Paranormal Experiences


Oct 13, 2007
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I want stories.

This scared the SHIT out of me. It was a little girl...

I was wandering around the downstairs area of my church before the service started, and that's where they have the classrooms, and youth group and the nursery, right? Well, I went into the nursery/playroom, and I saw this little girl digging in the toybox. She was a little less than 3 feet tall, she was very pretty, with big, dark eyes, and long black hair that went down to her shoulders. She wore this very fancy dress, like she was going to church, and she had a cute little pink bow in her hair. I had never seen her before, not with any of the parents or anyone, and this is primarily an old person's church anyway. So I looked at her, and said, "Hey, I've never seen you here before, are you new?"

She turned around and studied me for a second, giggled and ran off out into the hall, I followed but she had literally vanished. I haven't seen her since.

I don't go in the playroom anymore.

hahah what a response...

church's are messed, i feel really uncomfortable in them as im not religious at all i feel like i don't belong there...although for 100 bucks or more i'd spend a night in a church basement alone.
This will sound totally cliche, but I actually had one aboard the Queen Mary when I was in Los Angeles last summer. My dad and I wandered into this room the tour didn't go on. It was dark and small and it sounded like there was a guy sweeping the floor. It freaked me out enough to get my ass running out of there, lol.
TBH, I've never experienced any kind of "supernatural" phenomenon in my life, and I've been all over the Southern U.S., an area of the world known for it's hauntings, thanks to the Civil War and the whole "Voodoo" thing. It's all in the mind really. The human mind is very creative and will see or hear what the person wants to see or hear. Just like clouds in the sky.

I'm a skeptic until I start seeing knives and chairs being hurled at me. Everything else is questionable.
I once went to a placed called Port Arthur, which was once a prison settlement in Tasmania and is now a tourist attraction. Every few nights or so they hold ghost tours at night which goes through various houses and into the prison blocks themselves. At one point you stop and sit in the central intersection to one of these blocks as the guide explains the history behind it.

Anyway, whilst I was sitting there I heard this clanging like that of chains or perhaps a rusty bell. As the guide talked it got progressively louder and it really drove on my nerves as it began to echo throughout the block and practically drowned out the guide's voice. I asked like five people with me if they could hear it and they said they couldn't at all. I really started to question my sanity after that night.
I want stories.

This scared the SHIT out of me. It was a little girl...

I was wandering around the downstairs area of my church before the service started, and that's where they have the classrooms, and youth group and the nursery, right? Well, I went into the nursery/playroom, and I saw this little girl digging in the toybox. She was a little less than 3 feet tall, she was very pretty, with big, dark eyes, and long black hair that went down to her shoulders. She wore this very fancy dress, like she was going to church, and she had a cute little pink bow in her hair. I had never seen her before, not with any of the parents or anyone, and this is primarily an old person's church anyway. So I looked at her, and said, "Hey, I've never seen you here before, are you new?"

She turned around and studied me for a second, giggled and ran off out into the hall, I followed but she had literally vanished. I haven't seen her since.

I don't go in the playroom anymore.

She vanished because you killed her.

I pooped once, then it shot up into my ass from which it once came, ooooo00000000ooooooo00000ooooooo!
I don't know if I'd call it paranormal, but once I was stalked by a werewolf who wore styrofoam werewolf-foot shaped shoes.
I never experienced anything like that, but I've been getting more and more paranoid since the beginning of this year. I constantly check my back no matter what I'm doing (checking my back right now while writing, btw). Hell, even when I'm playing TF2 I check my back constantly, because I feel there's something that's watching me at all times... maybe I'm just crazy.
Yeah, one day I punch one, just like the soldier did in his video.
He did not punch hit
He smacked it with a rocket

Much cooler =.=

Eh, if you're going to correct someone, at least get it right, it was the shovel.

Adding to the thread, I haven't had much paranormal experiences. The closest I've had is reading /x/ late at night.
Dark Side

Daark Siide



In before Darkseid
Hmmm...the closest thing I have to a paranormal experiance can be easily explained.

Basically, one night I went to bed with the light off, and I didn't have any cuts on my hands or anything. I had a weird dream where some ghost left blood all over the room and warned me that my grandad was going to die. When I woke up the light was on and the switch was covered in blood, combined with eerie creeks in the attic I was always terrifyied off. Plus, the house I lived in was over 150 years old.

And the next day, my grandad died of lung cancer.

Now, this is all easily explained. I slept-walked nearly every night in my early teen years, and so I could easily have turned the light on, (I have done it before) and I have scratched myself in sleep before, so it is likely that I was bleeding and thats likely how it got bloodied up. The dream was proboaly just some weird twisted version of that - the blood that covered my rooms wall was simply blood from my hands, exagerated by the dream. I had had similar experiances. And, since I was shitscared, the creaking likely was just my imagination - or my hearing exagerating.

