PC Beta Sept. 29th, 27th with Origin pre-order

Dang, I was looking forward to trying Caspian Border too. :v Already tired of Metro.
Your favorite class is Sniper.

Havn't even touched the class, or any of the Sniper weapons. Nor have I in Bad Company 2, just genuinely can't really stand sniping in games like these. I'm Assault or Support all the time.
well we'tr supposed to get some kind of surprise on tomorrow...caspian border maybe?
I think the reason they took it down was because the servers kept crashing so they are probably fixing it as we speak.
i saw that surprise thing on a ''flyer'' on the front page of battlefieldo, but i could swear the actual news post didn't mention anything about it all. i presumed it might be that PR guy and other devs just playing on servers for q&a, but i secretly hope it's caspian border but right now, i'm not so hopeful - if just because i was amped for it two days ago and hearing that it has shut for good is pretty crushing.
Havn't even touched the class, or any of the Sniper weapons. Nor have I in Bad Company 2, just genuinely can't really stand sniping in games like these. I'm Assault or Support all the time.

Congrats on being good at Operation Metro then, I have quite a lot of trouble spotting enemies with just normal scopes/sights! It's why I suspected you mainly played sniper.
i've noticed a trend: everyone who kills me is either an engineer or recon, which is frustrating, because that would explain as to why i barely ever get revived if folk on my team are with a similar mindset. i'm putting it down to a) engineer being good at close quarters in the subways and b) recon snipers using the length of the subway tunnels for long-range kills, which is again frustrating. this map is made best for assault and support because of it's close confines, but yet the two classes that shouldn't work very well - one for repairing vehicles, the other for long-to-mid range maps - seem to work very well.

i cannot believe that people actually put a torch on their weapon, though. i'll be blunt by saying you're a fool if you do :P
i cannot believe that people actually put a torch on their weapon, though. i'll be blunt by saying you're a fool if you do :P
Tactical Flashlight has saved my life numerous times. I put it on my UMP and one time someone was shooting at me, so I put the flashlight in his face and strafed to the right. He had no idea where I actually was as I kept the flashlight on his face as I shot him. I escaped with 37% health left.

The trick to using the tactical flashlight is turning it off and on depending on the situation. If it's on all the time, you're going to give away you're position. It's very useful for arming the M-COM and then blinding people as they stream in trying to disarm.
Well it CAN blind 3 or 4 people at once, giving you a slight edge, until they all let rip on the source of light. And the fact that the light is on straight away when you spawn is quite funny. It's like fish in a barrel when you're running along and waving the light back and forth.

See I'm the opposite in Metro though. It's either support guys lying down near the sides of the trains or assault guys with that damn AEK.

We couldnt get upstairs last match to the 3rd set of mcoms. They had every entrance covered from multiple angles and nade-spammed us to hell and gone. Try to flank right up the stairs and burst down the corridor to get behind them but 2 support guys with bipods at the end of the corridor = impossible to get past.
It was one of those moments where I rage quitted thinking the game was unbalanced or unfair, which it isnt, we were just soundly beaten. Bit of a blind way to get through the map though up those escalators. Especially the 2nd set where you can get by anyone in the full 360.

And Ive seen some people with colonel ranks and have weapon unlocked. Something to do with leaked server details or something, levels you up to 145.

Speaking of which, I cant help but feel leveling is happening too fast. I started on thursday night, played almost every day since for a good 5 hours a night and am just about lvl 19/150. At that rate though I would reach 150 in like a month. That seems way too fast.

Even though there are like a bagillion stars to get for the weapons and loads of unlocks, which still LOOK like a small amount in battlelog.

[edit] And I feel like an idiot asking this; how does one chat in-game? Is there a key? Is it something you have to join in battlelog first?

Its the first thing that has me confused with the new system.
And Ive seen some people with colonel ranks and have weapon unlocked. Something to do with leaked server details or something, levels you up to 145.

