PAX09: Left 4 Dead 2 Gameplay Footage


Jul 6, 2003
Reaction score
New gameplay footage appeared on Youtube today from PAX. These new videos feature The Jockey riding on Survivors, The Spitter, Clowns and a tunnel of love.

Keep an eye on this News Post for more gameplay footage.
That kid talking sh** the whole time was a dick, but good footage.
This is what happens you meet the most annoying person on the internet in real life. Great videos but Valve has to solve the whole pro-gamer thing. L4D is meant for the Survivors to die, not bunny hoping around like it's Unreal Tournament.
What a ****ing moron.

Very strange boy, but great footage of the crowbar, jockey and spitter. I'd like to see more barging from the charger still. Hopefully more videos will crop up and we will add those too.
This is what happens you meet the most annoying person on the internet in real life. Great videos but Valve has to solve the whole pro-gamer thing. L4D is meant for the Survivors to die, not bunny hoping around like it's Unreal Tournament.

Not sure you can seperate a percentage of players who enjoy a particular style of playing from the other, hool. It's a bit uhh... impossible.
Oh the whole pre-order and get a baseball bat:
"How it'll work is, if you're playing with somebody that's pre-ordered it, everybody playing gets it," Valve's Chet Faliszek explained.

Not sure you can seperate a percentage of players who enjoy a particular style of playing from the other, hool. It's a bit uhh... impossible.
You make the run speed and accuracy decrease while running/jumping. Did you see the Spitter thing?
You make the run speed and accuracy decrease while running/jumping. Did you see the Spitter thing?

I don't want to derail the thread, I just loved how the whole ''pro-gamer'' thing HAS to be solved by Valve because a guy bunny hopped in one video. :laugh:

It's for another discussion, I guess. Honestly not something I'd consider Valve had to get on to right away in my eyes.
Wow what an annoying voice that guy has.

Things are looking good though. the new gib effects sure do make the melee messy.
That kid.... reminds me of that annoying gamer kid that still says dead baby jokes and talks about tea bagging even though he's like 19 and nobody likes him at all classmate.
I don't want to derail the thread, I just loved how the whole ''pro-gamer'' thing HAS to be solved by Valve because a guy bunny hopped in one video. :laugh:

It's for another discussion, I guess. Honestly not something I'd consider Valve had to get on to right away in my eyes.
I think we have all run into the person like the camera kid who "rushing is the name of the game". Hopefully they add this music when the Merry Go Round starts:

*Completely off-topic here but here are some "IT" clips of the clown:
two good video's i know what weapon im going with now the crowbar :)
The kid's commentary was annoying, but the videos are great and they show a lot of new things in Left 4 Dead 2, like the Jockey. I have to say, the Jockey seems to be an interesting Special Infected, and it looks like it can easily separate a Survivor from the group if that person is unaware. Furthermore, the Jockey basically has full control of that Survivor's movement unless it's killed or knocked off. I wouldn't want to use a melee weapon if the Jockey is already attached to the Survivor's back since there is a big chance I might accidentally hit my fellow teammate in the process; there probably wouldn't be a lot of friendly fire damage done though, unless the difficulty is Expert.
Also, I simply like the reloading animation of the AK-47 for some reason; I can't wait to try it out. Well, there's my thoughts on everything.
The melee weapons don't seem to a lot of friendly fire. Specially with the axe it's kind of weird. He just swings it around right next to his teammates carelessly.
My only beef is that the merry go round crescendo appears incredibly easy. I mean, for starters there's only a tiny distance to cover to turn it off. Secondly, it reminded me of DA4 crescendo where literally zombies only rush you from behind; not from various different directions. They need to make it more chaotic man.
Remember that they are probably playing it on low difficulty. It wont be as easy on higher difficulty settings or in Versus mode.
arent the levels supposed to change also, so maybe they just got an easy route because they arent very good.
Did they change how melee works? If i remember right, picking up a melee weapon would replace the main firearm, leaving you only with pistol. In these vids you can have them both, switching back and forth between them.
No, the previous system was that you can't switch to your primary weapon or use any items while holding a melee weapon. You had to drop the melee weapon to use other things.

It looks like they have changed that now and you are able to carry a melee and primary weapon. I think the trade off comes with the fact that the melee weapon has no RMB shove ability.
In that case it does seem to be overpowered then. The trade-off as far as i saw it was disposing your main weapon in favour of the gore and fun of the melee combat. There was sort of risk and reward tied into it. Going up close and personal without a firearm, but with the abillity to one-kill and decap. the horde and special zombies (that's why the one hit kills didn't bother me when it was first shown).

The way they have it now sorts of let you have the best of the 2 worlds, making the survivors much more powered. I think you can shove with the melee weapons, there's a moment in the vid when the player holds the axe horizontally, suggesting a show position. Even if there isn't, nothing stops you to switch between the weapons.

Preffering melee over firearm is sort of a comittment to how you're going to aproach the situation and you couldn't rely on an ak-47 quickly at your disposal when the numbers suddenly too big to chop and the sorts.
So, as far as those videos concern, i do not believe they made the best choice of handling this aspect.
In that case it does seem to be overpowered then. The trade-off as far as i saw it was disposing your main weapon in favour of the gore and fun of the melee combat. There was sort of risk and reward tied into it. Going up close and personal without a firearm, but with the abillity to one-kill and decap. the horde and special zombies (that's why the one hit kills didn't bother me when it was first shown).
To me that seems totally one-sided. Why would you ever give up an AK or Auto-Shotty for a melee weapon?
What a great bunch of videos! They totally reminded me why i found the first game so boring ^_^ I was thinking about getting the 2nd one but now i won't.
You really had me going there, cool guy.
Check out the last video Tamer, the player spots a baseball bat on the floor while holding a pistol out aiming at it (maybe a desert eagle). When he picks up the bat, he drops the pistol.

Perhaps melee replaces your sidearm? It seems to show that. If that is the case, if you get incapped what support and you provide? Can you swing the bat to protect yourself?
Check out the last video Tamer, the player spots a baseball bat on the floor while holding a pistol out aiming at it (maybe a desert eagle). When he picks up the bat, he drops the pistol.

Perhaps melee replaces your sidearm? It seems to show that. If that is the case, if you get incapped what support and you provide? Can you swing the bat to protect yourself?
Chet Faliszek said:
and if you noticed we’ve changed how melee works, so melee stays in the pistol slot, so in that secondary slot you can have a melee weapon

From a recent interview.
To me that seems totally one-sided. Why would you ever give up an AK or Auto-Shotty for a melee weapon?

For the same reason you would choose to use the melee weapon when you also have a primary weapon.
I do wander what happens now when you get incap. seeing that the melee replaces the sidearm and while we don't know what difficulty level those videos are from, or what tweaks they retail version is going to have, i still think melee+primary weapon is too much, or at least i need to get convinced it isn't.