PC Gamer Exclusive Half-Life 2 Review

hunteraz said:
lol, that looks so fake.

Too bad it's been confirmed, multiple times, by multiple sources that it is indeed real :) I think the cover looks great.. it's all it needs.. a HL2 logo. :D
If we can't post the review, can we at least post the final score and coments ?
damn...i knew i shouldn't have cancelled my subscription after the quake IV issue :\
Then I'm a happy man.

What is the sneak peack you got ?
Actually, because most subscribers get issues at 40-60% off, they usually arrive at homes about 2 weeks after they hit stands. Hey you already got a discount, you want it first too, phhhhht!

I also just got the Q4 issue so I will probably end up buying the HL2 issue off the stand if I want to see it before all the spoilers are posted.
Cool for you american ppl ! too bad for us euopean :( Cool anyways ! I like the cover of the PC gamer ! 100% HL2 :D that is the shit
Why post any info bout the review?

We all know its gonna be greeeeeeeeaaaaaat :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:
Anyone thinking of leaving the forums when the reviews start pouring in? I'd really want to, but then again I'd feel like I'm missing something. The public chaos is so entertaining. Just like when Doom 3 went gold. 17 "d00m 3 has g0ne g01d" threads in a day...

I'm going to have a hard time avoiding the reviews and pictures...I'm a big wussy when it comes to possible spoilers
I'll be on vacation, whn this thing hits stores. Hope they'll have it there, too :-)
Seppo said:
Anyone thinking of leaving the forums when the reviews start pouring in? I'd really want to, but then again I'd feel like I'm missing something. The public chaos is so entertaining. Just like when Doom 3 went gold. 17 "d00m 3 has g0ne g01d" threads in a day...

I'm going to have a hard time avoiding the reviews and pictures...I'm a big wussy when it comes to possible spoilers

Well, I'm going to be going away on Saturday for a month (with little net access) so I'm pretty safe. Hooray.
I'm still sceptical about the review. I mean, it's a world exclusive review.

PCGamer gets an exclusive copy to review -> the magazine sells very well -> PCG is being paid pretty good by the publisher and in turn needs to write a "positive" review.

Call me a sceptic, but that's usually the way it goes.
It's a valid point. Although you could probably just as equally suggest a negative review in face of all the hype surrounding the game would send shockwaves around the gaming scene. If the mighty Half-Life 2 was found not be all 'that'... People would then probably buy the magazine just as much to find out why.

So it could work either way.
So if your a subscriber in the Us for Pm gamer you get it this week? I believe thats the holiday issue. Pc gamer us has 13 issue a year.

EDIT: Just checked my Pc Gamer mags. and the holiday issue is after december issue.
Concept said:
It's a valid point. Although you could probably just as equally suggest a negative review in face of all the hype surrounding the game would send shockwaves around the gaming scene. If the mighty Half-Life 2 was found not be all 'that'... People would then probably buy the magazine just as much to find out why.

So it could work either way.

very true.

And about the review... people can quote individual sections of it, and summerize it in GENERAL.
User Name said:
Yeah, probably.

I am so glad I am a subscriber to this magazine. I am going to be waiting next to mailbox everyday this week.

Erm... magazine usually are on the stands before subscribers get them no? I could be wrong.
Well I'm happy to read any feedback, but I hope the spoilers are kept to a minimum. I want to enjoy playing the game, not replaying what Mr Reviewer did.
PC Gamer Exclusive Half-Life 2 Review
that word exclusive is bs

they announced it over 2 weeks ago already that they played and finished the game 9 page revieuw with own made screenshots
I like to get my info from multiple sources. Will we be allowed to post translations of the reviews (though I do not know how to translate from American to American. Maybe I could post it in l337 :E)? I know Non-English/American into American is okay but I sense trouble with English/American into American. Right?
Alec_85 said:
I like to get my info from multiple sources. Will we be allowed to post translations of the reviews (though I do not know how to translate from American to American. Maybe I could post it in l337 :E)? I know Non-English/American into American is okay but I sense trouble with English/American into American. Right?
Check your PMs for my response on this.
killerluk said:
PC Gamer Exclusive Half-Life 2 Review
that word exclusive is bs

they announced it over 2 weeks ago already that they played and finished the game 9 page revieuw with own made screenshots