Speaking of which, I cant help but feel leveling is happening too fast. I started on thursday night, played almost every day since for a good 5 hours a night and am just about lvl 19/150. At that rate though I would reach 150 in like a month. That seems way too fast.

Even though there are like a bagillion stars to get for the weapons and loads of unlocks, which still LOOK like a small amount in battlelog.

The devs said they're tweaking leveling for the final release. It's going to be slower.
Engi is god tier in this game.
The devs said they're tweaking leveling for the final release. It's going to be slower.

Thank god for that then.

They say a year to unlock everything. Im really happy with that. I've owned BC2 on and off over the last 2 or 3 years and am impressed at how long it takes to level from 40 to 50, so when I see a 50, I know he/she has earned it and is undoubtedly better than me.
This is crap.

I won't be buying if Origin+Firefox have to be loaded.

I absolutely hate this too. Wasn't keeping up with news and had no idea this was part of the deal. :l

Dice altered the deal. I pray they don't alter it any further.

i've noticed a trend: everyone who kills me is either an engineer or recon, which is frustrating, because that would explain as to why i barely ever get revived if folk on my team are with a similar mindset. i'm putting it down to a) engineer being good at close quarters in the subways and b) recon snipers using the length of the subway tunnels for long-range kills, which is again frustrating. this map is made best for assault and support because of it's close confines, but yet the two classes that shouldn't work very well - one for repairing vehicles, the other for long-to-mid range maps - seem to work very well.

i cannot believe that people actually put a torch on their weapon, though. i'll be blunt by saying you're a fool if you do :P
Call me a fool if you want, but you won't when I come around a corner with a flashlight on the end of my UMP and blind your whole squad who fire at a spot 5 feet to my left while I mow down you and three of your friends. That's also just because the UMP is really OP.
When I unlocked the UMP, my k:d ratio tripled. DICE has had a hardon for the UMP for a while.
The UMP and the PP-2000 need to be nerfed. Most of the PDW's probably do too, if they handle like the other PDWs
Call me a fool if you want, but you won't when I come around a corner with a flashlight on the end of my UMP and blind your whole squad who fire at a spot 5 feet to my left while I mow down you and three of your friends. That's also just because the UMP is really OP.

not gonna happen pal, just got out of about 6 sessions of the game and in at least three of them i just fired full auto towards a great white light. if anything, the light is the easier target to shoot at, as sometimes i do find myself mis-registering my targets as friendlies or foes because of the jumble of brown and green garbs that are cast in shadow sprinting around all the time!

i should reiterate, though: people who have the flashlight on constantly. there is a tactical edge to it, but not one i find much use for. there have been several things that have grated on my nerves these last few days (as of the last game i played, the UMP is now one of them), but the light hasn't bothered me at all. like i said, it helps my targeting if anything.

currently rocking the M4 with a suppressor and a bipod. i had no idea you could have a bipod on assault classes, and with a suppressor attached - whilst it does hinder your damage and range somewhat - i still love this combo because it makes me feel like a medium-range marksman. all i need now is to squad up with a friend who plays recon, get on a really big map and then play sniper and spotter down range. yas! game is making me more happy the more i unlock.
You really gotta wonder if anyone at Dice actually plays Video Games....alot of shit has gone horribly wrong with this Game.It's still fun but it could be so much better.
Why is PP-2000 overpowered then? It just has a high rof, just like in BC2.

And the UMP isnt THAT great. Especially at a distance. God its like throwing marshmallows at your target.
To be fair, I'm tearing it up with the PP-2000 and the laser pointer and foregrip. It may just be my personal playstyle though, I tend to get stuck right in there so the accurate shooting from the hip is very useful...

The shotguns seem overpowered from a distance. Seems a bit odd that you can get one-shot-killed from the other side of a long corridor with one.
I just can't enjoy this game, and I've really tried. I'm level 13 now, but I just can't play it for more than a round at a time.

I hate how EA leaves steam to start their own service, they fail miserably at it, but people still use Origin because they want BF3. "Oh look, you want to play BF3 okay, let's launch chrome! Now install some plugins! Then we'll open the game!"

