PC, 360, PS3, and/or Wii?

Which One?

  • Upgraded PC FTW!!!

    Votes: 34 38.2%
  • 360 (or I already have one...)!

    Votes: 9 10.1%

    Votes: 8 9.0%
  • Wii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Votes: 28 31.5%
  • I'm insanely rich, and getting ALL OF THEM!!! MUHAHA!!!

    Votes: 10 11.2%

  • Total voters


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
Reaction score
I know there are 1001 threads about this, but I added PC..

Which one are you going to buy? (Or upgrade your PC)

I am going for the PC, for the most part the best games on the consoles are being ported anyways..

If the Wii is $200 like they promise, then I'll buy that, too..

I've never liked Xbox, so I don't plan on buying it..

PS3 was ruined, they keep making retarded decisions for it, and they lost me as a customer... Plus the high ass price... I'm a bit of a Playstation fan boy, too.. I got PS1, PS2, PSP, but PS3 screwed it up... :( I may buy it when the PS4 comes out (if it does), because by then it'll be like $200...
I'm more than likely getting all three. I know for sure I am getting the Wii. I already have the 360. My computer is already boss. Now, all I need is the PS3, and my future will be set.
- Upgrading my pc in a week or 2.
- I have a 360.
- Buying a Wii when it launches.
- Buying a PS3 after the price drops, a lot and we see whether Blu-Ray fails (I bet it does), it's Live esque system fails/suck (Once again, I bet it does) and if there are any decent games.

I'm set.
I don't really plan on getting any consoles, except maybe the wii...

I think my PC will last me until sometime early 2007, and by then I'll probably upgrade most parts...bigger HD, DDR2 RAM, new cpu, new mobo for DDR2 RAM & cpu, aaaaaaaaand a DX10 card. :E
Plan on getting a 360 sometime this year and maybe upgrading to Vista as well. Not sure on the Wii though.
Chuffed with my 360, my PC will contently handle Episode 2/TF2/Portal and I have absolutely no intention of buying a PS3.

Nintendo win me again.
I got my 360, I'll buy a Wii, I've got 2500 bucks to spend on a new computer, though I'm waiting for the first DX10 GPUs to appear and they're rumoured to be released in December, though you need Vista to get DX10 but that's due out in January, that'll also allow me to save up some more cash.
Already got a 360 (2 infact D: ), PC is already up to date for games at this current time, Will be getting a PS3 and WII as they both appeal to me for a variety of reasons.
Got 360, getting Wii, showing Sony the finger and not having enough cash to upgrade PC.
Getting a new PC atleast (dec/jan), getting a Wii for sure, and perhaps I might also buy a 360 since there are some cool games coming out for it.
I have a 360, will definately buy a Wii, and plan on upgrading my pc when NWN2, Quake Wars and TF2 are released. I'll probably get a PS3 when the prices drop and there's a few games that look decent.
I already have a 360, definitely getting a Nintendo Wii, unsure about getting a PS3 at launch, saving up for a Windows Vista based PC. :)
I'll be sticking to my PC, GameCube, and a shiney new Wii.

PS3 is too expensive and the XBox...well, at least now....I can play all those games on my PC.....I'd rather spend $400 on my PC.
I'd like to upgrade my PC for BF2 and BF2:2142, but I can't really see the point in spending loads on an upgrade for them both. And with Episode 1 and 2 coming out for the X-Box 360, I won't need to worry about them playing on a crappy low setting on my PC, albiet I'll have to wait a bit longer for them.

So... I'm getting a 360 sometime next year. Aiming to get Dead Rising, BF2: Modern Combat and Oblivion.. maybe COD2 sometime down the line. But I am certainly getting a Wii when it comes out. Oh boy oh boy, yezzur. And PS3? Hah, no thanks.
Already got a PS3 pre-ordered, which most likely will stay that until launch ($599 FTW!). I hoped to see something new from the Playstation Meeting which should’ve been last week but it seems it got cancelled for unknown reasons.

