Partial internet access?


Aug 29, 2004
Reaction score
This just cropped up about an hour ago. I can only access some websites, and there doesn't seem to be any pattern to them. I can access aim, but I can't access Steam. I have reset both my router and my computer already. Any ideas?
Is your ISP okay (as in, maintenance of some sort or other outage)?
Must have been an outage, everything's normal this morning. I'd never seen a partial outage before.
Have you tried downloading anything? Check your speed.
Ah, if it's Virgin I can understand. Back at my parents house their internet cuts off and the router has to be reset. It's not just their house.

Back in Cambridge, on Orange, the internet would suddenly drop to speeds of 1kb/s and such.

It could just be your ISP
that happened with my internet one time, no idea how it happened, but it was fine a few hours later.
I was hacking your computer to steal your porn, I'm done now so you should be good.