Passion of the Christ

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Hey guys, i just got back from it. Its insanely powerful and the whole time i was holding back tears because of how it depicted the pain Jesus went through. If you're christian i strongly suggest u go. I feel a new level of appreciation for Jesus. It's not anti-semitic either. The movie shows some Jews helping him and other non-jews such as the romans beating him. At the end of the movie, half the people just stayed in their seats with a shell shocked look on their face and when everybody was up and leaving i didn't hear anyone say a single word. It was like leaving a funeral. Everybody had red eyes too, its something i've never seen before.
I find it funny how the church supports people going to an R rated movie when it has to do with church, but when it has to do with education people about WW2 it is the devil and should be avoided at all costs.
crabcakes66 said:
yep.....seems the religious folks in here are to proud to admit it ...just like everywhere else.

people complain about a nipple during the superbowl.

...and yet want there children to see an ultra-violent movie wich cannot even be proven historically correct.

Christians need to wake up.

I find it funny how Christians are to blame for everything. And, how lots of Atheists seem to talk about our supposed support of rape, murder, racism, etc, when they themselves are using biggot comments like the one you just made.

Also, I found it rather strange people rose up and started making accusing Gibson of being Anti-Semitic, when most liberals seem to hate Israel and blame them for the ongoing war. Then again, I guess you'd ally with your enemy and try to take down your bigger enemy? Maybe you should quit thinking of us as enemies, and maybe as friends. Please, the Anti-Religion(most of it is Anti-Christian) thing is getting very out of hand.

Foxtrot said:
I find it funny how the church supports people going to an R rated movie when it has to do with church, but when it has to do with education people about WW2 it is the devil and should be avoided at all costs.

I don't understand. Are you talking about the Vatican? Please, don't base Christian views off of what the Vatican says, they're the most hipocrtical church organization within Christianity.

Brian Damage said:
Hey, GV, were you here when "Aquarius" the Raelian popped in to try and convert us?

Yes...If only I could wash it from my memory.
Lousy Astronauts.
There is truly no more evil power than religion...

but i cant blame u...especially u yanks..beeing brainwashed everywhere...
Stop labeling people "christians".... just refer to them as ppl who currently believe in the bible.


It makes them seem different then 'atheists'..

What's the problem with that?

We're all the same..


I actually believe that this is one of the things in our world that causes war.
h00dlum said:
There is truly no more evil power than religion...

but i cant blame u...especially u yanks..beeing brainwashed everywhere...

Everything can be corrupted. But I don't think the broblem is religion, rather religion that begets structured power wielding popes and churches. That is the problem, same thing with governments or corporations. :|

a movie about Gods love for humanity...

and people get outright hostile...sheesh.
Lordblackadder said:
Everything can be corrupted. But I don't think the broblem is religion, rather religion that begets structured power wielding popes and churches. That is the problem, same thing with governments or corporations. :|

Please, do not think the corrupt Pope represents us, he doesn't even correctly represent Catholics.
GhostValkyrie said:
Please, do not think the corrupt Pope represents us, he doesn't even correctly represent Catholics.

Not saying anything about representation, just that the structure of the church can be used for ill just like the structure of government or corporation, or for that matter a PTA club.

I have some friends who are rabid libertarians, read Ayn Rand and worship the "martket" and cororation. They actually believe that a corporation cannot do wrong because it is a private market entity. I always tell'em that I've got some Indonesian 8 year olds who want to have a word with them. :O

The current pope isn't corrupt, just senile. :)
Lordblackadder said:
The current pope isn't corrupt, just senile. :)

I'm going to have to disagree with you about not being corrupt, but I do agree he is senile as well. :)
ok, well...guess I'll hop in...

First off: Re: Jesus not historical.
well, tis true, he IS proven to have existed, The Romans kept VERY good records of things like that. (Census, etc)
And before someone says they also wrote down histories of Jupitor and all these other mythologicle Gods, there is a BIG difference between out census and TV/comic books. Do you think someones going to pick up a comic book 2000 years from now and deem it historically accurate? Doubtful. Theres a big difference between census data and mythologicle data.)
Second, he ammassed a large following, documented by other historians, such as Jesephus. And lastly, Cruistianity can be traced back to the Roman era, so we know it started then...ala in the same life span as Jesus was around. no one would believe in someone that never existed.