X360... nah, it got a few interesting games (Dead Rising, Gears of War and Lost Planet), I got to say, but I'm not really willing to buy yet another console just for those. PS3 got more interesting games as for the moment.

Wii... well, if I'll be getting one it'll probably be a year after the PS3 launch like I did with the Gamecube. I'm not really interested in it for the time being but we'll see what happens in the future.

PC... meh, I got an enough powerful computer for now. Not going to upgrade it for a loooong time. I only play Half-Life on it either way.
I'm insanely rich, and getting ALL OF THEM!!! MUHAHA!!!

Just take out the rich part.

All on release date.
I'll probably end up getting all of'em too eventually, I'll most surely buy the PS3 when MGS4 is out for it.:)
This should have been a checkbox poll.

I'm going for everything except PS3. I have 360, I'm getting a Wii on release day (hopefully), and I'm building a new PC in a couple weeks.
I'm going for the Wii first of all. The wii-mote sounds really interesting and it force the developers to think in a different way. I'm really bored of all the games nowadays, Ive seen it before and it doesnt offer anything new. The first generation games for Wii will most likley be old games reworked to work with the wii-mote, but when the second wave of games arrives, im sure we'll see a lot of new ideas.

And we can't forget about the special little feature Nintendo mentioned at E3. Indie developers are able to develop games for the Virtual Console for free or for a very little fee. I'm about to study game development and I've talked to the school and asked them what they thought about it, and they said that they are working to get a couple of Wii to our rooms so we can develop for it. It's an excellent platform to learn gamedesign because you could both do the normal, boring kind of games (WW2 shooters wooot!....) or go totally wild with it and make something really unique.

I'm really looking forward to it... gimme a Wii now.
Upgrading PC in a year or so tops, getting the Wii, MAYBE getting an XB360.
I already have a PC that I doubt I'll need to upgrade for a good few years. So yay.

I'm getting a Wii for sure, and I may get a PS3 if the price drops, mainly for MGS4..

As for a 360? Meh, maybe when the price drops...
I'll be getting a Wii on launch. Hopefully I'll be able to upgrade my computer for DX10 sometime early next spring.

Need to get a job first though. D:
Already have a decent PC, newly bought XBOX 360 and will buy PSP due to Silent Hill Origins. Might upgrade my PC some time after the release of Vista and possibly a PS3 in the next 5-10 years :D
I would probably just get all 3 consoles. MWAHAHAHAH!
Have the 360, getting the Wii, upgrading PC, **** the PS3

my money is going to PC upgrades
My statement was especially funny because I work at a LAN center. You never know.
Whichever one has the most games that I want to play...right now its PC, though I don't need much of an upgrade for the games I want to play. :E
PS3 has full blown version of linux on it. Alowing it to be used a as a pc.

Also this also alows homebrew game dev's.

If this is true. Possibly ps3
PS3 has full blown version of linux on it. Alowing it to be used a as a pc.

Also this also alows homebrew game dev's.

If this is true. Possibly ps3

Homebrew... on a Sony system? And Sony is fine with it? Not in this world mate.

Sure, they say its a computer and you can use it for browsing the net etc, but they would let people make homebrew games/programs on it. Not after all the fighting they have been doing with the PSP.
They did it with ps2 linux that was the point of ps2 linux so people could make home games. Although you had to pay for ps2 linux.(Which i've devleped some 2d games for)

This is the point of linux on ps3 and comes pre-installed.

Just the thought of being able to utilise the cell processor(Being used in some expensive blade servers now) makes me tingle.

Oh and quote

Because we have plans for having Linux on board [the PS3], we also recognize Linux programming activities… Other than game studios tied to official developer licenses, we'd like to see various individuals participate in content creation for the PS3.
—Izumi Kawanishi on the presence of the Linux in the PS3.[24]