Pat Robinson Predicts 2008 Killing (Oh Lawd :facepalm:)

NORFOLK, Va. ? Religious broadcaster Pat Robertson predicted Wednesday that 2008 will be a year of violence worldwide and a recession in the United States, followed by a major stock-market crash by 2010.

Sharing what he believes God-

The light dawned and all was clear.

And where's PortalStormzzz been?
:LOL: Pat Robertson is so funny.
But then so is Obama in '08. Hahahahahahahah

Have you ACTUALLY done any research on this guy? Does anyone research candidates, or are they just so hopeful they are what they say they are, and so much wanting "change" they will throw in with the one (candidate) farthest from what is represented now?

Check out his "church" he attends. Read the manifest and the pages very carefully. THAT my friend, scares the hell out of Chicken Hawks.
Check out his "church" he attends. Read the manifest and the pages very carefully. THAT my friend, scares the hell out of Chicken Hawks.

Who cares what church he attends as long as he's not like Huckabee.
But then so is Obama in '08. Hahahahahahahah

Have you ACTUALLY done any research on this guy? Does anyone research candidates, or are they just so hopeful they are what they say they are, and so much wanting "change" they will throw in with the one (candidate) farthest from what is represented now?

Check out his "church" he attends. Read the manifest and the pages very carefully. THAT my friend, scares the hell out of Chicken Hawks.

Of course I have.

I agree with almost all of his political positions. I tend not to be retarded enough to judge someone by the church they are attending.

So tell us, what candidate do YOU want to win?
Didn't Pat Robertson predict a major terrorist attack last year, that God told him about.

Yes, he predicted a nuclear attack in 2007. That was the incident of B-52 mis-loading 6 nuclear missiles flying over US continental. For some reason, it failed.

535. Huckabee and Evangelical (Iowa lesson 4) (1/28/08)

Why I say Huckabee is a representative of the Feds?

1. Media blew the trumpet on Iowa Primary to hint that it had correctly selected the president in recent primaries. It hints that Edwards (planned to win Demo Caucus though failed) or Huckabee would be the next US President. It is a pre-conception mind control. I view it as Feds' intention.

2. Huckabee was unpopular compare with other Republican's candidates. He also has less campaign fund than his rivals. How could he jumped to the leading seat? He is said conservative, so are the most of other GOP candidates. Is he a Bush basher? Then nobody can compare with Ron Paul. Does he have any extraordinary policy to appeal public? None. How could he suddenly become a hot idle and win the Iowa Primary? The media voluntarily cooked his news. (compare to how media deliberately censor the news of Ron Paul) Since the election office and the media are manipulated by Feds, I view him as Feds' candidate.

Anyhow, media gave a reason why Huckabee won Iowa - it says religion lift him to victory. When did President election become a religious campaign? Is it for a politician or for a missionary? It's as ridiculous as that a man won the CEO of a big firm because he identifies himself as an evangelical. The media says, "Affable Huckabee wins over evangelical voters."

3. Although it is absurd, I think media - a traditional mind control tool - this time tells truth. I view evangelical voters as a power base of the Inside group who controls this country. "Evangelical voters" doesn't mean majority of Americans but the will of the Inside Group. Here is the story how Feds related to this power base and how its representative announcing its annual plan in the name of prophecy.

Quote, "John Ashcroft to teach class at Va. college
By Richard Willing, USA TODAY

One month after leaving office, former U.S. attorney general John Ashcroft has a new job: He'll be a part-time professor at a Christian university run by television evangelist Pat Robertson

Quote, 'Pat Robertson Predicts Worldwide Violence, U.S. Recession in 2008
Wednesday, January 02, 2008

NORFOLK, Va. - On Wednesday's "700 Club" broadcast, the founder of the Christian Broadcasting Network predicted that evangelism will increase and more people will seek God as the chaos develops.
Last year, Robertson predicted that a terrorist act, possibly involving a nuclear weapon, would result in mass killing in the United States.,2933,319728,00.html

1. When Feds has the technique to alter climate, such like create hurricane, earthquake.... while people don't know there is such kind of technique, they would believe it's work of God. (Hurricane Katrina, 2005 South Asia tsunami...)

2. When Government insider used to activate false flag terror attack (911 attack, anthrax letter....)to grab power and money from people, innocent people thought it was done by Al Qaida, Saddam....

3. While Feds controlled the election system by their informant or assets, it's easy to rig the election. That's how Bush could be selected twice and Ron Paul always be neglected.

You know the trick, then you know so said God for Pat Robertson is Feds. He just announces their annual plan in advance. Plan sometimes went soured due to the situation. But he still goes on with his psychological operation under the cover of evangelical broadcaster. He had predicted Bush would be president. (they control media and election office) He almost successful in prediction of nuclear attack in 2007. (Remember 8/31/07, a B-52 mis-loading nuclear missiles and flying over US continent) Now re-consider the meaning of his words:"evangelism will increase and more people will seek God as the chaos develops."