Patch gave me crazy performance hiccups


Sep 23, 2004
Reaction score
OK check this out, Valve screwed something up with that last patch. Since then, I'll be playing normal for 30 secs to a min then all the sudden I get HUGE lag spikes. I can still move around the map fine but it sounds like people are popping off one shot at a time and the kills dont show up in the corner, and chat/speech doesn't appear. Then abotu 5 seconds later BAM everything comes back. Then I get 30 seconds more of normal gameplay.

Watching my net graph, I get about 60 ms ping until I hit some action, then I get spikes between 1000 and 2000 ms, then usually I'm dead by then, and it settles back to 60 ms.

Anybody else having similar issues with hiccups like this? I ran into one other person who described the same thing tonight. I'd just like to see if anybody else is getting this so we can confirm that it's a bug.

Yes recently if someone starts shooting or something i get slowdown. I dont think its lag though, and after about 4-5 mins of playing a map everythings back to normal.
It's weird it comes and goes. Sometimes I can play for a few mins without it, but then after awhile it comes back.

At first I thought it was video stutter from my comp loading the maps/textures, but sometimes it happens WELL after I've been all over the map.

Anybody else?
ahhh this happens to me all the f'ing time it pisses me off to know extent, if someone found a solution to this problem please reply
If you have a wireless router, it is definatly because of that.
No wireless router. And even if I did, nothing in my hardware has changed. Only CS.

Well don't worry about it anyway. I've stopped playing. CS pisses me off now. Horrendous hit detection, a LOT of questionable players, spray and pray headshots, and matches that boil down to AWP cheese. I was an old school CS player and had fond memories, I hoped Source would livin things up again, and it did. It got old quick however, and I think the animated spray of two men screwing just made me quit for good.