As for the thing about my grandad dying? The day before, the doctors told us that he didn't have much time left. So its not surprising I dreamt about it, or that he died the next day.
I've got a tombstone outside my window about 6 feet from where I sleep and this house is about 150 years old - from around the time of the American Civil War, which some people might find creepy, but it doesn't bother me.

I've never experienced anything paranormal
Hmmm...the closest thing I have to a paranormal experiance can be easily explained.

Basically, one night I went to bed with the light off, and I didn't have any cuts on my hands or anything. I had a weird dream where some ghost left blood all over the room and warned me that my grandad was going to die. When I woke up the light was on and the switch was covered in blood, combined with eerie creeks in the attic I was always terrifyied off. Plus, the house I lived in was over 150 years old.

And the next day, my grandad died of lung cancer.

Now, this is all easily explained. I slept-walked nearly every night in my early teen years, and so I could easily have turned the light on, (I have done it before) and I have scratched myself in sleep before, so it is likely that I was bleeding and thats likely how it got bloodied up. The dream was proboaly just some weird twisted version of that - the blood that covered my rooms wall was simply blood from my hands, exagerated by the dream. I had had similar experiances. And, since I was shitscared, the creaking likely was just my imagination - or my hearing exagerating.

As for the thing about my grandad dying? The day before, the doctors told us that he didn't have much time left. So its not surprising I dreamt about it, or that he died the next day.

Truth is you were possesed and while possessed dreamt of the dream. Your body walked to your grandad and you stuffed glass down his lung and then went to switch your lights on and go to sleep.

Also in before Angry Lawyer and matchsticks
Sorry to disappoint you but these two don't post anymore...

And as for me, no paranormal experiences ever.

Darkseid did post recently, he never leaves for good.
The house I used to live in with my family was about 300 years old but of course it went through a lot of renovations.
The basement, however, was never touched.
It was a dirt cellar with a small coal mine that was as old as the foundation it was built on.

Every time I went up and down the stairs to the cellar, I'd feel as though someone was constantly watching me or chasing me up the stairs... so my heart would always start racing and I'd be booking it up the stairs.
So, after awhile I did some research and found out that the original owners of the house were a rich family that kept slaves working in the cellar 24/7 mining coal.
Needless to say, there were accidents down there nearly every day that resulted in the deaths of countless men.
Some were burned alive while others got crushed to death by cave-ins.

The landlord said that we were the only family that's lived there in the past 30 years that hasn't moved out within the first 2 years.

Basically every night we have to put up with strange noises, my sister was basically the ghost hunter of the house always creeping us out with stories like her bed posts rattling and things falling on the floor.
But one day I had my pants-shitting ghostly encounter, I was home alone working on a layout for school, when the light just bursts.
I basically was scared to death, so I got up to get a new bulb when the door I'm walking towards just slowly starts to close but I catch it before it does... when I get in the closet where the lightbulbs are something out of no where just scratches my arm after that I believe I pissed myself. there were 4 lines on my arm that were red as hell, not bloodied... just scratched.

Needless to say, after that I basically grabbed my keys and drove the **** out of there and didn't come back until I saw someone elses car there.

tl;dr - Haunted 1700s houses for the lose.
Our house has no history of hauntings but it doesnt stop bat shit insane stuff happening , things like objects going missing and odd noises. There was two things that really made my skin crawl though , once i was on my own working on something (cant remember what) and suddenly i hear this bang on the window next to me , it was just getting dark so it was hard to see and the sky was an eerie orange , so I look at the window and glimps something running away , like a dog but bigger , and theres a wierd bloodied mark on it , it was not a cat , dog or fox print , it was almost like a human hand but it looked like it had canine claws. I went outside but saw nothing. That scared me quite a bit.

Then there was this other time i had a dream my garden was covered in blood and was really misty , i was walking to my shed and i opened the door and everything was green. I woke up the next day and it was misty , this scared me a bit so i went outside to check the garden and there was a dead bird with a long blood streak leading up to it (it looked pretty cool mind you) , it was most likely killed by a cat though. I went and opened up my shed and there was green paint splatters everywhere even though we dont have any green paint...
When I was young we were living in an old house in a little town. One day we were away and when we came back that night our neighbors ask us why we had let my young sister alone in the home. They saw a little girl in the second floor bedroom windows, the problem was that my sister was with us all the time. We never found an explanation and never had any weird thing happening to us after that.
When I was young we were living in an old house in a little town. One day we were away and when we came back that night our neighbors ask us why we had let my young sister alone in the home. They saw a little girl in the second floor bedroom windows, the problem was that my sister was with us all the time. We never found an explanation and never had any weird thing happening to us after that.

