PC Gamer January Issue!


Sucked so much dick for this title
Aug 29, 2006
Reaction score
Just got it yesterday. Full Spore column! omg! Talks all bout the vehicle editor and how even a 60-year old can do it!
Cpt. Stern will be thrilled! He's always wanted to edit vehicles.

What's spore?
Vehicles that evolve from shit flinging gorilla mechs to alien Hell machines?
It's a vehicle-editor. Have you played Gal Civ 2? You can make anything you want. Or you use other's creations. The UFO is the only ship that can go to other planets, though.
I've played played it a tiny bit but never used the vehicle editor.

In the vehicles you create are your actual living things you create able to get in and drive them or is the vehicle a thing on it's own you just sort of click on and drive around ?
it was indeed a good article

can't wait to play spore
It'd be sweet if you could create a huge fleet of alien warships and break atmo with them... and conquer the universe!