PCGamer(US) will be in peoples hands, with the review, faster than any other one.
killerluk said:
PC Gamer Exclusive Half-Life 2 Review
that word exclusive is bs

they announced it over 2 weeks ago already that they played and finished the game 9 page revieuw with own made screenshots
Yes, but it isn't in the shops yet, is it?
I'm not really that worried about looking at a review for a game that I already know is going to be amazing. even though I am really excited about it. If you have viewed the BINK videos, you would share my sentiment. I viewed videos of gameplay from Doom3 prior to its release, and honestly, i wasn't impresssed. It was just subpar. When I first saw the gameplay vids from HL2, I almost shit my pants. That's enough to do it for me folks.
I'm definitely interested to see what they recommend for Half-Life 2, PC-wise. I'll be buying a new computer (or upgrading an old one) as soon as I can get some definite, set-in-stone system requirements and recommendations.
If this is a picture of the cover of the December issue of PC Gamer, then why does it say "September 2004" on the cover?

EDIT: Apparently I can't read. it says december
Swizzel said:
damn...i knew i shouldn't have cancelled my subscription after the quake IV issue :\
Hey Swizzel you should be fine. After I cancelled mine back in like May, I got like 4 more issues (without the disk) with them trying to get me back.... So you should still probably get this one, unfortunately I wont... ah oh well...
Screw all these facking magazines! :flame: TESIV had a world exclusive in a mag I can't find and now this.

Luckily, my friend has a subscription to Games Informer (TESIV preview) so I can read that.

But this requires me to drive to a grocery store and sniff it out if people haven't already grabbed them!

This sucks. :x
Yeh, atleast the score, what are you going to do if thats not allowed, go round all the forums and delte any posts where people are giving the scores of mag reviews? :P

EDIT When will subscribers be getting it then?
I can imagine the PCGamer review for HL2:

"Half-Life 2 review exclusive!!!
Meh this game blows... go buy Doom3 or Far Cry...or better yet, PONG!"

Then it has 2 pages of Doom 3 and Far Cry pictures, and 10 pages of super-duper PONG! pictures :D

Oh no, all that waiting for nothing!

(j/k btw)
Kristafon said:
Yeh, atleast the score, what are you going to do if thats not allowed, go round all the forums and delte any posts where people are giving the scores of mag reviews? :P

EDIT When will subscribers be getting it then?

This week. Read the news post.

SubKamran said:
Screw all these facking magazines! :flame: TESIV had a world exclusive in a mag I can't find and now this.

Luckily, my friend has a subscription to Games Informer (TESIV preview) so I can read that.

But this requires me to drive to a grocery store and sniff it out if people haven't already grabbed them!

This sucks. :x

Wait, you hate magazines because you have to leave your house to get them?

SIN55 said:
(j/k btw)

I'm distubed because you thought it neccessary to say that you were joking. I don't want to meet the person who thought you were being serious.
This is a must have for anyone that calls themselves a Half-Life 2 fan. So if you aren’t already a subscriber already (you should be) rush out and get it as soon as it hits store shelves.

Nice advertisement, does HL2.net have stock in PCG or its parent company?
X-Vector said:
Nice advertisement, does HL2.net have stock in PCG or its parent company?
Does money need to be involved for someone to like a magazine and express it in some way?
The Mullinator said:
Does money need to be involved for someone to like a magazine and express it in some way?

Yes. PC Gamer UK rocks.

*shows off his flashy new hat, bought with PC Gamer UK advertising money*
Feath said:
I'm distubed because you thought it neccessary to say that you were joking. I don't want to meet the person who thought you were being serious.
Well you never know these days, people will call you a D3 fanboy or HL hater at the slightest little comment...

But anyway, I don't care much for HL2 reviews. I think we've seen enough of HL2 to judge if its a worthy game to buy or not. I think it will be, so why do we even need a review? To spoil the neat little unknown features for us? pffft.
1) It places more pressure for Vivendi not to take the six month delay route if they choose to do (which is admittedly unlikely).

2) It's another stepping stone closer to release.

3) It confirms opinion on the final product.