So, the movie is factual in it's account of Jesus death and crusifixion. Perhaps the words being spoken are not word for word what was said, but I'll wager it's very close, as we still have the Bible, which details out alot of this stuff. (Again, the account of Jesus death in the Bible would be factual, as those chapters were written just years after Jesus death. If they were false, people who had witnessed it would have been crying bloody murder, and they would not have been accepted).

So, yes, the movie would be historically accurate in that sence as well.

mooooving on to another topic:

Religion hasn't done anything good...

right, idle curiosity, what rock have you been under?
OK, wars caused by religion:
Crusades....Ireland (that one I REALLY don't understand BTW), a couple others. ANY war that takes place in the middle east though...

wars NOT started by religion, and that have nothing to do with religion:

(Not in chronologicle order, just pulling wars off the top of my head here)

Every conquest of Rome
Germanic Tribes conquring Rome
US Civel War
French Civel Wars
War of 1812
Desert Storm
Iraqi Freedom
Veitnam War
Phillipine American War
Spanish American War
Wars between France and Briton

list goes on and on and on. wars started by religion are very few actually, despite what the common thinking seems to be.

Now, something that IS common, is that in these wars, who is one of the first organizations there to help? The red Cross. guess what? Thats a Christain organization.
Who starts up orphanages in countries all over the world. Generally Christains, and other religios groups.

Again, list goes on, religion has done alot of good throught history.

While I understand that post was in jest, I don't see why Jesus wouldn't come to the forums. I myself try to live as Jesus would, though I of course can't measure up, I try. (Meaning don't lie, cheat, etc...basically follow the ten commandments).

What? What films dealing with war was the church against? I can see needless violence, such as ohh...killbill, which I found mearly entertaining, and at times boring. But I can't imagion it being against say, Saving Private Ryan. Linkage or such. :D
And oh yes, I'm not entirely keen on bringing YOUNG children to see it. over ten though, and I'd say OK.

I agree! :) Though religion usually doesn't support structured power weilding, rather man changes it so it does....ala the vatican.
I guess I'll defend the pope.

I think he's a good man. The position of the pope though...I'm not as keen on.
Wars aren't caused by religions, they're caused by large groups of men who start killing eachother for no good reason.

Let's remember that during the Dark Ages Church and State were the same thing.

I always hear people say that religions start wars, what about governments? Is government illegitimate because it starts wars? :O

I kinda wonder, why DO people think wars are started by religion?
Probably because they dont really understand and so they fill the gap with the easiest thing.
A2597 said:

I kinda wonder, why DO people think wars are started by religion?

Same way that most people think most things, they heard it somewhere and repeat it without actually considering the subject. :rolling:

It's amazing really, the world will greatly improve after people start using that weird jelly thing behind their eyeballs. :thumbs:
We have jelly behind our eyeballs? Oh im so there...

/me starts to use a spoon to scoop out the jelly
Actually, since we're on the topic of starting wars, here's something that started the most recent one:

This is how wars start. Although it would go something like the following.
Jim- Wow, nice church! Can i join ya?
Priest- Okay, but here is the bible, read it and get back to me.
*next day
Jim- Okay this is a little weird, but everything is true?
Priest- Every part of it.
Jim- Ummm, okay ill join still.
Priest- Good, follow me.
*2 month later
Priest- Hello everyone! I would like for you to congradulate yourselves on the overwhelming amount of divotion you have brought. Now, let us spread our enlightenment to others. Any volinteers?
Bob- I'll go
Mark- I will also.
Priest- Alright, go to the Vertain City to the west and comback in 4 months to report you progress.
Mark- Sure thing
Bob- Not a problem, l8r
*4months later
Bob- Omg, they killed Mark and told me to **** off!
Priest- Alright people, they killed mark. Lets get revenge!
*Mob moves out and once they hit the town they slaughter each other.

I have no idea why I wrote this but, ummm did u have fun reading? Loll
How wars start

Dave - Hello, can i have a piece of your pie?

James - No...Its my pie, i worked hard for this pie and now im going to eat it.

Dave - I want your pie

James - No, its my damn pie

Dave - You offend my religion\morals\system of government by your unwillingness to hand over the pie. Come everyone! Let us kill the unbeliever\sicko\anarchist!

James - Quick, they are trying to take my...uh, The pie! Fight them off!

*Battle is fought*

Dave - Finaly, the pie is mi...ours. I shall now eat the pie on behalf of the people.

The People - Yay, we won the pie!

Lone man - But we didnt get anything...

The People - Yeah but...uh...hmmmmm.
Farrowlesparrow said:
We have jelly behind our eyeballs? Oh im so there...

