of astral projection. When I opened my eyes I saw a large green/yellow flashing mist directly above my bed, that had smaller 'mists' floating in through the wall and joining it... don't know what all that was about but I wasn't asleep.

Mist would propably describe these fellows as well..Green misty mosquito kind of things :)

<RJMC> said:
wow that things are scary
ScopeD why you not try to take a photo of that things?
or make a picture about it?

I should try to draw one of these things someday..I will. I think they're too fast to get on the film, and maybe they aren't even real?
:O I think something wrong with me too. Sometimes when I start to fall asleep, I get a weird feeling where my heart starts to beat really fast and hard, and my hearing makes like ringing/ screeching noise. It's very weird it's never a nightmare or dream, it just happens... I even get scared that I wake up, even though no type of nightmare or dream, just those symptoms above. Forgot to mention when these things happen it is sometimes hard to actually wake myself up, as if something is making me do these things. Man, I need to lay off drugs and alcohol or something.
you guys are suffering from a lack of drugs. you need to up your dosages. here are some instructions on how to reduce your hallucinations: -
- if you take weed, start taking cocane
- if you take cocane, start taking heroin
- if you take heroin, start taking drain-o

check back in two weeks and we'll see how things have progressed...
When I was about three years old, I woke up to find this red orb in the middle of my bed room. Everytime it pulsated, I could hear very faint but low (Bass) sounds emitting from it. During that incident I had severe chest pains.

19 now, and have been diagnosed with low blood pressure
:O Whoa, maybe we humans have these types of experiences when there's sometime wrong with us, as if your brain is creating images for us to know what's up.
ScopeD said:
Hi, I couldn't find the previous topic discussing the weirdest things happened to you, so I started a new thread and this is about some paranormal things that have happened to you.

I start.

Last night I woke up without any reason. I was feeling little dizzy because I had just woke up I guess . Above my bed was flying somekind of an alien form. It was green (duh) and really bright, it looked like a big moskito, it was 20 cm wide mot**r*uck*er. It did emit green light, it was silent, just flying towards me. I jumped out of the bed and saw the thing from distance for a few seconds. It was there..flying in my room. I thought I was fully awake..
I wasn't scared, the "thing" was somehow relaxing and friendly, it even looked friendly. I think I'm going nuts or I was half in sleep and half awake. But I could swear I was awake :dozey:

Any similar experiences? Please don't flame or post things that never happened really.
Sleep paraylsis
JunkieXL said:
Weirdest thing that has happened to me was my first astral projection expirience, but I'm actually glad I had it :)
can you really astrial prokject?
ScopeD said:
They are very detailed, seem almost alive like.

Mist would propably describe these fellows as well..Green misty mosquito kind of things :)

I should try to draw one of these things someday..I will. I think they're too fast to get on the film, and maybe they aren't even real?

I think you should draw them... maybe you could try to get one of them to pose? I'm serious here... how intelligent do they seem? Even if they are some sort of mental projection, they still have an intelligence of a sort (Yours)...