This month's PC Gamer magazine has a new exclusive interview with valve. It focuses on the modding aspects of Half-Life 2 so if you are a developer it is worth a read. Head down to your nearest newsagent to pick it up.
Heh, and then summarize the key points for us. Though, knowing Valve and how the magazine industry works, we probably know far more about the game than the "experts" at PCGamer.
i suscribe, but dont have a scanner for you guys. theres not really any new info anyway. basiclly it says:
1) you need to be a fairly well known mod developer and be in seattle to get the SDK and VALVe to help you with a mod.
2) maps will be able to be sent from HL1 format to HL2 format, not the textures though.
3) how the new SDK will help you create a mod.
4) Gabe hopes that people will use the SDK to create mods not in the FPS genera and how cool it will be
5) VALVe will support the mod community just like how its been doing in the past.
6) how easy it will be to go from working on HL1 to HL2 for a modder.
7) how the mod-ability of HL1 made it last so long
thats about it, nothing new, just some differnt wording on old Q's. this month does have a bunch of nice info on other upcomming games like max payne 2 though, so its defenetly worth a read.