/Farrow starts to use a spoon to scoop out the jelly

/me pukes

dadadi-dadada 10word limitz0rs
I will either be flamed, or what I say will just get lost in the thread, but here's my opinion anyway.

Whether Jesus really was the son of god, or whether he really was as incredible of a person as he was said to be, it really doesn't matter when it comes to the controversy this movie is generating.

Jesus was brutaly executed but does that mean that we should all be witness to the blood and the gore and the pain that he went through? I think not. This is already been said but I too find it very hypocritical that many Christians are telling us that we should all see this incredibly gory movie simply because it is about Jesus, when at the same time the same people are trying to tell us that we should never take our kids to see such movies and we should never sell our gory games too them.

Violence is violence any way you look at it. Seeing Jesus being tortured to death will corrupt a childs mind just as much as seeing it being done to anyone else.
I dont know why people need to believe this stuff. People die, life goes on. Jeez..............Martin Luther King Jr. did as much good or even more than jesus but you dont hear us putting up trees or anything for him do you.
coolio2man said:
I dont know why people need to believe this stuff. People die, life goes on. Jeez..............Martin Luther King Jr. did as much good or even more than jesus but you dont hear us putting up trees or anything for him do you.

Actually, you do.
There's even a large road named after him here in Dallas. :)

So, you have a problem with me worshipping Jesus, do you?
coolio2man said:

This is how wars start. Although it would go something like the following.
Jim- Wow, nice church! Can i join ya?
Priest- Okay, but here is the bible, read it and get back to me.
*next day
Jim- Okay this is a little weird, but everything is true?
Priest- Every part of it.
Jim- Ummm, okay ill join still.
Priest- Good, follow me.
*2 month later
Priest- Hello everyone! I would like for you to congradulate yourselves on the overwhelming amount of divotion you have brought. Now, let us spread our enlightenment to others. Any volinteers?
Bob- I'll go
Mark- I will also.
Priest- Alright, go to the Vertain City to the west and comback in 4 months to report you progress.
Mark- Sure thing
Bob- Not a problem, l8r
*4months later
Bob- Omg, they killed Mark and told me to **** off!
Priest- Alright people, they killed mark. Lets get revenge!
*Mob moves out and once they hit the town they slaughter each other.

I have no idea why I wrote this but, ummm did u have fun reading? Loll
Ok then, if thats how wars start, name two that started that way. :D
(Seeing as how wars are plurle...)

I think Farrowlesparrow's was a bit more accurate. Wars are started because one man wants more power. He attacks someone else, and they defend themselves.

as to why should we see this movie? Well...yes it's bloody. Crusifixions were. I can see why that would bother you, but Braveheart was bloody, saving pvt Ryan was bloody, Gladiator was bloody...yet I don't recall any people complaining about that.

and all three represent a part of history.
Braveheart was, for the key points, historically accurate
Saving Pvt Ryan was as well, especially the DDay invasion
Gladiator gives us perhaps the best look at how Romans lived, and yes I've done the research, lots and lots of it. It's portrayl of Rome was VERY accurate.
The Passion gives us a look at how the Crusifixion was carried out. That is undeniable weather Aethist or Christain. For Christains, it also shows just what the price for our sins was.
A2597 said:
as to why should we see this movie? Well...yes it's bloody. Crusifixions were. I can see why that would bother you, but Braveheart was bloody, saving pvt Ryan was bloody, Gladiator was bloody...yet I don't recall any people complaining about that.
Those movies were designed for our entertainment, and yes they are entertaining. This movie is VERY far from entertaining and it was never meant to entertain, in which case you can't even really compare it.
I was mainly replying to your "Violence is violence" sentance, but no, the Passion is not made to entertain, it is made to make you think. and from what people are saying, it does that very well.
Braveheart was, for the key points, historically accurate
Gladiator gives us perhaps the best look at how Romans lived, and yes I've done the research, lots and lots of it. It's portrayl of Rome was VERY accurate.

The real French Princess in Braveheart was only nine years old when William Wallace fought in his battles.

Commodus did NOT kill Augustus. Augustus would have NEVER given a general the emperor title due to Roman politics and the upheavel it would ensue. Commodus ruled for over twenty years and was NOT killed in the arena.
GhostValkyrie said:
Actually, you do.
There's even a large road named after him here in Dallas. :)

So, you have a problem with me worshipping Jesus, do you?

