patch tonite?

wack game. server browser's still laggy and slow for me, along with a handful of bugs that make the game virtually unplayable.
hmmm all the servers in my browser are over 100ping, unranked too, yet ingame everyones ping is fine, strange.
That patch worked wonders for me. I can't even open the game. It just locks up everytime and I have to restart. Oh well, I really can't be arsed to reinstall it - not worth the effort.
lemonfridge said:
Is it now supporting 3rd party server finders?????

Yes. Update xfire and KABLAM!

But I average around 40-20 fps now. I used to stay between 45-60, usually 60.

Bullshit I say!
Patch fixed all my problems. I'm beginning to like this game.