- I install origin on my D drive, but when I tried to install BF3 both the 'gamedata' and 'downloadcache' folders were AUTOMATICALLY put on my C: drive. How ****ing brilliant is that?
- during the origin install process, I unchecked all the options (facebook, email, etc) for people to find me. But when I went into Origin's settings I noticed all those options that I unchecked are NOW CHECKED, and Origin added even more options and CHECKED THOSE ALSO. awesome!
- why can't the server browser be built into origin or the game...oh right, because then EA couldn't sell advertising space or try and start their own little social network, amiriteguys? please click hooyah! if you agree!
- if battlelog handles finding games and launching the game, why do I even need origin? Oh right, gotta keep me attached to EA somehow!

This was going to be a day 0 buy for me, but now I don't even think I'll buy it at all. I just hope MW3 didn't do anything as ****ing stupid as origin and ea.

- can't knife people who are prone
- can't open the 'esc' menu while dead, or loading a game, or choosing a class, or at the round end, or while waiting for spawn. WTF
- flash lights blind you completely, even in bright sunlight
- prone people, everywhere. I thought removing prone from BC2 was a very smart idea...now they've just increased how people can camp.
- snipers, everywhere.
- can't prime grenades
- If the knife animation is auto-aim, why can't I auto-block during the animation?
Origin: Fair complaints, it's pretty much a piece of shit
Knife: You can, sometimes, it's just ropey because it's a beta
Menu: Agreed. It's retarded, AND the excuse they used before ("If you can't click "exit" while you're dead, you won't ragequit when you die!") doesn't fly thanks to Battlelog.
Flashlights: They're supposed to blind you completely, that's what Tac Lights are for!
Prone: Did you play BF2? :p
Snipers: I haven't had that much trouble with them. I've found a pretty equal distribution of classes in all but a handful of matches. Are you playing on console?
Grenades: Kind of annoying, yeah, but technically the military trains you to not cook grenades, because fuses have inexact timers. And this way they're tools for area denial rather than instantly massacring the enemy team.
Knife blocking: It'd ruin balance. The reward for putting your weapon away and walking up to an enemy is a sweet first-person kill. The cost of letting that enemy get close to you is a sweet first-person death.
going back to re: the tactical light, i do agree with it being even sillier in broad daylight. flashlights do not work that way.
I thought that for a while, but it turns out tac lights are insanely, ridiculously bright. A normal flashlight or Mag-Lite or whichever other consumer-grade light you like will usually hit about 100-200 lumens. Military-grade tactical lights reach at least 4000. The outdoor brightness is exaggerated, for sure, but tac lights blind the absolute shit out of you in real life.
I kind of like the scope glint too.

Its just the right size and is quite realistic I guess.
I kind of like the scope glint too.

Its just the right size and is quite realistic I guess.

I still don't know when exactly it appears. Initial reports said that scope glint happens with snipers who are camping prone for a while, but I think I've seen it happen with snipers who are standing up and definitely not camping (running even). I just get the feeling that snipers are more visible than an assault with a scoped M16 (which works fine as a sniper rifle with a heavy barrel and bipod) which would be pretty lame. I think I would prefer it if a sniper has no glint on his scope unless he's holding his breath, and then increase normal sway to make holding your breath before a shot the preferred way.
It appears only when he the sniper looks down his scope from what Ive seen personally, read and heard. Its automatic and is affected by your angle on the sniper himself, so not everyone in a 180 arc can see it.

And is only limited to sniper scopes I THINK, as Ive seen nobody with an acog flashing back at me, but pretty sure I saw a flash from a guy with an M16 with a 6x scope.

Still, bout time snipers paid, but they're still an annoyance. Seeing the glint when you're sprinting forward = dead in a few seconds if you dont duck, dive or change your angle. Nice to know when a shot is about to come though. And you just pour it onto the glint which is oh-so-satisfying.

