PC Beta Sept. 29th, 27th with Origin pre-order


The Freeman
Dec 2, 2003
Reaction score
Thread title says it all. Can hardly contain mahself. Woooo

In before Origin shitstorm.

Sauce: http://kotaku.com/5842054/battlefield-3-open-beta-starts-next-week

correction edit by Ennui: beta for PC, 360, and PS3 starts Thursday, Sept. 29th. For those of you who preordered on Origin or got early access from the Medal of Honor limited edition, you will be able to play on Tuesday the 27th. Sunday the 25th is the last day that you can pre-order on Origin and still be eligible for early beta access (on the 27th rather than the 29th). If you go to http://battlefield.com/beta there is an FAQ for any other questions.

edit2: beta early access is out! Post your Origin names. Mine is BabyHeadCrab
*27th with Origin pre-order

I can't wait, though I would have prefered to play an open conquest map for the beta...
Ah good call. If a mod sees this thread I'd appreciate an update to my OP title.
odd that they aren't testing a 64 player conquest map on PC...
still excited though!
Does the retail version require Origin? If it does, instant pirate.
Of course it does. The MP requires origin. Have fun playing Single Player exclusively.

The Steam overlay should work just fine, though.
i'm excited, but was anticipating a caspian border beta play. operation metro has been done to death and only showcases close quater combat and one vehicle for one section. surely caspian border is looking like the all-round package to define a battlefield title?

still, roll on the 19th.
I really hope they make a surprise announcement the day before the beta. "Remember how we said a while back that all maps work for all game modes? Enjoy Operation Metro on Conquest tomorrow."
I'm excited, but I was really hoping for conquest. Don't get me wrong, I'm going to play the shit out of this, but I just won't be as giddy.
I was kinda hoping it would have been the Caspian map, but beggars can't be choosers.
Fixed the OP. The 25th is the last day that you can pre-order on Origin for early beta access (which starts on the 27th). Beta starts for everyone else on the 29th.

http://battlefield.com/beta has info for those of you wondering how to get early beta access if you have the Medal of Honor LE code etc.

Looks like it will be same as the alpha, just rush on Operation Metro... I am disappointed it's not Caspian Border 64 player conquest, but like Shaker said, beggars can't be choosers... and for all of you who weren't in the Alpha, prepare to have a blast with Operation Metro :D
Call me the Devil's Advocate here, but its a little shady that they're doing a PC beta on a console style map with a console level of players and a console based gamemode. Could be more COD fanbase marketing, or maybe the PC version's not in a decent state still. Just sayin'.
Call me the Devil's Advocate here, but its a little shady that they're doing a PC beta on a console style map with a console level of players and a console based gamemode. Could be more COD fanbase marketing, or maybe the PC version's not in a decent state still. Just sayin'.

Yeah, that's what a lot of people are worried about. Including me.
Makes sense. They probably still have a lot of optimization to do. It'd be a shame if it was a rush-job (ha..ha). But they've talked up how it's first and foremost a PC game and designed to push even the highest end hardware to it's limits, that probably needs a little bit more internal QA so the press doesn't shit down their throats.
29th it is then, I think it should be "Any Pre-order will receive the Beta on the 27th" but whatever.
Seeing as I was about to pay 37.40 to get BF3 (PC) guaranteed before 11am on release date, I switched to pre-order from Origin and pay 39.99 for the convenience of downloading again whenever I want, pre-loading the game for release date and, of course, 2 days early Beta access.

But I'll cancel it and get it from Amazon again if the EA download servers choke and it takes a day to download.

The Beta is PROBABLY going to crash. ''We didnt expect so many people'' is the usual BS excuse for the media.

The pre-order early access codes are only going out to those of us who pre-order through Origin or who bought MoH before the 25th of September, which leads me to believe they will send out Beta codes to the account emails on the 25th or 26th. It's confirmed you cant pre-load the Beta either. Bitch but hey.

Thats based on the fact that I havent received my beta code yet though (as of 20th of Sep) and Im sure loads of others havent, unless you have your MoH email still hanging around.
I looked that up to make sure I read it correctly. Amazon is selling it for £29.99 and it's £39.99 on Origin. Why the crazy difference?
Because Origin is designed to force higher prices for goods and services across the board.

[edit] damn you stormy! and also me for sitting here for 10 minutes not posting.
god dammit, and i was going to wait for the 28th because that's my birthday and I should have a birthday code...
No way am I paying £40 for a PC game. Especially when every other PC game out there is generally around £26 new at release (On Steam or in store).

Retail for me, but looking forward to playing it again!
My body and computer is ready.

