Pay your respects


Jul 17, 2003
Reaction score
Hmmm, think about what is going on here.

Valve are working their tits off - and have been for 4/5 years now - to produce a top quality game.

They are responding to every last wazook that wants to ask thema question, irrespective of whether or not it is important.

They are clearly busting a nut to reach the deadline.

And they are showing a dedication to the fans and mod community unlike anyone else.

I ask you this. Is there any there anything we could do to perhaps show some appreciation? When I let a hooker entertain me for the evening, we enter into the deal with the understanding that we each get something out of it, yet I still take the time to say 'thankyou' afterwards. Now I'm not calling Valve 'ladies of the night' but maybe there is something we can do to say thankyou seeing as they are trying so hard to please us.

Could we organise a 'beer fund' via paypal, or some sort of 'donate crap that valve may like'? Something that at least attempts to show our respect for daddy Freeman.

Anybody with me?
I believe our money paying for their game will be a great way to say.. good job yanks! Or we could send like 10 hookers down to the HeadQuarters as spies to steal some boxes and stuff.. may be a bit of gabe's hair
Buying the game will be enough, but what Valve has always said they love, is the community. They love seeing mods like Natural Selection, The-Specialist, and Counter-Strike.

And DOD!!! lol
Team-Specialist? Never heard of it. :\
Should have placed Day Of Defeat in place of that. Since it did go commercial and all...
hmmm...well...actually...most game nerds/programmers do not like Beer. But yes--if you say so lol.
Vanilla Coke?

Pepsi Vanilla...those bastards. Pepsi is going down.
If Gordon Freeman was tea-total he would be a Dr Pepper drinker. I'm telling you man, no doubt about it.
Originally posted by weerat
When I let a hooker entertain me for the evening, we enter into the deal with the understanding that we each get something out of it, yet I still take the time to say 'thankyou' afterwards.

lmao :cheese:
I'll buy the game. :)

Might send an e-mail thanks. :)
Let's say we ALL send them a thank you mail, they'll sure be pleased with 2 million emails don't you think? :D
Does anyone live in the Seattle area who could collect donations via pay-pal and deliver a few cases of beer?
lol my 50 bucks for the game is a good donation. i just get something for it....guess its not a donation but 50 bucks is a lot.

and if freeman is a smart as he looks i dont think he'd drink soda.
There are going to be a lot of companies that I will be "donating" $50 to... because a lot of good games are coming out soon.
Yeah i know what you mean, i will be "donating" to HL2, CoD, and Max Payne 2, and thats just 2003, I dont even wanna think about 2004
I think buying the game is plenty thanks enough. I think the most rewarding thing for them will be for us to pruchase the game and really enjoy it. They have to be nervous as hell wondering if all of us will like what they've spent the last 5 years of their lives on or if we're all expecting mor than they're gonna deliver. I hope we're all blown away, just as they probably hope. I'm confident we will be. I wonder if HL2 will garner all the awards and recognition (PC Gamer's Best PC Game of All Time) that HL1 received. So many good games are coming out this fall and next year - HL2, CoD, Max Payne 2, Halo (finally), Doom III, etc.
Alright, we have plenty of post from people who DON'T want to donate five bucks for a fun thing. Is there anyone here that DOES?
I think you may be "Pissing against the wind" on this one dscowboy.
Apparently, lol. Alright, how about I put it this way: Who wants to have their name associated with a gift to VALVe? The sweet gift of inebriation...
Originally posted by PvtRyan
Let's say we ALL send them a thank you mail, they'll sure be pleased with 2 million emails don't you think? :D

There are less than 5000 members on this board. And there is no way you could possibly convince a hundred of them to send an email. Sorry to shatter your dreams.
Originally posted by Punzz
I believe our money paying for their game will be a great way to say.. good job yanks! Or we could send like 10 hookers down to the HeadQuarters as spies to steal some boxes and stuff.. may be a bit of gabe's hair

haha /me totally agrees :)
erm, i don't think "pay your respects" is a good topic title, it infers something else, perhaps "show your respect" or show your appreciation" maybe?
True, I thought someone had shrugged off this mortal coil when I saw the topic :x
Gabe has been working too hard on hl2 for 5 years, maybe he doesn't have sexual life at all(not even time for mastebating). We can send him a hooker and in case we don't know about his sexual orientation, let's send him a shemale. we should surprise him with a big one like he did to us with hl2.
Originally posted by KiNG
if freeman is a smart as he looks i dont think he'd drink soda.

He actually does drink soda in Half-Life 1 to gain life! :)
If you press the buttons on the vending machines, a can falls out.
It refills one health per can. :cool:
I clicked on this thread thinking someone had died... and Pepsi is doing a vanilla thing now?!
Fuk this... buy the game is enough and ontop of that they want p2p
Originally posted by chris_3
ontop of that they want p2p

Arg, where do you people come from!? For the last time already, SUBSCRIPTION IS A PAYMENT OPTION, LIKE RENTING. THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN GET VIA SUBSCRIPTION THAT YOU WONT BE ABLE TO BUY IN THE STORE. Subscription is for people who won't play HL2 for the next 6 months straight, so they get a cheaper option if they want it. Please stop spreading lies.
Show your respects

Originally posted by scrollall
I think you may be "Pissing against the wind" on this one dscowboy.

I think you may be right. Never mind, I just thought a little beer or something would show our appreciation, not for the game, but for the amount of emails they have responded to and what-not.

Originally posted by dscowboy
Alright, we have plenty of post from people who DON'T want to donate five bucks for a fun thing. Is there anyone here that DOES?

Cheers for the support dude, but it appears to be failing. Ne'h mind.

Originally posted by MaDMaXX
erm, i don't think "pay your respects" is a good topic title, it infers something else, perhaps "show your respect" or show your appreciation" maybe?

Damn my puny intelligence!
How about every time you think of a hooker, spend the money on another copy of HL2. More money to Valve, you might even make Guiness book of World Records as the person with most HL2 copies in the world!
Originally posted by gamevoodoo
Gabe has been working too hard on hl2 for 5 years, maybe he doesn't have sexual life at all(not even time for mastebating). We can send him a hooker and in case we don't know about his sexual orientation, let's send him a shemale. we should surprise him with a big one like he did to us with hl2.
i'm sure his wife would appreciate it. :bounce:
i think im just going to go down to seattle and give gabe a great big hug... :p
well im up for a gift.. a little obsession with a game ompany never hurst..does it now? :)
dscowboy(or whoever), if you can get something going, pm me or sumthing :)