Snipers are whining it's too big (the glint). I think its fine. On a huge map you will barely notice it at range.
Playing Sniper is even more fun then in BC2.
You can pwn from a distance and get close with Glock and kill 4 people with a single mag.Good shit.
the Silenced Glock need a new sound though.
I thought that for a while, but it turns out tac lights are insanely, ridiculously bright. A normal flashlight or Mag-Lite or whichever other consumer-grade light you like will usually hit about 100-200 lumens. Military-grade tactical lights reach at least 4000. The outdoor brightness is exaggerated, for sure, but tac lights blind the absolute shit out of you in real life.

Wickedlasers makes the most powerful flashlight in the world at 4100 lumens, not only will it burn paper, light matches, and cook an egg but it's battery life is about 5 minutes. http://wickedlasers.com/lasers/The_Torch-74-41.html

If you check out surefire's website: http://www.surefire.com/RifleCarbineSMGLightSystems

and look through their tactical lights the highest output one you'll see is http://www.surefire.com/M962XM07-with-Throw-lever-mount which is 225 lumens.

I've seen people throw around this 4,000 lumen number quite a few times now, and on a number of forums...so I'm not sure where it got started, but it's a bit of an over estimation.
200 is pretty damn bright, by the way. Considering the standard commercial flashlight is about 50 average.
starting to unlock a whole host of new tech that i am DESPERATE to use on a map outside of operation metro. for everything i feel about that map being chaotic, frantic and pretty rinse-repeat... there is still something that makes me say ''oh, another round, then!'' each and every night, and i think it's the addiction of getting back into the middle of it and reviving your squad mates, laying down covering fire, resupplying guys, earning that next bit of tech, unlocking the next rifle, room clearing with the shotgun, suppressing with the SAW, long-ranging with the rifle scoped M4 and so forth...

basically, if i'm enjoying the **** out of this one map, then i simply cannot wait to get into the full game and do all of this on a whole host of new environments. i've barely touched the engineer and recon because i'm quite liking the idea of saying them until release.
Well this explains about 75% of my bullshit deaths.

Wow, I didn't know bullet registrations were handled client side. :/ Now I'm no networking guru but surely having the bullets register server side (like in almost every other game) it'd be fairer since all bullets are being registered on the same "playing field" and sent out to all clients. Rather than a single client registering one bullet, sending that to the server, then the server sending it back to the player and out to every other client.

Plus this might be a problem when hackers figure out how to mess with the bullet registrations being sent from their machine I guess?
Frankly, this is just an exacerbated problem that all PC games have, and another reason why fast-paced MP games don't appeal to me. If things are done client-side, then you always hit what you're looking at, but your position as it appears to other players is lagging behind your actual position due to latency, so they can still shoot and kill you when you've just ducked into cover, because to them, you're still not behind it yet. On the flip-side, if its done on the server's side, and you have a lot of latency, you can aim and shoot directly at someone without actually hitting them, because, again, what you see is actually a few milliseconds in the past.

In the last-case he shows on the video, my assumption is that, the other player actually got first hit and in fact killed him before he shot. However, the latency issue meant his computer was delayed in receiving that info, and so his computer let him play out a situation that didn't actually happen in the server's world.

But yeah, there's definitely something bogging down the netcode for the game, because it should not be that pronounced.
Yep, still dying behind a rock or inside a building after behind hit a second or two earlier, and your body gets dragged back to where you got shot, just like in BC2. Combo of lag and poor hit detection?
Sounds like just a lag issue to me Dynasty (haven't watched the video yet).
Frankly, this is just an exacerbated problem that all PC games have, and another reason why fast-paced MP games don't appeal to me. If things are done client-side, then you always hit what you're looking at, but your position as it appears to other players is lagging behind your actual position due to latency, so they can still shoot and kill you when you've just ducked into cover, because to them, you're still not behind it yet. On the flip-side, if its done on the server's side, and you have a lot of latency, you can aim and shoot directly at someone without actually hitting them, because, again, what you see is actually a few milliseconds in the past.
This times a billion. I wish Valve would license out their netcode, I really do.

And now I sleep!