... Parents petition to stop Doom 3's release...

"The Doom 3 STOP THE RELEASE Petition to U.S. Congress was created by and written by Zealot TC ([email protected])"

hehe. Zealot.
whatever. There's no way in hell (haha) anybody can do anything about it. It's a free country. nyahh-ppppbthooo!

Oh man, this sort of thing just gets funnier and funnier by the day...you can never tell if they've faked it or not anymore. :D
That`s pathetic. There`s so much ****ed up stuff out there already, I don`t think Doom 3 will be the one to push the not so fortunate ones over the edge.
Heh, interesting signatures. Ah well, amusing piss take.
I havent seen one signature on the petition supporting it. The person who wrote it must feel like a total dumbass. Most of the comments are really funny though.
I think that petitiononline site might just be about the most pointless website ever created.
it say that doom 3 will show satanics things to the youths ones
OMG in doom 3 you must kill stanics monters and save the world right?
in my opinion thats not evil for kids
125. Gabby Newhall I rebuke you Doom 3, evil will be unleashed when this game is released. We must do everything in our power to see that this day does not come. Someone call Michael Moore to do a documentary about this travesty of a game being made. Whatever you do dont buy this devil worshiping game, show your stance and get Half Life 2 instead a non devil worshipng game not made with your tax money like Doom 3 really is.

OMG read the signatures and you will lauhg
Yeh same.

We are lucky :D

My mum gets the playstation i get the PC ;)
Wow. Whoever started that post is severely mistaken. Is that the Pope or something?
Nah the pope is hooking up the popemobile with a bad ass alienware :p
You know I've been thinking about it and the world would be a much better place if we didn't have video ga..hahahaahahaha I couldn't even type that its so ridiculous.
My parents also support gaming...hell my dad was the one that got me in fps by playing Doom against my brothers and me.
i think it's a piss take, the petition was started by some chap called Zealot....
Damn you internet! I can no longer recognise sarcasm from genuine emotions...

Thinking of that, my dad bought me the Ultimate Doom super-box-set in Christmas '95 (although don't quote me on that), as a sort of way of saying "You're a nerd, you're a gamer, but at least you're not gay and you still support Carlisle United". Yeah, my dad is that kind of guy. 'Nuff said.
What are these people thinking? "All media must be appropriate for ANYONE of ANY age, and ANY religion" is basically what it sounds like they are thinking to me....Oh well, the game is still coming
thats one of the funniest things ive ever seen
they cant even get their spelling down........ "witch"
anyways, it must be a joke, come on
crazy yanks :p jj
Lol, that's pretty funny. Like they even have a chance in hell (no pun intended) of stopping the sale of even one copy of D3.
I really can't tell if they're SERIOUS or JUST KIDDING.

They really need to put :-[ at the end...
Im not super religous by any means but I see the parents point. If you got to see the pictures in the pc gamer reviwe the one that sticks out in my head is the upsidedown cross with the dead man on it. Now the demons came from hell but you mean to tell me they draged that with them? It isnt like i care becuase i dont see saintinism as a religon.

The game is going to be awsome and I am going to buy it. Back when diablo 2 came out i had to convince my grandmal that the game wasent satanic and that i was stoping satin... damn it has been that long since blizzard released a decent game hasent it? LOL

The way im putting it is this.... If the germans can play it than why shouldnt everyone else? It passed their checks and balances.... remember those guys cant play paintball in the woods so for doom3 to pass its gota be like.... nevermind...
mayro said:
Im not super religous by any means but I see the parents point. If you got to see the pictures in the pc gamer reviwe the one that sticks out in my head is the upsidedown cross with the dead man on it. Now the demons came from hell but you mean to tell me they draged that with them? It isnt like i care becuase i dont see saintinism as a religon.

I understand what your saying, and I can definitely understand parents concern about young children exposed to too much violence in the media and videogames. However, it's the parents responsibilty to stop their children from playing them if they don't like them. People who want to ban violent video games are just looking for a scape goat and want the Government to basically babysit their kids for them in my opinion.

But now that I look at it again and the way it's written it does seem like a joke.
I wasent trying to imply to ban it. I saw the viwe that they wouldnt want their 8 year old who loves god walking in and going "whos that mommy?" as he stares blankly at the screen. I think parents should judge weather or not their kid can play a game or not. I think the goverment is already a pain in the butt when it comes to alot of things. Namely the drinking age.... You can die for the USA when you are 18... you can also goto jail for haveing a beer.
Seems fake to me. Too many obvious spelling errors that I can't see some parent making. Looks like it was typed by some dumbass to get alot attention.
mayro said:
If you got to see the pictures in the pc gamer reviwe the one that sticks out in my head is the upsidedown cross with the dead man on it. Now the demons came from hell but you mean to tell me they draged that with them?

Actually one of the points of the Doom series is that any place that is infected with demons begins to take on a hellish aura. Not to mention you go to hell in the latter part of the game.
holy ****ing prudes!! only in the US. Doesnt it have a mature rating? meaning only 18 and over? why do they care?

here's some of the comments:

GOD HATES FAGS.....i mean........DOOM 3!!


I sure don't want my kids to play this satan woreshipping game! As the first two wasn't bad enough

Yeah, stop the corruption of our children.



hehe some of them are funny, this one is the best:

Doom is an 18+ only game you morons
If anything, that just shows that Americans do understand sarcasm.
even jesus christ was made a comment, he states; "Ignore the petition my children. Find yourselves a hobby of your own."
over half of there signitures are doom 3 fanboys openly mocking the petition
my signiture!!! d00m3tehbad0rz!!1

Satan: Doom 3 ruins my image. I am really not that bad a guy, come to think of it whats wrong with worshipping me?
planetdoom banned me for posting this, ahh well. Working my way to the most banned ip on the gamespy network :p
lol its late and my parents are sleeping in a nearby room and I had a hard time trying to keep from laughing at a few of those comments.

Great stuff. :LOL:
oh my god satanistic symbols, that must mean that our kids will turn into devil worshippers! oh my! QUICK! sign the petition and make anonymous kids you DONT know not able to play the game, and i bet you wont even care about if they play it or not!!!!!
I hope you all realize that petition is clearly a joke. :|