PC GAMER new HL2 info.


May 25, 2003
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I currently went to the local mall and browsed through the magazine collection. I couldn't help but nitice the cover of PC GAMER.

As I remember correctly it said on the front that it shows you inside how to get the SDK Tools for HL2.

The store owner was closly watching me as I went through an open issue of the magazine. As far as I could read and see I couldn't find where it said where to get the SDK but I did see a picture of the SDK that I have never seen before.

One with alyx in one corner of the screen and some zig zag (sound wave lines) to the right of her.
It said below the shot that it's the lip sync tool that is included with the SDK.

In the end I couldn't buy the copy because I didnt have any money.

I dont think its in that vid if i'm not mistaken...

EDIT: If it is the vid where they make her arm move up and looks kinda jerky then it isnt from that vid...
if you're talking about the PC Gamer with Gandalf on the front, I haven't read it...and therefore don't know what you're talking about.

But I do remember one of the copies that I do have saying something about the SDK on the front. Unfortunately it only says in the article a brief synopsis of what tools will be included, and that in order to get it, you need to have a credible mod team and live in Seattle.
Which issue of PCGamer is this? and it was in the U.S.? because I thought someone already posted what was in the latest pcgamer about hl2 (which wasn't much), didn't mention any of this sdk stuff.
That's last month's issue. The November issue is out already. I got mine the other day. No new hl2 info, except for the release date. Which they now have at Nov 19th. *sigh*
Ah right, that's the old one, it's just that if you are a real mod team you can try to get the sdk from valve.
From what I remember of that issue Insane Fool is rigght. Modders interested would have to take a trip to Valve to have a tutorial at their headquarters.
October is next month so this is the new issue....

october is right after september if i'm not mistaken and we are in seprember now....
yeah...and I got that particular issue, on the 10th I think...of september.
And when I went to preorder HL2 from EB yesterday I seen the November issue staring me straight in the face.
Uh, no. Believe it or not, the November PC Gamer issue actually comes out in Sept. I am not kidding.

EDIT: In reply to BWMASTER
I have the Nov issue as well. I like the Conconut Monkey for Governor of California spoof.

Time to go back to classes. Bio 101 here I come.
This "How to get the SDK thing" basically just says that if you go to a MOD developer's conference, you can get it there, but that it won't be released to the public before the game is :( Oh well.

I used to have a subscription too and it's true that the March edition is out in January, the April edition in February, etc.
SDK mod thing = XSI? If so, it's really not the SDK, just an extension of an existing piece of software designed for the source engine (model design specifically).
I got that one a loooong time ago... in fact, I already have the one after that...