Pass Out Techniques?

Ehh.. I put a ban on it anyway. I haven't passed a person out since the day before I posted this article. Its not the fad for us anymore which I am pleased to say is a very, very good thing since it was getting out of hand.
LOL, you mean you run to a friend push him against a wall, put pressure on his chest and he... loses counciousness? How long does it take to bring him back?
r2000 said:
My God, thats stupid. And people wonder why I don't always get along with other kids my age (16+).

No, whats stupid is when people revive time relevant threads!
Why not play with hypnosis, just find somescripts online and read them out, and then you can do some very fun things. Plus no danger associated.
You admit you follow fads?
No, I don't follow fads. My friends do. At first there were about 2-3 people that actually knew about these techniques. Then we did it at a party and everyone jumped on the passing out fad. I put a ban on it because too many people wanted to do it everyother minute. Got pretty annoying so I put an end to it.
Why not play with hypnosis, just find somescripts online and read them out, and then you can do some very fun things. Plus no danger associated.
Could you tell me what you are talking about and/or link me to a website to provide me with information? Sounds interesting. Does it actually work?
drink alot of alchol or you could just try knocking them unconcious which is never fun and they probobly will want to kill you cause it gives terrific headaches sometimes
Can you answer my question? Because what you're saying sounds so hilarious. Do you make them go uncouncious by squeezing their chest? How long does it take to bring them back to conciousness?
A good hard hit with a big sod off bat.
Don't attempt to knock anyone out unless you are prepared for them to die, some people can just die at the slightest thing.
If there is someone causing enough problem to make me feel i need to deactivate them i will most likely try to punch them in the back of the head or press their arteries hard in the sides of the neck until they pass out (almost like a strangle)
stinger.aim92 said:
Can you answer my question? Because what you're saying sounds so hilarious. Do you make them go uncouncious by squeezing their chest? How long does it take to bring them back to conciousness?
Pretty much all you have to do is have the person get VERY light headed then once they have become light headed, you proceed to either:
A. Have the person stand back-to-wall and then proceed to put both your hands on pretty much their upper chest, then you lean on them, putting intense ammount of pressure, but before you even lean on them, have the person take in a deep breath and hold it. The person will then lose conciousness and fall to the ground.
B. Another way is to get the person light headed again. Then lift them up like you are going to crack their back but before you lift them up, have the person take in a deep breath and hold it. (They cross their arms across their chest, you then lift them up and put pressure on their arms which puts pressure on their chest. Then they will pass out in your arms.

It takes a good 5-10 seconds depending on if the person is VERY light headed and if you are putting enough pressure on them.
When I was in high school....gee around 97 (damn I'm getting old) There was about7 or 8 people crashing at my parents house. Girls and Guys.

We were taking turns making each other pass out. One person would stand up and bend over at the waist and take 10 slow deep breaths. The other person would stand behind them and after the 10 deeps breaths the 'victim' would stand upright quickly with their arms folded across their chest. Then the person behind them would give them a bear hug from behind and lift them up a little bit. After about 5-10 seconds they were out cold for anywhere from 5-10 seconds.

So my brother is standing there and this chick( she was hot too) is in front of him bent over and touching her toes, and then theres several other people standing around watching this....then my mom walks in the room. Try explaining that one. : )

I had a bad experience with it myself. Apparently I convulsed across the floor and the next thing I remember is that I'm laying on the ground and everything kinda fades in and theres all these people standing over me like 'WTF?' It took me a good 2-3 minutes to remember what happened before I woke up.

Latin_jones, wtf man...........making each other pass out, that's kinda wierd.....
That convulsing across the floor thing isn't good, it's a fit and it means your brain is having problems, most likely from the levels of oxygen in your brain.

The only time i've ever come close to passing out was either when i stupidly drank 3 litres of 8.5% alcohol cider and 2 shots of vodka or the time when i had a cricket bat thrown into my head, i saw stars then, too pissed off to pass out though and went psycho with the cricket bat.
Yea....The whole thread is kinda wierd.

litres? What the hell is a litre? ;)

I'm sure it's enough to make me puke. I've had my share of alcohol induced semi-comotose states.
Thx for the last answer. One more thing: what does "light headed' mean? This term is unknown to me somehow :P
stinger.aim92 said:
Thx for the last answer. One more thing: what does "light headed' mean? This term is unknown to me somehow :P

you know how after you run for a while you kinda get woozy? well if not, then just do this...breathe really fast and deep until for feel dizzy. voila! youre light headed!