Yeah I finally caved in and bought from Origin. I was going to get this from GameStop because it would look nice above my desk with HL2 and HL: Platinum Collection (oh and that Headcrab plush). However I found out that this deal technically isn't like a SteamWORKS game. Recently I found out with those Steam titles you can get the cd-key for dirt cheap somewhere and register it on Steam. This BF3 deal though explicitly states you must buy from Origin. $63.74 those jerks got from me. My birthday was on the 15th as well (I turned 24) and did I get a "hey congrats, here have this 25% off code that you didn't illegally get by setting up a fake account"? Stupid customer support wouldn't even give me one! :x I'm hool10 on Origin. Looks like Ennui (who is 3nnui), DigiQ8, and Gargantuo on on there as well.
I don't understand - why did you buy from Origin if it's more expensive? What BF3 deal are you talking about?
I preordered on Origin as well. Didn't really care for a physical copy of the game, and it was only a couple bucks more expensive for me anyways. Hopefully I should be good to go for the beta on Tuesday :D
I looked that up to make sure I read it correctly. Amazon is selling it for £29.99 and it's £39.99 on Origin. Why the crazy difference?

Yeah it's 29.99, but because I went with the guaranteed delivery (unless it snows which it probably will), it adds another 8 or so on top.

And as I have a tendancy to lose discs when moving, digital is much more convenient.

Though an extra 10 for a download is ridiculous.

BUT, I guess it's justified as the cost of keeping servers up etc, renting space for the servers blah blah blah works out more expensive per game than pressing a disc and whipping up a now pointless manual. Then add a fiver on top because its EA.

And I still havent recieved my key yet. I'll be on EA's ass if it's not arrived by tomorrow (26th), otherwise what's the point in getting 2 days headstart when I have to use one of those days waiting for the key on the 27th then having to download it after work?

I bought MoH back in the day but dont remember getting any email about BF3 beta. SO now that I have pre-ordered through Origin, have I already been assigned a key so wont get a new one? I dunno. And I havent even recieved a confirmation email about getting BF3 on Origin (preordering it) so I hope my email is linked properly, though I checked BEFORE I preordered it and it was correct so...I dunno now. Guess it's not the end of the world what with it going public on friday. I'll just get in touch with EA and cancel through Origin and re-order with Amazon if I dont get the key in time.

The demo section on Origin where EA say we get the beta from (pre-orders and MoH owners) isnt even on Origin yet with 1 day to go. What the hell is EA playing at?
The demo section on Origin where EA say we get the beta from (pre-orders and MoH owners) isnt even on Origin yet with 1 day to go. What the hell is EA playing at?
It's not even the 26th yet. And no one knows exactly what time the beta will be ready for play.
$10 buck the server browser will down on launch for 2 days because of the flood and then EA will offer coupons on the Origin store as an Apology lol
BUT, I guess it's justified as the cost of keeping servers up etc, renting space for the servers blah blah blah works out more expensive per game than pressing a disc and whipping up a now pointless manual.

Not really. If that was the case how does Steam manage? It has more games, more users and way cheaper prices. It's simply pure greed. EA get 100% of the money from Origin orders, so I guess they thought they'd go ahead and make a bit more by slapping a premium price on it.

It's probably more expensive to make a physical copy then stick the files on the server and press unlock. Also, since they're still making more money from digital than retail, that should cover any costs easily and they would still make more money then with retail most likely.
Anyone who is paying an extra £10 just to play a Beta two days earlier really needs to look at what they're doing.
Tell that to Cyberpitz..... :p

Anyway technically I paid $50 for that POS Medal of Honor to play early.One of the few games where the SP is much better then the MP
Anyone who is paying an extra £10 just to play a Beta two days earlier really needs to look at what they're doing.

This is true, but I bet we would have done the same when HL2 came out back in the day if it were an option.

And I havent been this excited about a game since HL2 so...stands to reason I would waste money for it.

Turns out EA are sending invites out at midnight tonight.
I don't understand - why did you buy from Origin if it's more expensive? What BF3 deal are you talking about?
It's more expensive because Origin taxes their games. If you pre-order on Origin you also get the early unlocks, early beta, back to karkand, etc. However today I got a 25% off code for my "birthday" from a fake account I setup. So now that it's already bought I have to contact customer support and see if they can give me the game for $43. It's not even for 25% off and in fact it varies for each game. It's 10% off for BF3, 15% off for FIFA and like 5% off for Harry Potter. The coupon says it's good for 25% off EA. :|
for people in the U.S

BestBuy is offering a 40% trade in bonus if you pre-order BF3.
So if you have any older Games go get!
when do MOH owners on STEAM get their key?
Within the next few hours I hope.I wanna play 12:01.....
I've pre-ordered it but i have yet to get a key.
Got my beta key from the Origin pre-order, now I just gotta wait to get home from girlfriend's house when she gets back from class to play, pretty psyched! Any other hl2.netters have early access? Post Origin names, I'm BabyHeadCrab on Origin as well.