... Parents petition to stop Doom 3's release...

Shuzer said:
I hope you all realize that petition is clearly a joke. :|
I think this makes it the most obvious:

Doom 3 will contain satanistic sympols witch our precious youth will see! Some claims that they look more forward to doom 3 than the second coming of Jesus Christ. The madness and violence must stop NOW! Don't let ID Software ever release doom 3 or it won't be long before we'll have a youth full of devil woreshippers and another columbine highschool situation.
its got a very sarcastic tone to it
but in all seriousness, if you're religious and you dont want your kid playing games like this, be a good parent and make sure they dont
nuf said
oops :P
I signed it with this, sorry if i've offended anyone:

Listen, not only is your grammar atrocious, but so is your dumb suggestion. Games are made to entertain, not to screw up your damn religion. It's the parent's fault for letting their children become exposed to such violence. I believe when children reach a certain age, they should be given a choice if they wish to follow a religion. You want to know why some people don't give a shit about "the second coming of jesus christ?" I'm sure those budists care... It's a person's decision for what they wish to believe, not the government's. It's a free country, and ID software is just doing what their job entitles: to bring enjoyable interactive entertainment to fans. Don't you dare bring school shootings into the subject. Everyone always blames games. Once again, it's the parent's job to make sure thier children are staying out of trouble. You cannot support your claim, you're just using it as a scapegoat like every other dimwit out there. I thank you sir, GOOD DAY!

I don't care if it's fake or not, I just like pissing these kinds of people off.
:hmph: Hell i'd be pissed as well... If I was a parent. No parent wants us kids to be sitting on our asses all day playing a video game, or be playing this game while our grades drop. Oh well, i'll get my enjoyment playing this game while my parents bitch at me.
You know, judging from the writing of the original petition text, I'd say it's fake. It's so sarcastic :d. You can tell it's not real.
Stop doom 3 it has satanic symbols! But keep on airing(spelling?) thos beheadings in Iraq. Like that wont corrupt the youth!
It's sad that people don't understand that games, music, movies are forms of entertainment. And I really pity parent's and adults that acuse games, etc of the behaviour of their kids, instead of taking the blame for bad parenting. Yeah so my son killed half a dozen of his students blame it on Free Cell that damn card game can be so frustrating and stressing for our kids ! ahhahaha.
Of course I understand some game aren't suited for some ages but bearing some considerations in mind you can't blame a game a movie or the lyrics of a song for the actions of your kids , c'mon people let's be logical for once in a while
Over protective soccer mom's BLOW,

If little Jimmy goes outside and tries to swing a crowbar at his friend and call it HLDM then so be it.

#36. Dwight D. Eisenhower said:

#14. r3tina said:
I've sold my soul to Satan so I could afford an Ati X800. Doom 3, bring it on!

#2. satan said:


Our group will be handing out free copies of the game to all pre school students in our area, in the hopes of creating a demonic army of Satan.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
HAHA thats so sad that people actualy make things liek this.
It's funny. Even though I'm fairly sure this particular petition is fake, there are a lot of people out there who regard the Doom series in this fashion.

Despite the fact that the general point of each game is to basically turn Hell into a No Demon Zone.
Brian Damage said:
Despite the fact that the general point of each game is to basically turn Hell into a No Demon Zone.

Duh how else do you think that the place has enough room to fit all the people who go there.
People that create such petitions as these are extremely sad.
Sedako said:
I signed it with this, sorry if i've offended anyone:

Listen, not only is your grammar atrocious, but so is your dumb suggestion. Games are made to entertain, not to screw up your damn religion. It's the parent's fault for letting their children become exposed to such violence. I believe when children reach a certain age, they should be given a choice if they wish to follow a religion. You want to know why some people don't give a shit about "the second coming of jesus christ?" I'm sure those budists care... It's a person's decision for what they wish to believe, not the government's. It's a free country, and ID software is just doing what their job entitles: to bring enjoyable interactive entertainment to fans. Don't you dare bring school shootings into the subject. Everyone always blames games. Once again, it's the parent's job to make sure thier children are staying out of trouble. You cannot support your claim, you're just using it as a scapegoat like every other dimwit out there. I thank you sir, GOOD DAY!

I don't care if it's fake or not, I just like pissing these kinds of people off.
That is the truest shit I have ever seen today! I agree fully. :D I really don't understand how school shootings are entitled to video games. It makes no sense. How will Doom 3, a game taking place on Mars with very fictional stuff, make a kid want to shoot other kids?
As if anyone in congress or whatever takes petitiononline seriously :rolleyes:

If they did and it got withdrawn, told to change the title and make it more religious friendly it would be "Fuzzy Marine 3 - Goes looking for Small cute kittens and rabbits in the magical land of heaven" Then the site would be hacked and the title changed to "Marine 3 - Goes looking for Small cute kittens and rabbits and then puts hot lead into them while simultaneously gutting a small ferret on his way to hell" or something.

The thing 'religious parents' say and do sucks, theres no point, it may not be in tune with their religion but if they are not gonna buy it then why try to force companies (and fail) to even try to ban it?

The fake ones are always better.
Check out signature 609 for my PoV :p
Chris_D said:
Check out signature 609 for my PoV :p

Whoa! 300 new signatures in 1 day.

Funny that about 99.9% of them are from D3 fans.
Since that petition is so obviously fake I suspect whoever created it really had a very unique idea for doing it.

Obviously a real anti-video games violence group would have created such a petition eventually so by creating it before them and making it so ridiculous that it just ends up humiliating for them is a good way of keeping them from actually doing it themselves.