They were thinking of your little brother dude.
It happend when I was like 7 years old kid. I was in my bedroom ready to sleep and I saw yellow glowing lightning like thing on the horizon moving really fast, its movement was fuzzy and quite chaotic.
I was quiet shocked by that experience and it influenced my childhood a bit. Now I don't believe it was a supernatural thing but some really weird phenomenon that could be explained somehow...
Your bedroom is so big it has a horizon?! Dude , i would kill to have that...
...although for 100 bucks or more i'd spend a night in a church basement alone.

Would you spend it... with company?

How about it?

This scared the SHIT out of me. It was a little girl...

Little girls are never, ever scary. I don't care how pale she is, how dark and matted her hair is, you can easily just pick her up and throw her from a motorway overpass, into fast moving traffic.
Little girls are never, ever scary. I don't care how pale she is, how dark and matted her hair is, you can easily just pick her up and throw her from a motorway overpass, into fast moving traffic.

Haven't you ever played F.E.A.R. man!? It was like, ****ING ALMA!
Alma could vaporize anything she wanted though, so it's all good.
Only thing that ever happen to me pretty much scared me shitless, still refuse to believe that ghosts came out and decided "LOL TIME FOR A HAUNTING" but I dont know what the **** happened so:

Me and my friends were having one of our saturday basement nights, where we all just crowded into my friend Mike's basement and played games until we knocked out or into the next day. So this night were all there playing that 007 game. The one based on the first movie I think. Anyway power goes out. For the most part we were just concerned that we had lost whatever progress we had just made in the game because the power decided to go out. The fuse box was at the top of the stairs so I just got up and went over to go flip the switches. Luckily the stairs were by a small little window that was letting light from the street in. I start making my way over there and I heard the door at the top open and heard the stairs creak a bit.

It was silent for a bit we all just kind of froze when we heard that, Mike starts calling out "Dad? Powers out. Flip the switch already." No answer. Mike calls out a few times more. I figure Mike's dad is just being an asshole as he's done this before so Im about to keep walking towards the stairs when we hear someone walking down them. We sit there waiting for someone to come down and walk into the light that was shining onto the stairs but just constant footsteps. This happened for like a minute (or what seemed like a minute) until my friend richie said "Who the hells there?". The next thing that happened is probably on the single most nerve wracking experiences Ive had to go through. Soon after Richie said that, the footsteps turned into these gigantic slams. It sounded like ****ing gunshots inside the basement. The kind of sound you could actually feel in your chest. I dont know if we just imagined it because we were scared shitless but we all sware we saw the staircase shaking violently, dust being lifted and all that. Eventually it just stopped. Thats it nothing else. Took about 5 minutes before we decided to head up the stairs (I remember mike grabbing a shovel that was against the wall) and turned on the switch. We head up to his dads room who said he was sleeping and didn't hear a thing.

Now I'd like to think that Mike's dad was just being an asshole because the last time we stayed there he ****ing hid in a closet in the basement for a good hour or so, and at around midnight just jumped out with a plastic knife in hand screaming "ALL OF YOU MOTHER****ERS ARE GOING TO DIIIIEEEE". Mike is convinced though that his basement is inhabited by giant ghosts who like to dance on his stairs or whatever the **** it was he told me I wasn't listening.
I was skating around a local Elementary at about 11 at night once (I myself was maybe 9), trying to outrun a bunch of my friends that were with me.

I turned the corner, and I swear to god, it looked like there was a golden mutant chihuaha from hell sitting under the soft orange glow of one of the after hours lights. It was walking away from me briskly, and since I was sitting under the orange spotlighting of the overhead lamp, I literally thought I had descended into hell for trespassing.

I screamed and ran back to my friends, who told me I was a ****ing moron, just as a golden cat rounded the same corner I had just run from, and sprinted off into the distance.

Earlier this year, I was at my friend's mom's house, just me him and this other moron, the three of us sitting at the downstairs dinner table just sharing stories, when we heard steps coming from upstairs. I asked "Raymond, your sister's tight little vag isn't home, is it?" to which he responded "no it isn't asshole...". We all kinda stopped and realized that we had no idea what the **** was making the footsteps upstairs, when one of the two posed the concept of it being one of his mother's many cats, to which I responded, "no ****tard, a cat weighs like 10 pounds, the fat asses here maybe 18. This sounds like the stomping of an adult male about the same size as your mother".