Yes, People are wasteing there time when they could be doing more useful or productive things with their lives. If there had never been God or Jesus, everything would be the same. We would have eventually gotten to this stage of human devlopment. Why do you think the middle ages lasted so long? religion. Why do you think people blow themselves up daily? religion.

Its not very useful. Its like a crack in a road. Once you hit that crack you are thrown off balance. There are two things that can happen, you fall off or you regain your balance.

I dont know why I am explaining this to you, I cant change your mind from some fairy tale your parents addioted you to.
If there were no religion don't you think there would be just as much violence if not more? With out commandments and moral guide lines from which we draw from religion, murder could be law, survival of the fittest. You can't say for sure whether life would be better or not, but I can assume not.
coolio2man said:
Yes, People are wasteing there time when they could be doing more useful or productive things with their lives. If there had never been God or Jesus, everything would be the same. We would have eventually gotten to this stage of human devlopment. Why do you think the middle ages lasted so long? religion. Why do you think people blow themselves up daily? religion.

Its not very useful. Its like a crack in a road. Once you hit that crack you are thrown off balance. There are two things that can happen, you fall off or you regain your balance.

I dont know why I am explaining this to you, I cant change your mind from some fairy tale your parents addioted you to.

I agree with you that people could be doing better things with their time than following religious custom. I think that religion today is so far gone, and has become so materialistic, ritualistic, and hate filled, that it's mere existence does more harm than good. However, the core ideas, the teachings of Jesus, are by themselves, good. When you strip the church of all the fluff that it's taken on over the years, and go right to the root of it all, you'll find Jesus. Whether or not you believe he was the son of God is irrelevant. Following his example of unconditional love for all could only lead to good things for this earth.
The effects of religion on society are profound. Everything would be extremelly different whether for better or worse it will never be known.

Religion has driven us as human beings to technological and cultural advancement, while at other times it has prevented our development. You cannot simply assume that religion is either completely bad OR completely good for us. At times it has done good things for us while at other times it has done bad things for us.

At the moment it I believe it is holding us back, however in the past it was sometimes the only thing driving us forward.
coolio2man said:
PEOPLE ARE NOT STUPID! When you see someone killed, you know its bad! YOu don't need some God to tell you! Its freakin commonsense. O wait, no nm, retards need to be taught that. Retards always have anger issues. Read the Tard Blog for examples.

Oh yes everyone knows its bad blah blah, i'm sure primitive man never killed a fellow man. And if your going off calling me a retard you should really check yourself. Point is religion is the basis of modern civillization, if you don't believe thats fine, but don't call someone retarded when they make an educated rebuttal to a comment you make. Yeah religion and faith incites all sorts of violence look at all the angry christians soccer moms who go out shooting people every day, religion is not to blame, fanatics who twist the words of religious text are to blame.
I started going to church on my own. Not by anything my parents told me.
Don't try to pierce through this forum, and think you can see who I am.
All you're seeing is what you want. You apparently think we're all idiots.
Well, you're wrong. I'm not a violent person, I'm very political and am involved in what happens to our world. Christians who live a life in a bubble make me angry, and make me look bad. Don't think we're all like that, and don't tell me what to do with my time. I certainly haven't told you what to do with yours.

BTW: I would brag about the good things I do, but I try to be humble. If you want to hear about how I "waste my time" apparently doing nothing but going to church and ignoring the world, contact me, I'll tell you through PM.
Yeah people who go on missionary trips to poor countries to install clean drinking water through church and faith based organizations are wasting their time, and of course the church that welcomes the homeless with open arms and provides shelter and soup kitchens and volunteers are wasting their time! And you contradicted yourself:

PEOPLE ARE NOT STUPID! When you see someone killed, you know its bad!

Once again, PEOPLE WIL KILL NO MATTER WHAT! Violence is reality

Hmm people are not stupid, but yet people kill no matter what, sounds like a contradiction smells like a.... well you get my point.

GhostValkyrie said:
I started going to church on my own. Not by anything my parents told me.
Don't try to pierce through this forum, and think you can see who I am.
All you're seeing is what you want. You apparently think we're all idiots.
Well, you're wrong. I'm not a violent person, I'm very political and am involved in what happens to our world. Christians who live a life in a bubble make me angry, and make me look bad. Don't think we're all like that, and don't tell me what to do with my time. I certainly haven't told you what to do with yours.

BTW: I would brag about the good things I do, but I try to be humble. If you want to hear about how I "waste my time" apparently doing nothing but going to church and ignoring the world, contact me, I'll tell you through PM.

They dont only make you look bad, they make anything related to that sort of thinking bad.
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