So we each kinda shat our pants' simultaneously, at which point I decided to go upstairs and check. A little uneasy, but bravely enough, I ascended the stairs, and looked inside the bathroom, his mother's room, and his sisters room, only to find absolutely nothing in any of them. I heard the noise again, and noticed it was coming from the closed door of the guest bedroom. I walked over to the door, the sound still going strong, and yelled down the stairs "YEAH, MAYBE IT IS THE CATS".

I reached for the knob, gave the door a slight tug, and found that it wouldn't open, I swear to god, it felt like somebody was holding it shut. I yelled downstairs "ARE YOU SURE YOUR LITTLE BROTHER ISN'T HOME?". My friend replied "NO", I tugged at the door again, but this time it went about half way open with no trouble at all, and then just as I was about to stick my head inside to see what was in there, something grabbed the handle at the other end and pulled the door so violently that the knob was ripped from my hand, and the door was slammed loudly against the doorframe.

My friend yelled up "HEY, DON'T SLAM THE ****ING DOORS RETARD!", when I thought to myself "holy shit, no way in hell was this happening...". My asshole was tight as lemon lips, and my skin was standing on end. I was literally shakking from head to toe. "WHAT THE ****???".

I gave it another try, and this time the door wouldn't budge. I could barely pull it out from against he sill, when that SOMETHING on the other end would grab hold of the knob and slam it right back shut. I kept trying, thinking "no way, NO WAY THERE'S SOMETHING ALIVE BEHIND THAT THING!!!". I tried one last time, got it half way open again, and just as I was thinking "finally, I knew it was nothing", something grabbed the other knob and tugged it shut again.

I went downstairs thinking "ok, one of them is hiding in there, they slipped in when I was checking his sisters room...". I walked back over to the dining table, and said "holy shit, kobayashi scared the shit out of me, that asshole is...", only to see that Kobayashi was sitting right there at the table with my other friend.

"What did I do? Huh? What's happening"

"yeah taylor, you're going ****ing crazy or something..."

"Omg, if you're down here, HOLY SHIT! THERE'S SOMETHING UP THERE YOU GUYS! Every time I tried to open the door, it'd grab the knob and shut it again. And it wasn't like there was a bungie cord tied to the knob either, it happens randomly. Sometimes I can open the door halfway without it grabbing the knob, sometimes I can barely open it at all. What the **** guys, WHAT THE ****???"

They started freaking out too. One of them went "you're stupid, are you sure it isn't stuck?"

"NO MAN, I told you, I almost got it open one time before that THING pulled it shut again!"

The other guy went "****, you're starting to scare me dude, you're ****ing with us, right? I swear to god dude, if this is seriously scarry."

So we all went upstairs, I pulled at the knob to open it, and then it was pulled shut again. They all go wide eyed, and then one of them went "Lemme try".

He had a 1 or 2 minute wrestling match with whatever was holding the other end of the door, started screaming bloody mercy, and ran downstairs.

I tell the other guy "Hah, i'm going crazy, you try it!"

He wrestles with the door for another minute, and swings it open in one massive fell swoop. Just as we notice that there's nothing there, the door gets sucked right back shut, and is held tightly up against the sill.

I kinda pause, pull the door open, let go, and see it shut again. Turns out that there was an INSANE low pressure area in that room of the house, which would violently hold the door shut if you didn't open up all the windows in the house.

Holy hell though, that was one of the most frightening moments of my life.

That's about it.
I haven't dared read any of these, cause as fascinated as I am with the paranormal subject, I'm alone in the dark at 3:30 am :P

That said, I do have a story. It's not really "freaky" so much as it is just a little odd.

My grandmother had died probably a week before this happened. It was an expected death, but it still hit everyone in my family pretty damn hard, especially my brother and I since we had just reached the age where death is something we understood (I was in fifth grade, he was in second, so obviously his knowledge of death was a lot more fresh). Anyway, one night me, my dad, my brother, and an aunt of mine were sitting in the living room of the house she lived in and my aunt started talking about how sometimes the dead let us know they're with us in typical ways, such as turning a light on and off or making a noise, something like that. Not five minutes after she said that, one of the lights in the room, far away from where anyone could reach, turned on and off.

Since then I've been pretty deadset on my belief in spirits and ghosts and that sort of thing.
Now I'd like to think that Mike's dad was just being an asshole because the last time we stayed there he ****ing hid in a closet in the basement for a good hour or so, and at around midnight just jumped out with a plastic knife in hand screaming "ALL OF YOU MOTHER****ERS ARE GOING TO DIIIIEEEE".
Congratulate that man for me next time you see him. :E
The references in this thread are great.

So I had this medallion...

...ah, you probably don't want to hear about it anyway.